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Game on September 18, 2020 at 08:22, 3 players
1. 651 pts babsbedi
2. 644 pts fatcat
3. 494 pts Chelsea

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acnopst   H4    26    26   capons
 2. fimnnor   4H    28    54   confirm
 3. aeeilsz   M4    78   132   realizes
 4. ?adkrsu   J1    64   196   stunkard
 5. abgilot   7A    63   259   obligato
 6. deinotu   B7    76   335   bountied
 7. aeipquy   A5    57   392   quop
 8. ?diinoy   2D    62   454   idoneity
 9. aeghlmo   1D    59   513   mahoe
10. egirstw   E4   102   615   twiggers
11. adenrty   I9    66   681   tyraned
12. abehlnt  H12    55   736   hate
13. efgilnt  N10    47   783   filet
14. ceeorvw   8J    48   831   device
15. aeilruw   K4    35   866   faw
16. begijor  12A    42   908   jibe
17. aeinorv   1J    44   952   savior
18. elnorux  J13    54  1006   ex

Remaining tiles: glnoru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6804 Filebabsbedi    5 17:19  -355  651     1.7492 Chelsea     3  9:52  -512  494 
  2.6375 Filefatcat      1 13:55  -362  644            Group: intermediate
  3.7492 FileChelsea     3  9:52  -512  494     1.6804 babsbedi    5 17:19  -355  651 
                                             2.6375 fatcat      1 13:55  -362  644 

On 1st draw, CAPONS H4 26 --- CAPON a castrated cock [n]
Other tops: CAPOTS H4 26, COAPTS H4 26
Other moves: CAPON H4 24, CAPOS H4 24, CAPOT H4 24, COAPT H4 24, PACOS H4 24
CAPONS H4 26 babsbedi
COAST H4 20 fatcat

On 2nd draw, CONFIRM 4H 28 --- CONFIRM to assure the validity of [v]
Other moves: FOIN I7 26, FORMIC 4C 26, RIF I5 25, NONFARM 5D 24, FIRMAN 5D 22
OF I6 22 babsbedi, fatcat

On 3rd draw, REALIZES M4 78 --- REALIZE to understand completely [v]
Other moves: SIAMEZE N1 76, SLEAZE O4 64, SEAZE O4 61, SEIZE O4 61, SIZEL O4 61
ZEAS O1 58 fatcat
ZEES 3I 53 babsbedi

On 4th draw, S(T)UNKARD J1 64 --- STUNKARD sulky [adj]
Other moves: DAKS O1 46, SKA(L)D O4 46, S(Q)UARK O4 46, ARKS O1 43, AUKS O1 43
KIDS 8L 42 babsbedi, fatcat

On 5th draw, OBLIGATO 7A 63 --- OBLIGATO an important musical part [n]
Other moves: BITO N6 37, BOTA N6 37, FAB K4 32, FIB K4 32, FOB K4 32
BIGA 8L 30 babsbedi
BIGOTS 1E 27 fatcat

On 6th draw, BOUNTIED B7 76 --- BOUNTIED pertaining to a bounty [adj] --- BOUNTY a reward [adj]
Other moves: DUE(T)TINO 2G 66, DUET(T)INO 2F 62, OUTLINED C4 60, UNREALIZES M2 38, DOIT 8A 36
STONED 1J 24 fatcat, babsbedi

On 7th draw, QUOP A5 57 --- QUOP to throb [v]
Other moves: QUEASY 1F 54, EQUIPS 1E 51, PIQUES 1E 51, QUAYS 1F 51, QUEYS 1F 51
QUOP A5 57 babsbedi, Chelsea
QUAYS 1F 51 fatcat

On 8th draw, IDON(E)I(T)Y 2D 62 --- IDONEITY the state of being idoneous [n]
Other moves: DIM(L)Y N2 50, DIGNI(F)Y E5 44, DIGNI(T)Y E5 44, D*rKY 5G 41, KYNE 5J 40
DOY(S) O1 35 Chelsea
YOD A13 29 fatcat
Y(A)P 6F 29 babsbedi

On 9th draw, MAHOE 1D 59 --- MAHOE a small, bushy white-barked tree of New Zealand [n]
Other moves: HOMAGE N10 55, HAEM A12 53, ALMEH N2 51, GOLEM 1D 51, HOMAS 1F 48
HEAL A12 47 babsbedi
HELM 1A 43 fatcat
HAM 1F 40 Chelsea

On 10th draw, TWIGGERS E4 102 --- TWIGGER a wanton [n]
Other moves: WIGGERS E5 48, SWEIRT O4 46, STREW O4 43, SWEIR O4 43, SWIRE O4 43
WRIST O1 43 fatcat
WIGS O1 43 Chelsea
WISE 8L 33 babsbedi

On 11th draw, TYRANED I9 66 --- TYRAN to play the oppressor [v]
Other tops: TRAYNED I9 66
Other moves: D*RKY 5G 44, DYER A12 43, NARKY 5G 42, TANKY 5G 42, DRAY A12 40
DRAY A12 40 Chelsea
MAY N4 31 babsbedi
DAY A13 27 fatcat

On 12th draw, HATE H12 55 --- HATE to despise [v]
Other moves: ALMEH N2 51, BHAT A12 51, BHEL A12 51, BANE H12 47, BATE H12 47
HATE H12 55 Chelsea
BATHED 15D 45 fatcat, babsbedi

On 13th draw, FILET N10 47 --- FILET to cut boneless slices from [v]
Other tops: FIENT N10 47
Other moves: ELFIN A11 40, FAINE F6 40, GIF J12 39, NEF J12 37, TEF J12 37
FILET N10 47 babsbedi
FILE 8L 33 fatcat
FINE 8L 33 Chelsea

On 14th draw, DEVICE 8J 48 --- DEVICE something devised or constructed for a specific purpose [n]
Other moves: DEWIER 8J 42, DOVIER 8J 42, DOWIER 8J 42, VIEW 8L 42, WIVE 8L 42
WIVE 8L 42 Chelsea, fatcat
ROW O13 22 babsbedi

On 15th draw, FAW K4 35 --- FAW a gypsy [n]
Other tops: LWEI A12 35
Other moves: AREW A12 32, ALEW O12 31, AREW O12 31, MAW N4 31, MEW N4 31
MAW N4 31 Chelsea
MEW N4 31 babsbedi
WAR A13 26 fatcat

On 16th draw, JIBE 12A 42 --- JIBE to gibe [v]
Other tops: BRIG A12 42, BROG A12 42
Other moves: BREI A12 39, BRIE A12 39, BRIO A12 39, JIG J12 39, ROJI B2 33
JIBE 12A 42 fatcat, babsbedi
JOBE 13K 26 Chelsea

On 17th draw, SAVIOR 1J 44 --- SAVIOR one that saves [n]
Other tops: SAVINE 1J 44, SOVRAN 1J 44
Other moves: JEAN A12 38, JEON A12 38, JOIN A12 38, RAVELIN C3 30, VIMEN N2 30
JEAN A12 38 Chelsea, fatcat
VINER 13K 16 babsbedi

On 18th draw, EX J13 54 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: OXEN O12 50, OXER O12 50, JEON A12 38, OX 2M 38, LEX O13 34
EX J13 54 Chelsea, babsbedi
NOX 3B 32 fatcat

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