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Game on November 30, 2019 at 18:42, 1 player
1. 229 pts musdrive

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adehlrv   H4    34    34   halved
 2. ?elttuz   4H    34    68   halutz
 3. acehrtu   6B    71   139   trauchle
 4. aegorsu   I8    66   205   aerugos
 5. deinnop  12B    76   281   deponing
 6. aaaenow   M1    34   315   wanze
 7. adilnpr   2G    76   391   prandial
 8. aegorst  11A    83   474   garotes
 9. adefirv   J6    41   515   derv
10. bimoqst  B10    70   585   qadis
11. ammottu   1G    34   619   ouma
12. abbnnot   K8    30   649   nabob
13. ?eeiikw  14I    44   693   skewer
14. ijlosty  O11    52   745   joist
15. efiilmt   M7    86   831   lifetime
16. aeiorty   1L    38   869   tway
17. ceenorx   N9    55   924   ex
18. cefginr   O4    48   972   finger

Remaining tiles: ciiooy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8819 Filemusdrive    4  5:06  -743  229     1.8819 musdrive    4  5:06  -743  229 

On 1st draw, HALVED H4 34 --- HALVE to divide into two equal parts [v]
Other moves: HALVER H4 32, HALVE H4 30, HALVED H7 30, HAVER H4 30, HALVED H3 28

On 2nd draw, H(A)LUTZ 4H 34 --- HALUTZ an Israeli farmer [n]
Other moves: (O)UZEL 6D 33, (P)UZEL 6D 33, HE(R)TZ 4H 32, H(A)ZEL 4H 32, L*Z 6H 32

On 3rd draw, TRAUCHLE 6B 71 --- TRAUCHLE to draggle [v]
Other tops: ARCHLUTE 6D 71
Other moves: HEART 5K 39, RACHE G2 38, RUCHE G2 38, TACHE G2 38, ACHE G3 37

On 4th draw, AERUGOS I8 66 --- AERUGO a green film that forms on copper [n]
Other tops: AERUGOS G8 66
Other moves: AERUGOS G9 65, AERUGOS I9 65, COURAGES F6 63, OUTRAGES B4 61, OUTRAGES L2 60

On 5th draw, DEPONING 12B 76 --- DEPONE to testify under oath [v]
Other moves: PINNOED G8 72, DONNE J6 42, PILED J2 37, POLED J2 37, DENI J6 35

On 6th draw, WANZE M1 34 --- WANZE to decrease [v]
Other moves: ANOW 11B 33, ENOW 11B 33, OZAENA M3 32, ANEW 13B 30, ANOW 13B 30

On 7th draw, PRANDIAL 2G 76 --- PRANDIAL pertaining to a meal [adj]
Other moves: DARI J6 35, DARN J6 35, DIRL J6 35, PALLID J1 34, LIDAR J4 32

On 8th draw, GAROTES 11A 83 --- GAROTE to execute by strangling [v]
Other moves: STORAGE 3A 73, GARROTES C3 72, STORAGES 14B 72, OUTRAGES 11H 70, GAROTTES B1 68

On 9th draw, DERV J6 41 --- DERV fuel for a diesel engine road vehicle [n]
Other moves: VERD 13C 40, FAD 10B 39, FED 10B 39, FID 10B 39, FADED B10 36

On 10th draw, QADIS B10 70 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other moves: MIB 10B 35, MOB 10B 35, MOBS 13A 35, QADI B10 34, MOIST 13A 32

On 11th draw, OUMA 1G 34 --- OUMA grandmother (Afrikaans) [n]
Other moves: MOAT 1F 30, TW*T 1L 29, TATOU 1D 28, UMM 5C 28, AMU 1H 27

On 12th draw, NABOB K8 30 --- NABOB one who becomes rich and prominent [n]
Other moves: BOB A13 27, ABBOT 3C 26, ABBOT K9 26, WAB 1M 26, BIB 13A 24

On 13th draw, SKEWE(R) 14I 44 --- SKEWER to pierce with a long pin, as meat [v]
Other tops: SKEWE(D) 14I 44
Other moves: SKI(V)IE 14I 38, WE(E)KE L11 37, WE(L)KE L11 37, WEEK L11 35, WEEK(E) L11 35

On 14th draw, JOIST O11 52 --- JOIST to support with horizontal beams [v]
Other moves: JOSTLE M9 42, YOWL L12 36, YOWS L12 36, JILTS 3C 32, JOIST 3C 32
JOIST O11 52 musdrive

On 15th draw, LIFETIME M7 86 --- LIFETIME the period of living existence [n]
Other moves: LIFE 13A 31, LIFT 13A 31, FLEMIT 3B 30, LWEI 1L 29, ITEM 13B 28
LIFETIME M7 36 musdrive

On 16th draw, TWAY 1L 38 --- TWAY a set of two [n]
Other moves: YEA N9 30, OWER 1L 29, TWAE 1L 29, WAY 1M 29, WEY 1M 29
TWAY 1L 38 musdrive

On 17th draw, EX N9 55 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: NIXER 13A 52, NIXE 13A 47, REX 13E 42, NIX 13A 40, EX 13F 38
EX N9 55 musdrive

On 18th draw, FINGER O4 48 --- FINGER to touch with the fingers (the terminating members of the hand) [v]
Other tops: FRINGE O4 48
Other moves: CERING O4 43, CRINGE O4 42, FEIGN O5 33, FICE 13A 33, FICE O6 33
FRINGE O4 48 musdrive

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