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Game on September 30, 2020 at 11:49, 1 player
1. 150 pts Chelsea

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. iinptuy   H8    28    28   punty
 2. adegrrt  12B    24    52   tragedy
 3. ?ahiosx   8F    70   122   hypoxias
 4. ?aiilor   M1    66   188   airfoils
 5. aennovz   7I    54   242   zea
 6. aehkoot   6G    54   296   teak
 7. defintw   1J    42   338   dewani
 8. abnopsv   H1    36   374   pavone
 9. cddeeno  B10    28   402   coted
10. abehstu  10F    67   469   sunbathe
11. aegjlor  A13    35   504   raj
12. einqrsw  N10    38   542   rewins
13. deegrsy   O5    48   590   grydes
14. efimnuv  15J    39   629   infuse
15. aelnrtu  14D    65   694   neutral
16. egilmoq  15F    27   721   moe
17. cgilmov  11J    23   744   moi
18. eiloqtv  12L    24   768   tow
19. bcgilov   2F    23   791   clavi
20. befgloq  13M    26   817   fib

Remaining tiles: egiloq

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7505 FileChelsea     3  5:52  -667  150     1.7505 Chelsea     3  5:52  -667  150 

On 1st draw, PUNTY H8 28 --- PUNTY an iron supporting rod used in glassmaking [n]
Other moves: PUNTY H4 26, UNITY H8 24, PUNTY H5 20, PUNTY H6 20, PUNTY H7 20

On 2nd draw, TRAGEDY 12B 24 --- TRAGEDY a disastrous event [n]
Other tops: GYRATED 12G 24
Other moves: DREARY 12C 20, GYRATE 12G 20, YARDER 12H 20, RAGE I7 19, ARTERY 12C 18

On 3rd draw, H(Y)POXIAS 8F 70 --- HYPOXIA a deficiency of oxygen in body tissue [n]
Other moves: AXIT(E)S B9 56, SAXHOR(N) C7 50, HAT(B)OX B10 46, HOX G7 46, H(O)X G7 44

On 4th draw, AIR(F)OILS M1 66 --- AIRFOIL a part of an aircraft designed to provide lift or control [n]
Other tops: RA(V)IOLIS M1 66
Other moves: IRONI(C)AL 10E 59, ORI(G)INAL 10C 59, RA(V)IOLI K5 24, (M)AURI 9F 24, (P)AOLI 7I 22

On 5th draw, ZEA 7I 54 --- ZEA the stigma of a cereal plant [n]
Other tops: ZOA 7I 54
Other moves: ZA 7I 51, ZO 7I 51, OZAENA 1H 48, ZENANA 1H 48, ZENANA 1J 48

On 6th draw, TEAK 6G 54 --- TEAK an East Indian tree [n]
Other tops: TAKAHE 1J 54
Other moves: OAK 6H 53, TAK 6H 53, AH 6I 46, HAKA 1L 45, HAKE 1L 45

On 7th draw, DEWANI 1J 42 --- DEWANI the office of dewan [n]
Other tops: FAWN 1L 42, WAFT 1L 42, WAIF 1L 42
Other moves: WIFIE 2J 38, DEFIANT 1I 36, FADE 1L 36, FAND 1L 36, FITTED B10 36

On 8th draw, PAVONE H1 36 --- PAVONE a peacock [n]
Other moves: BAP 11D 28, BATONS B10 28, BATON B10 26, BOTAS B10 26, SOBA 11B 26

On 9th draw, COTED B10 28 --- COTE to pass by [v]
Other moves: COED 13A 23, EDDO N4 23, CONGEED E9 22, DEACON 2F 22, DEANED 2F 22

On 10th draw, SUNBATHE 10F 67 --- SUNBATHE to take a sunbath [v]
Other moves: BATHERS C7 45, BAH 11D 31, BAH A13 31, HABUS F2 31, HUB 11D 31

On 11th draw, RAJ A13 35 --- RAJ dominion; sovereignly [n]
Other moves: JA 11D 33, REGAL N10 32, ROLAG N10 32, HEJRA L10 30, JAGER 7C 30

On 12th draw, REWINS N10 38 --- REWIN to win again [v]
Other moves: REWIN N10 36, SEWIN N10 36, SINEW N10 36, SWEIR N10 36, SWINE N10 36

On 13th draw, GRYDES O5 48 --- GRYDE to scrape harshly [v]
Other moves: REDYES O5 45, DREYS O6 42, DYERS O6 42, GREYS O6 42, GYRES O6 42

On 14th draw, INFUSE 15J 39 --- INFUSE to permeate with something [v]
Other moves: FUSE 15L 33, VISE 15L 33, MISE 15L 27, MUSE 15L 27, ERF C11 26

On 15th draw, NEUTRAL 14D 65 --- NEUTRAL one that is impartial [n]
Other moves: REINFUSE 15H 33, TUART 11D 25, LEARE 11J 23, REATE 11J 23, EALE 11K 19
REINFUSE 15H 33 Chelsea

On 16th draw, MOE 15F 27 --- MOE a wry face [n]
Other moves: GEM 11J 26, TELOI 11H 25, TIME 11H 24, TOME 11H 24, GIE 15F 23
MOE 15F 27 Chelsea

On 17th draw, MOI 11J 23 --- MOI used to express surprise [interj]
Other tops: CLAVI 2F 23
Other moves: COVIN 5D 22, ORC C11 22, OM M12 21, CIVIL 13K 20, COWL 12L 20
COWL 12L 20 Chelsea

On 18th draw, TOW 12L 24 --- TOW to pull by means of a chain or rope [v]
Other tops: TEW 12L 24
Other moves: QI 13M 22, HIVE L10 20, ET 12K 19, OE 12K 19, TE 12K 19
TOW 12L 24 Chelsea

On 19th draw, CLAVI 2F 23 --- CLAVUS a horny thickening of the skin [n]
Other moves: COVIN 5D 22, ORB C11 22, ORC C11 22, BIG 13M 20, BRO C11 20
BIG 13M 20 Chelsea

On 20th draw, FIB 13M 26 --- FIB a trivial lie [n] --- FIB to tell a trivial lie [v]
Other tops: ERF C11 26, ORF C11 26
Other moves: FIG 13M 24, FRO C11 23, BEFOOL 4D 22, FIE 13M 22, FIL 13M 22
FIB 13M 26 Chelsea

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