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Game on September 22, 2020 at 08:20, 3 players
1. 540 pts fatcat
2. 494 pts Chelsea
3. 389 pts babsbedi

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aeefhq   H8    30    30   waqf
 2. aeorsst  12G    83   113   ossetra
 3. eoprtvz   G7    49   162   poz
 4. aelorrw  13C    33   195   arrow
 5. aeghsty  B10    50   245   yeahs
 6. adeeklm   A7    55   300   leaked
 7. bcorttu  11E    24   324   curf
 8. ?efinty   L8    67   391   gentrify
 9. abdlntu  15F    36   427   tunably
10. abdehip  11J    37   464   bathed
11. adinotv   N4    72   536   donative
12. egiilnt   E4    72   608   gentilic
13. aiimnou   O5    32   640   muni
14. aeegilv   I9    31   671   gi
15. deimoor   C4    73   744   moidore
16. aeeostw   D1    39   783   wetas
17. eginoop   1D    33   816   woopie
18. cegijnu   4I    32   848   juiced
19. eglnrvx  D12    40   888   grex

Remaining tiles: lnrv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6360 Filefatcat      3 16:41  -348  540     1.7497 Chelsea     2 12:57  -394  494 
  2.7497 FileChelsea     2 12:57  -394  494            Group: intermediate
  3.6798 Filebabsbedi    0 14:24  -499  389     1.6360 fatcat      3 16:41  -348  540 
                                             2.6798 babsbedi    0 14:24  -499  389 

On 1st draw, (W)AQF H8 30 --- WAQF a donation for pious purposes [n]
Other tops: (W)AQF H5 30, (W)AQF H6 30, (W)AQF H7 30
Other moves: FEH(M)E H4 28, HEF(T)E H4 28, (S)HEAF H8 28, FEA(R)E H4 22, FEA(S)E H4 22
(W)AQF H6 30 fatcat

On 2nd draw, OSSETRA 12G 83 --- OSSETRA a golden or brownish caviar [n]
Other tops: OSETRAS 12B 83, OSETRAS 12G 83, OSSETRA 12F 83
Other moves: AEROSATS 9C 61, AEROSATS 9H 60, OSSETRA G2 60, ASSERT 12G 31, ASSORT 12G 31
ROASTS 12C 31 fatcat

On 3rd draw, POZ G7 49 --- POZ positive [adj]
Other moves: POTZER 13B 39, POTZER K10 34, TOPAZ M9 34, OVERAPT M8 32, POTZER I4 32
ZEE J10 32 fatcat

On 4th draw, ARROW 13C 33 --- ARROW to indicate the proper position of with an arrow (a linear figure with a wedge-shaped end) [v]
Other moves: WOLFER 11E 30, WEAL 11J 27, ROLFER 11E 24, WAE 11J 23, FARE 11H 22
AWARE M10 16 fatcat

On 5th draw, YEAHS B10 50 --- YEAH an affirmative reply [n]
Other moves: HASTY B10 47, HASTY N10 46, HAETS B10 41, HASTE B10 41, HEATS B10 41
HASTY N10 46 Chelsea
HEYS 14F 37 babsbedi
HEY 14F 36 fatcat

On 6th draw, LEAKED A7 55 --- LEAK to permit the escape of something through a breach or flaw [v]
Other moves: LAKED A8 52, LEAMED A7 47, LAMED A8 44, LEMED A8 44, MAKE A8 41
LEAKED A7 55 fatcat
MAKE A8 41 babsbedi, Chelsea

On 7th draw, CURF 11E 24 --- CURF an incision made by a cutting tool [n]
Other tops: CORF 11E 24
Other moves: COB F6 21, CUB F6 21, CURAT M9 20, TURBOT 14G 20, TURBOT F3 20
COB F6 21 Chelsea
BUT 13M 18 babsbedi
CARB M11 16 fatcat

On 8th draw, (G)ENTRIFY L8 67 --- GENTRIFY to renew a decayed urban area so as to attract middle-class residents [v]
Other moves: FE(S)TY N10 43, FI(S)TY N10 43, EFT 14E 36, EFT(S) 14E 36, EF(S) 14E 34
FI(S)TY N10 43 Chelsea
EF 14E 28 fatcat, babsbedi

On 9th draw, TUNABLY 15F 36 --- TUNABLE capable of being tuned [adv] --- TUNABLY in a tunable manner [adv]
Other moves: BADLY 15H 33, BALDY 15H 33, BANDY 15H 33, BLADY 15H 33, BLUDY 15H 33
BALDY 15H 33 babsbedi, Chelsea
BADLY 15H 33 fatcat

On 10th draw, BATHED 11J 37 --- BATHE to wash [v]
Other tops: PATHED 11J 37, PITHED 11J 37
Other moves: BAITH K9 35, BEATH K9 35, PI I9 35, HEP I7 34, BATHE 11J 33
PI I9 35 Chelsea
(G)APE 8L 15 fatcat

On 11th draw, DONATIVE N4 72 --- DONATIVE a donation [n]
Other moves: DAVIT O11 30, DIVAN O11 30, DIVOT O11 30, AVOID O7 27, VIAND O7 27
DIVOT O11 30 Chelsea
AVOID O7 27 fatcat, babsbedi

On 12th draw, GENTILIC E4 72 --- GENTILIC tribal [adj]
Other moves: LIGNITE C4 70, LIGNITE I2 62, LENITING 6H 61, GEIT 13J 31, GI I9 31
GI I9 31 Chelsea
DINGE O11 24 babsbedi
HATE M11 23 fatcat

On 13th draw, MUNI O5 32 --- MUNI a security issued by a state or local government [n]
Other tops: AMIN O6 32, MANI O5 32, MANO O5 32, MOAI O5 32, MONA O5 32, NOMA O5 32, OUMA O5 32
Other moves: AMNIO O1 30, MIAOU O1 30, AMI O6 27, DOUMA O11 27, DUNAM O11 27
AMIN O6 32 Chelsea
MAN O7 27 fatcat
NAM M5 19 babsbedi

On 14th draw, GI I9 31 --- GI a judo costume [n]
Other moves: DEAVE O11 30, DELVE O11 30, DEVEL O11 30, DEVIL O11 30, VEG I7 30
GI I9 31 Chelsea
DEVIL O11 30 fatcat
VEG I7 30 babsbedi

On 15th draw, MOIDORE C4 73 --- MOIDORE a former gold coin of Portugal [n]
Other moves: DROMOI F2 31, DOMED O11 30, IMID 13L 30, IDEM 13L 28, MOODIED 4H 28
DOMED O11 30 Chelsea, fatcat
DOOM M2 24 babsbedi

On 16th draw, WETAS D1 39 --- WETA a grasshopper [n]
Other moves: SEROW D11 34, STRAW D11 34, STREW D11 34, STROW D11 34, WASE D1 34
WATE D1 34 Chelsea
STEW D2 32 babsbedi
DOWTS O11 30 fatcat

On 17th draw, WOOPIE 1D 33 --- WOOPIE a well-off older person [n]
Other moves: OOPING M1 30, PEG B6 30, PIG B6 30, POOING M1 30, WIGEON 1D 30
WINGE 1D 27 Chelsea, babsbedi
DOING O11 24 fatcat

On 18th draw, JUICED 4I 32 --- JUICE to extract the juice (the liquid part of a fruit or vegetable) from [v]
Other moves: CUEING M1 30, CUING M2 28, FUJI 14L 28, JIN M3 28, DUNCE O11 27
JUICED 4I 32 fatcat
JIN M3 28 Chelsea
DJIN O11 20 babsbedi

On 19th draw, GREX D12 40 --- GREX a group of plants with a common hybrid ancestor [n]
Other moves: VEXER M1 35, VEXING K1 34, GREX 2B 33, VENGE M3 33, VERGE M3 33
VEXER 2A 32 Chelsea
EX A14 29 babsbedi
XI 6B 25 fatcat

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