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Game on October 5, 2020 at 19:00, 1 player
1. 51 pts SQUAW1

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adfloot   H4    26    26   flood
 2. beeersv   5D   102   128   bevelers
 3. ?achitu   G7    79   207   haircut
 4. acelmux  H12    42   249   mace
 5. aegottu   J1    63   312   tutorage
 6. aadmotu   1H    36   348   automat
 7. ?adikpr   K8    79   427   dispark
 8. eginory   O1    63   490   eryngo
 9. aeejlns   N5    55   545   ajee
10. abeinpr   O8    33   578   rapine
11. elnoqry  L11    28   606   oye
12. adlorsw  10B    71   677   warlords
13. dhiiiot   M7    28   705   dhoti
14. giinstv   D8    80   785   striving
15. eefilnn  15A    27   812   feign
16. einqsux  M13    40   852   xis
17. beinqrw   8A    27   879   webs
18. ilnqruz  13B    44   923   quiz

Remaining tiles: illnnr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7560 FileSQUAW1      1  1:47  -872   51     1.7560 SQUAW1      1  1:47  -872   51 

On 1st draw, FLOOD H4 26 --- FLOOD to inundate [v]
Other moves: ALOOF H8 24, FLOAT H4 24, FLOTA H4 24, FLOOD H8 22, AFOOT H4 18

On 2nd draw, BEVELERS 5D 102 --- BEVELER one that bevels [n]
Other moves: BEVERS G7 28, BEVERS I7 28, BEVER G7 27, BEVER I7 27, BEEVES I6 26

On 3rd draw, HAI(R)CUT G7 79 --- HAIRCUT a cutting of the hair [n]
Other tops: HAI(R)CUT I7 79
Other moves: HAIRCUT(S) J2 76, CH(E)AT 4A 34, HAC(K)BUT D1 34, CHIA(O) 4A 33, CHIA 4A 32

On 4th draw, MACE H12 42 --- MACE to attack with a clublike weapon [v]
Other moves: EXACUM 12C 40, EXAM 4B 38, MALE H12 36, MAUL H12 36, MEAL H12 36

On 5th draw, TUTORAGE J1 63 --- TUTORAGE the act of tutoring [n]
Other moves: TUTO(R)AGE 10C 62, COTTAGE 14H 24, CUTTAGE 14H 24, TOGAE 4A 24, FOUAT 4H 22

On 6th draw, AUTOMAT 1H 36 --- AUTOMAT a food vending machine [n]
Other moves: DATUM 1H 33, AUTOMAT 1D 30, DATUM I9 26, DUMA 4A 26, ATOM 4B 24

On 7th draw, DI(S)PARK K8 79 --- DISPARK to make no longer a park [v]
Other moves: AD(U)KI O1 72, ARIK(I) O1 69, AR(I)KI O1 69, sP*K O1 69, I(M)PARKED 15B 67

On 8th draw, ERYNGO O1 63 --- ERYNGO a medicinal herb [n]
Other moves: EYING O1 60, ERINGO O1 54, ERGON O1 51, ERING O1 51, ERGO O1 48

On 9th draw, AJEE N5 55 --- AJEE off the straight [adv]
Other tops: JANES N6 55, JEANS N6 55, JEELS N6 55
Other moves: JANE N6 52, JEAN N6 52, JEEL N6 52, JEES N6 52, JEE N6 51

On 10th draw, RAPINE O8 33 --- RAPINE the taking of property by force [n]
Other moves: ABRIN O8 30, ARPEN O8 30, BEAN L12 30, BEAR L12 30, BEIN L12 30

On 11th draw, OYE L11 28 --- OYE a grandchild [n]
Other tops: EBONY D4 28
Other moves: LEY L12 27, OYER 2L 27, LOY 4C 25, NOY 4C 25, VERY F5 25

On 12th draw, WARLO(R)DS 10B 71 --- WARLORD a military leader of a warlike nation [n]
Other moves: SWARD 15K 53, SWORD 15K 53, SOWAR 15K 41, SAROD 15K 35, SORDA 15K 35

On 13th draw, DHOTI M7 28 --- DHOTI a loincloth worn by Indian men [n]
Other moves: DOH 4C 27, HID M13 26, HOD M13 26, DOH 9A 25, HOD 4C 25

On 14th draw, STRIVING D8 80 --- STRIVE to exert much effort or energy [v] --- STRIVING the act of striving [n]
Other moves: STIVING 2B 79, VISTAING C6 78, STING 15K 35, VISAING C7 32, VIRGINS D8 30

On 15th draw, FEIGN 15A 27 --- FEIGN to pretend [v]
Other moves: ELF E9 24, FEE M13 24, FEN M13 24, FIE M13 24, FIL M13 24

On 16th draw, XIS M13 40 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: SUQ F12 40
Other moves: QUIN 6B 39, SUQS 8A 39, XI M13 38, XU M13 38, QIS 2F 34

On 17th draw, WEBS 8A 27 --- WEB to provide with a web (an interlaced fabric or structure) [v]
Other moves: QI C7 23, VERB F5 23, QI 13C 22, REW F12 22, WEB M3 22

On 18th draw, QUIZ 13B 44 --- QUIZ to test the knowledge of by asking questions [v]
Other moves: LUZ F12 40, RIZ F12 40, QUIN 6B 39, LUZ M3 37, RIZ M3 37

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