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Game on January 4, 2021 at 13:22, 1 player
1. 27 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?beefmr   H4    32    32   ferbam
 2. abeflru   4F    30    62   baffler
 3. aginttx   5J    38   100   ax
 4. denstuw   8E    63   163   unwasted
 5. ?ddiouy   6J    39   202   yod
 6. ehillsz  10H    47   249   sizel
 7. adistuv   M1    32   281   divs
 8. ?ehipst   1F    92   373   spighted
 9. ilmnory   2J    43   416   mirin
10. eilnotu   2B    78   494   elution
11. aceknot  11J    35   529   atoke
12. acdeein   E7    72   601   audience
13. ainrttw  12L    36   637   warn
14. ahijoty  12A    38   675   yojan
15. egloort  13I    38   713   looter
16. aeiortv   A6    39   752   variety
17. eginopu  13B    42   794   ponce
18. ahioquu   D1    46   840   quai
19. acgghou   O1    33   873   agog

Remaining tiles: cghiuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7138 FileGLOBEMAN    0  1:00  -846   27     1.7138 GLOBEMAN    0  1:00  -846   27 

On 1st draw, FERB(A)M H4 32 --- FERBAM a fungicide [n]
Other moves: FERB(A)M H7 30, BEREF(T) H8 28, F(O)RMEE H4 28, BEFRE(T) H4 26, BEF(O)RE H4 26

On 2nd draw, BAFFLER 4F 30 --- BAFFLER one that baffles [n]
Other tops: BLUFFER 4D 30
Other moves: REBUFF 4C 28, REBUFF 4D 28, BLAFF 4D 26, BLUFF 4D 26, FEARFUL 4D 26

On 3rd draw, AX 5J 38 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: NIXE 5E 35, AXING I7 33, TAXITE 5C 32, AXITE 5D 30, RAXING 6H 30

On 4th draw, UNW(A)STED 8E 63 --- UNWASTED not wasted [adj] --- WASTE to consume lavishly or thoughtlessly [adj]
Other moves: UNDREW 6E 34, WENDS 3K 33, DEWS M1 32, STREW 6F 32, SUNDEW M4 32

On 5th draw, YOD 6J 39 --- YOD a Hebrew letter a past tense of YEAD, YEDE and YEED [n]
Other tops: DOD(D)Y 6J 39, DOD(G)Y 6J 39, DO(D)DY 6J 39, DO(O)DY 6J 39, DO(W)DY 6J 39, YOD(E) 6J 39, YOD(H) 6J 39, YOD(S) 6J 39, YO(L)D 6J 39, YO(N)D 6J 39
Other moves: DOI(L)Y 6J 38, D(O)ODY 6J 38, YOU 6J 38, YOU(K) 6J 38, YOU(R) 6J 38

On 6th draw, SIZEL 10H 47 --- SIZEL metal clippings [n]
Other moves: SIZE 10H 46, SEZ 10H 45, ZELS M1 42, ZINES F6 36, BEZ F4 34

On 7th draw, DIVS M1 32 --- DIV in Persian legend, an evil spirit [n]
Other tops: VIDS M1 32
Other moves: ADITS 11J 31, DAVIT 7K 31, DIVAS 7K 31, SADI 11I 31, DIVA 7K 30

On 8th draw, SPI(G)HTED 1F 92 --- SPIGHT to spite [v]
Other moves: (M)EPHITIS 2G 90, PITHE(A)DS 1G 89, HEP(A)TISE 5A 80, PSE(P)HITE 5A 80, (A)PHETISE 5A 80

On 9th draw, MIRIN 2J 43 --- MIRIN a sweet Japanese cooking wine [n]
Other moves: NOM 11I 31, MIRLY 11K 30, LYME 5E 29, MINI 2J 29, MIRI 2J 29

On 10th draw, ELUTION 2B 78 --- ELUTION the act of eluting [n]
Other moves: ELUTION 3A 73, OUTLINER 6A 62, ONIE 11J 25, OUTLIE 2B 24, NOT 11I 23

On 11th draw, ATOKE 11J 35 --- ATOKE a sexless part of some worms [n]
Other moves: KOAN 1A 34, ATOK 11J 33, ATOC 11J 29, NOCAKE 5A 28, ATONE 11J 27

On 12th draw, AUDIENCE E7 72 --- AUDIENCE a group of listeners or spectators [n]
Other moves: ENNEADIC F7 69, ENNEADIC F6 65, DACE 7K 28, DICE 7K 28, DINE 12L 28

On 13th draw, WARN 12L 36 --- WARN to make aware of impending or possible danger [v]
Other tops: WANT 12L 36, WART 12L 36, WATT 12L 36
Other moves: WAN 12L 32, WAR 12L 32, WAT 12L 32, WIN 12L 32, WIT 12L 32

On 14th draw, YOJAN 12A 38 --- YOJAN an Indian measure of distance 5 miles [n]
Other moves: *L*Y*TH C1 34, HERIOT N10 34, ITCHY 13C 34, TAY 13M 34, TICHY 13C 34

On 15th draw, LOOTER 13I 38 --- LOOTER one that loots [n]
Other moves: TEG 13L 33, GOOLEY A7 30, GROOLY A7 30, OGLER O1 30, ORC 13C 30

On 16th draw, VARIETY A6 39 --- VARIETY something differing from others of the same general kind [n]
Other moves: VERITY A7 36, VOTARY A7 36, IVORY A8 33, OVARY A8 33, VAIRY A8 33

On 17th draw, PONCE 13B 42 --- PONCE to solicit clients for a prostitute [v]
Other moves: PUNJI C9 34, ONCE 13C 32, OPEN 1A 30, PO 13B 30, PERRON N10 28

On 18th draw, QUAI D1 46 --- QUAI a wharf [n]
Other moves: HOOP B10 32, AHI 14I 31, QUAI 5C 30, AH 14I 28, HI 14J 28

On 19th draw, AGOG O1 33 --- AGOG in a state of eager curiosity [adv]
Other moves: HOOP B10 32, UGH O1 30, AH 14I 28, HO 14J 28, OH 14I 28

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