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Game on July 4, 2019 at 08:42, 1 player
1. 52 pts babsbedi

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aeistv   H8    76    76   estival
 2. aaceinu  14D    63   139   acauline
 3. adhiotw  15A    54   193   dhow
 4. adilmty  11E    52   245   timidly
 5. bilmoot  15K    32   277   timbo
 6. aiklrst   8A    89   366   starlike
 7. aclnopr   C2    78   444   coplanar
 8. dehnrtu   A1    89   533   thunders
 9. aeijnos  G13    35   568   jun
10. eefgipt   B2    32   600   if
11. eflorsy  12A    36   636   foyles
12. ?eegiqu   9H    79   715   squilgee
13. deiorrv   O2    89   804   override
14. aegostz   N7    40   844   geez
15. ainostw  10F    32   876   wat
16. abinosx  12K    31   907   axion
17. abeenop   L3    78   985   openable
18. aegrstu   E1    68  1053   gestural

Remaining tiles: eo

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6713 Filebabsbedi    0  1:43 -1001   52     1.6713 babsbedi    0  1:43 -1001   52 

On 1st draw, ESTIVA(L) H8 76 --- ESTIVAL pertaining to summer [adj]
Other tops: AVI(A)TES H3 76, AVI(D)EST H3 76, A(C)TIVES H8 76, STA(T)IVE H7 76, S(T)ATIVE H7 76, VAI(N)EST H4 76, VASTIE(R) H4 76, VE(R)ITAS H4 76, VISTAE(D) H4 76, (A)VIATES H3 76, (D)ATIVES H8 76, (N)ATIVES H8 76, (W)AVIEST H2 76
Other moves: AVI(A)TES H2 70, AVI(A)TES H4 70, AVI(A)TES H6 70, AVI(A)TES H7 70, AVI(A)TES H8 70
VISTA H4 24 babsbedi

On 2nd draw, ACAU(L)INE 14D 63 --- ACAULINE having no stem [adj]
Other moves: (L)ACUNAE 14H 28, EUCAIN 7E 22, INCAVE 12D 22, VAUNCE 12H 22, VICUNA 12H 22
(L)ACUNAE 14H 28 babsbedi

On 3rd draw, DHOW 15A 54 --- DHOW an Arabian sailing vessel [n]
Other moves: THAW 15A 51, WITH 15A 51, WIDTH 15A 49, DOTH 15A 45, ODAH 15A 45

On 4th draw, TIMIDLY 11E 52 --- TIMID lacking courage or self-confidence [adv] --- TIMIDLY in a timid manner [adv]
Other moves: AMITY 15K 41, MADLY 15K 40, DIMLY 15K 39, MALTY 15K 37, MILTY 15K 37

On 5th draw, TIMBO 15K 32 --- TIMBO a South American plant [n]
Other tops: LIMBO 15K 32
Other moves: MOTI 10F 29, MOLTO 15K 28, MOOLI 15K 28, MALOTI 13G 26, BOT 10F 25

On 6th draw, STARLIKE 8A 89 --- STARLIKE resembling a star [adj]
Other moves: LARKIEST 8C 63, STALKIER 8B 63, AKITAS 13H 46, KATI 10F 41, IKAT 10E 40

On 7th draw, COPLANAR C2 78 --- COPLANAR lying in the same plane [adj]
Other moves: COPLANAR C4 64, COPRAH B10 38, PLANCH B10 38, CAPORAL C7 34, CAPOT 10D 31

On 8th draw, THUNDERS A1 89 --- THUNDER to produce a loud, resounding sound [v]
Other moves: THUNDERY K4 80, HUNTED 12A 33, HURDEN 12A 32, RUCHED 2A 32, HET 10F 31

On 9th draw, JUN G13 35 --- JUN a coin of North Korea [n]
Other tops: JUS G13 35
Other moves: JANES 13K 34, JEANS 13K 34, JIAOS 13K 34, JOINS 13K 34, JONES 13K 34

On 10th draw, IF B2 32 --- IF a possibility [n]
Other moves: FEET B3 29, PIET B3 27, JAPE 13G 25, PET 10F 25, GIP 10D 24

On 11th draw, FOYLES 12A 36 --- FOYLE to foil [v]
Other moves: FOYLE 12A 32, PELORY 4C 30, FLEY 13A 29, FERLY 13K 28, FLEYS 13K 28

On 12th draw, SQUI(L)GEE 9H 79 --- SQUILGEE to wipe with a type of mop [v]
Other moves: Q(A)T 10F 66, (S)UQ 10D 66, PE(R)IQUE 4C 36, (R)EQUIEM M9 34, EQUI(D) F5 33

On 13th draw, OVERRIDE O2 89 --- OVERRIDE to ride over [v]
Other moves: PROVIDER 4C 82, OVERRIDE N2 78, OVERGIRD M5 64, DERIVE O8 42, VOIDEE O4 42

On 14th draw, GEEZ N7 40 --- GEEZ a mild oath [interj]
Other moves: ZOSTER 6J 37, AZOTES 7H 36, AGAZE 6C 35, AZOTE 12K 35, TOUZLE J7 35

On 15th draw, WAT 10F 32 --- WAT a hare [n] --- WAT wet [adj]
Other tops: WOT 10F 32
Other moves: NAW 10D 31, SAW 10D 31, TAW 10D 31, AW 10E 30, PITSAW 4C 30

On 16th draw, AXION 12K 31 --- AXION a hypothetical subatomic particle [n]
Other tops: AXONS 12K 31
Other moves: ANOXIAS 6C 30, AXION 7H 30, AXONS 7H 30, BONXIE 4J 30, *B* 13A 29

On 17th draw, OPENAB(L)E L3 78 --- OPEN to cause to become open [adj] --- OPENABLE able to be opened [adj]
Other moves: BEANPOLE E2 74, BEANPO(L)E L3 74, OPENABLE E2 74, *B* 13A 29, APE 13A 29

On 18th draw, GESTURAL E1 68 --- GESTURAL pertaining to or consisting of gestures (expressive bodily motions) [adj]
Other tops: TREAGUES 5F 68
Other moves: ARGUTE K1 27, SEAR D3 27, SEAT D3 27, GRATE M2 24, SURAT K3 24

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