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Game on January 2, 2021 at 20:39, 1 player
1. 31 pts SQUAW1

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aintuw   H4    24    24   witan
 2. abilnov   5E    48    72   bolivia
 3. bdeimst   L1    39   111   bemist
 4. ademrsy   J4    70   181   midyears
 5. ggiloor   M1    24   205   olio
 6. ?adekot   1H   135   340   datebook
 7. eilnouy   2I    40   380   lonely
 8. aegjnot   I9    40   420   jeat
 9. ?deeotu   8A    77   497   deuteron
10. ?aaipqv  H12    42   539   aqua
11. deggirt  10D    64   603   triggered
12. acehnos   8J    45   648   echoes
13. aeefirs   O4    65   713   freesias
14. inopuwx   6D    58   771   wox
15. eginprz  N10   105   876   zinger
16. aefhinr  15J    39   915   infare
17. ilnpruv   B2    28   943   vulpine
18. hnprruu   N5    28   971   uh

Remaining tiles: cnprru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7647 FileSQUAW1      0  0:37  -940   31     1.7647 SQUAW1      0  0:37  -940   31 

On 1st draw, WITAN H4 24 --- WITAN the members of a national council in Anglo-Saxon England [n]
Other tops: TAUIW(I) H8 24, TAU(I)WI H8 24, TWAIN(S) H3 24, UNT(H)AW H7 24, WA(L)NUT H4 24, WITAN(S) H4 24
Other moves: UN(L)AW H8 22, WAIN(S) H4 22, WAIT(E) H4 22, WAIT(S) H4 22, WAI(F)T H4 22

On 2nd draw, BOLIVIA 5E 48 --- BOLIVIA a soft fabric [n]
Other moves: BAVIN G7 26, BAVIN I7 26, BOLIVIA 5C 24, ABOIL G6 22, ABOIL I6 22

On 3rd draw, BEMIST L1 39 --- BEMIST to envelop in a mist [v]
Other moves: BEDIM 6B 36, BIDES L1 35, DEMIST L1 35, MISTED L3 35, BITES L1 33

On 4th draw, MIDYEARS J4 70 --- MIDYEAR in the middle of the year [n]
Other moves: DAYMARES 7D 68, EMYD M1 45, EMYS M1 42, YAMS M1 41, AMBERY 1J 39

On 5th draw, OLIO M1 24 --- OLIO a miscellaneous collection [n]
Other tops: BIGG 1L 24
Other moves: GREGO 2J 22, BIOG 1L 21, BLOG 1L 21, BRIG 1L 21, BROG 1L 21

On 6th draw, DATEBOOK 1H 135 --- DATEBOOK a notebook for listing appointments [n]
Other moves: DATEBO(O)K 1H 126, DAT(E)BOOK 1H 126, DA(T)EBOOK 1H 126, D(A)TEBOOK 1H 126, (D)ATEBOOK 1H 117

On 7th draw, LONELY 2I 40 --- LONELY sad from lack of companionship [adj]
Other moves: ONELY 2J 36, LINEY 6B 35, EYOT 6E 34, VINYL I5 33, LEY 6D 31

On 8th draw, JEAT I9 40 --- JEAT a spout [n]
Other tops: JAG G7 40, JEAN I9 40, JEON I9 40, JETON G7 40, JOG G7 40, JONG G7 40
Other moves: JANE G7 39, JATO G7 39, JEAN G7 39, JEAT G7 39, JEON G7 39

On 9th draw, DEUTE(R)ON 8A 77 --- DEUTERON the nucleus of heavy hydrogen [n]
Other moves: E(V)OLUTED G2 73, OUTED(G)E M6 61, OUT(P)EERED 10D 61, OUT(W)EED G8 61, OUTB(R)EED E2 60

On 10th draw, AQ(U)A H12 42 --- AQUA water [n]
Other moves: VAPI(D) H11 39, AQ(U)AVIT 12C 38, PAVA(N) H11 38, PAVI(D) H11 38, PAVI(N) H11 38

On 11th draw, TRIGGERED 10D 64 --- TRIGGER to set in action [v]
Other moves: EDGIER 8J 30, EGGIER 8J 30, RIGGED 6A 26, TIGGED 6A 26, GIRTED 6A 25

On 12th draw, ECHOES 8J 45 --- ECHO a repetition of sound by reflection of sound waves [n]
Other moves: ENCASH 8J 42, CANEH 6B 41, ENCHASE B8 36, ENCASE 8J 33, NOAH 6C 32

On 13th draw, FREESIAS O4 65 --- FREESIA a scented plant [n]
Other moves: FEDARIES A6 63, ACRES K7 35, REFIT 6D 35, SERIF 6B 35, FERIAS 4A 32

On 14th draw, WOX 6D 58 --- WAX to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v]
Other moves: PIX 6D 57, POX 6D 57, NIX 6D 55, NOX 6D 55, OX 6E 54

On 15th draw, ZINGER N10 105 --- ZINGER a pointed witty retort or remark [n]
Other moves: PRENZIE B2 76, ZEP N10 67, ZING N10 67, ZIP N10 67, ZEIN N10 66

On 16th draw, INFARE 15J 39 --- INFARE a reception for newlyweds [n]
Other moves: AFIRE 15K 36, FAH 4D 36, FARE 15L 33, FERN 15L 33, FIRE 15L 33

On 17th draw, VULPINE B2 28 --- VULPINE pertaining to a fox [adj]
Other moves: PIU M11 23, PRE N6 23, PI 14J 22, PURLINE B2 22, TURNIP D10 22

On 18th draw, UH N5 28 --- UH used to express hesitation [interj]
Other moves: PRE N6 23, ASH 11I 22, EH K10 22, HONG G7 22, TURNUP D10 22

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