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Game on December 21, 2020 at 11:36, 1 player
1. 29 pts SQUAW1

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aegklrr   H4    26    26   grakle
 2. iiortwy   I6    32    58   ryot
 3. bddehin   J6    37    95   bed
 4. aceilrr   K8    21   116   eclair
 5. diioprs  11D    72   188   sporidia
 6. aefoqst  12A    32   220   festa
 7. ?iinrsy   A6    89   309   resinify
 8. abeilmo  H11    30   339   iambi
 9. aeiorsz  10F    64   403   zo
10. ?deillo   B1    74   477   collied
11. aehjntv   9G    36   513   jet
12. aemoptt  15E    63   576   optimate
13. aaefhux   4A    36   612   flex
14. aehnrvw  14H    33   645   bah
15. cehnttu  13A    30   675   yeh
16. aeensuv   M9    85   760   avenues
17. acenott   E1    83   843   attonce
18. egiinow   1D    39   882   wagon
19. deinuvw   2H    96   978   unwived
20. aginoru   F1    29  1007   gair

Remaining tiles: gnoquu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7581 FileSQUAW1      0  0:40  -978   29     1.7581 SQUAW1      0  0:40  -978   29 

On 1st draw, GRAKLE H4 26 --- GRAKLE a blackbird [n]
Other moves: GRAKLE H3 24, GRAKLE H7 24, GRAKLE H8 24, GRAKLE H5 22, GRAKLE H6 22

On 2nd draw, RYOT I6 32 --- RYOT a tenant farmer in India [n]
Other moves: YO I7 24, WIRY G9 23, WORRY 5E 22, WRY G9 22, YOW G9 22

On 3rd draw, BED J6 37 --- BED to provide with a bed (a piece of furniture used for sleeping) [v]
Other moves: HIDED J4 36, BIDED J4 35, DEB J6 33, NIDED J4 33, BE J6 31

On 4th draw, ECLAIR K8 21 --- ECLAIR a cream filled pastry [n]
Other tops: AREIC 5J 21
Other moves: CERIA K2 20, ERICA K2 20, GLACIER 4H 20, GRACILE 4H 20, ACER 5J 19

On 5th draw, SPORIDIA 11D 72 --- SPORIDIUM a spore [n]
Other moves: SPIROID G9 66, SPIROID 13H 26, DORPS L4 25, DRIPS L4 25, DROPS L4 25

On 6th draw, FESTA 12A 32 --- FESTA a holiday [n]
Other tops: QATS K3 32
Other moves: F*TS**S D8 28, FEAT L12 28, FEST L12 28, FETA L12 28, FETS L12 28

On 7th draw, R(E)SINIFY A6 89 --- RESINIFY to convert into resin [v]
Other moves: R(A)ISINY 14H 81, SIGNI(O)RY 4F 72, NI(G)RIFY A7 36, NI(T)RIFY A7 36, SI(G)NIFY A7 36

On 8th draw, IAMBI H11 30 --- IAMBUS a type of metrical foot [n]
Other moves: ALOE L10 28, EMBROIL 13H 28, LAMBIE B1 28, MIRABLE 13I 28, MOBILE B1 28

On 9th draw, ZO 10F 64 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other tops: ZA 10F 64
Other moves: ZEBRAS 14F 48, ORZOS F8 43, SLEAZO 10J 41, ZOS F10 41, ARBORIZE 6H 39

On 10th draw, (C)OLLIED B1 74 --- COLLY to blacken with coal dust [v]
Other tops: (D)OLLIED B1 74, (F)OLLIED B1 74, (G)OLLIED B1 74, (H)ILLOED B1 74, (J)OLLIED B1 74
Other moves: DOLLIE(D) B1 72, DOLLIE(R) B1 72, DOLLIE(S) B1 72, GL(A)DIOLE 4H 70, LO(R)DLIEST D4 70

On 11th draw, JET 9G 36 --- JET to spurt forth in a stream [v]
Other tops: JOR G9 36
Other moves: HAJ C7 35, HEJAB 14D 33, HAVEN L4 31, NORTH G9 30, TORAH G9 30

On 12th draw, OPTIMATE 15E 63 --- OPTIMATE a member of the aristocracy [n]
Other moves: JORAM G9 28, TEMP L12 28, MAP G13 27, MOP G13 27, DAME I11 25

On 13th draw, FLEX 4A 36 --- FLEX to bend [v]
Other tops: FLAX 4A 36, FLUX 4A 36, HAAF C2 36
Other moves: HEX C7 35, BAH 14H 33, FAUX 14L 33, FAX 14L 31, FEH C5 31

On 14th draw, BAH 14H 33 --- BAH an exclamation of disgust [interj]
Other moves: WHARE C6 32, WHEAR C6 32, HAVEN L4 31, WHAE C6 31, WHEN C6 31

On 15th draw, YEH 13A 30 --- YEH yeah [adv]
Other tops: CHUTE C6 30, ETCH C4 30
Other moves: CHUT C6 29, CHE C6 27, TEUCH B11 27, CENTU 14B 26, CH C6 26

On 16th draw, AVENUES M9 85 --- AVENUE a wide street [n]
Other moves: AVENUES L2 79, LEAVEN 3B 33, LEAVES 3B 33, NAEVES M10 31, NAEVUS M10 31

On 17th draw, ATTONCE E1 83 --- ATTONCE at once [adv]
Other moves: ATTONCE N3 63, COTTAE E3 31, OCTANE E4 31, OCTANT E4 31, ACTON E1 29

On 18th draw, WAGON 1D 39 --- WAGON to convey by wagon (a four-wheeled, horse-drawn vehicle) [v]
Other moves: AWEING 1E 30, WIGEON L3 29, AWING 1E 27, NEW 14B 24, GLOVE 10J 22

On 19th draw, UNWIVED 2H 96 --- UNWIVE to deprive of a wife [v]
Other moves: UNWIVED N3 69, NEVI 14B 28, WIDEN L4 27, DIENE C2 24, NEW 14B 24

On 20th draw, GAIR F1 29 --- GAIR a triangular piece (of cloth or land) [n]
Other moves: ORA F3 23, NAOI 14B 22, AGIO 14C 21, AGRIN L4 21, ARGON L4 21

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