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Game on Mars 6, 2021 at 14:29, 4 players
1. 276 pts Xuincunx
2. 103 pts Octopus8
3. 88 pts Mycophot

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeginuw   H3    28    28   aweing
 2. ?acggii   7G    65    93   incaging
 3. dilnosw   N1    28   121   dowsing
 4. fioortv   1L    36   157   fido
 5. ?abelsz   5E   122   279   sizeable
 6. aemrrtx   L4    46   325   remixt
 7. aeiopry   3L    34   359   paw
 8. eehnsuy   O3    27   386   sh
 9. hlnoptu   G3    29   415   poz
10. eehlmov   4A    36   451   vehme
11. dilstuv   B1    24   475   duvets
12. aaeelrt   3B    31   506   veer
13. eilnooo   A4    34   540   violone
14. aefinrt   B8    85   625   fenitar
15. aacilor   1A    30   655   odic
16. aailnrt  A12    22   677   alar
17. bejnrtu  11B    26   703   injure
18. abeknot   D8    34   737   banjo
19. addekuy  H11    69   806   dyked
20. aeirtuy   M9    75   881   aureity
21. eloqttu  14J    68   949   quote

Remaining tiles: ltt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8662 FileXuincunx    3 10:01  -673  276     1.8662 Xuincunx    3 10:01  -673  276 
  2.8733 FileOctopus8    1  2:38  -846  103     2.8733 Octopus8    1  2:38  -846  103 
  3.8458 FileMycophot    0  0:26  -861   88     3.8458 Mycophot    0  0:26  -861   88 
  4.8399 FileKuincunx    1  1:32  -880   69     4.8399 Kuincunx    1  1:32  -880   69 

On 1st draw, AWEING H3 28 --- AWE to inspire with awe (reverential fear) [v]
Other moves: WIGAN H4 26, WINGE H4 26, AWEING H7 24, AWEING H4 22, AWEING H8 22

On 2nd draw, INCAGI(N)G 7G 65 --- INCAGE to put in a cage [v]
Other moves: I(N)CAGING 7B 64, GIGAN(T)IC 7D 62, AGGA(D)IC 3H 24, AG(O)GIC 3H 22, C(H)IGGA 3C 22

On 3rd draw, DOWSING N1 28 --- DOWSE to search for underground water with a divining rod [v]
Other tops: WINDOWS 4C 28, WINDOWS 4H 28
Other moves: DOWING N2 26, INDOW G1 26, LOWINGS N2 26, LOWSING N1 26, SLOWING N1 26

On 4th draw, FIDO 1L 36 --- FIDO a defective coin [n]
Other moves: FORDO 1K 30, IF O1 29, OF O1 29, FOR G3 26, OVERFIT 5F 26

On 5th draw, S(I)ZEABLE 5E 122 --- SIZEABLE of considerable size or weight [adj]
Other moves: SEIZABL(E) L5 106, SIZEABL(E) L6 106, SIZEABL(Y) L6 106, SIZ(E)ABLE L6 106, S(E)IZABLE L5 106

On 6th draw, REMIXT L4 46 --- REMIX to mix again [v]
Other moves: REMIX L4 44, MAX I1 37, RAX I1 35, REX I1 35, TAX I1 35
MAX I1 37 Xuincunx

On 7th draw, PAW 3L 34 --- PAW to strike or scrape with a beating motion [v]
Other tops: PEW 3L 34, POW 3L 34
Other moves: PIRAYA 3C 30, GOARY K7 29, POZ G3 29, PIOYE 4A 28, YAP 3J 26
PIOYE 4A 28 Xuincunx

On 8th draw, SH O3 27 --- SH used to urge silence [interj]
Other moves: SHEENY K9 26, SHEA I2 25, YEA I3 24, YEH 4D 24, HYES 4C 23
SHEENY K9 26 Xuincunx

On 9th draw, POZ G3 29 --- POZ positive [adj]
Other moves: HOA I3 24, OUTPLAN 3C 22, POH 4D 22, PUH 4D 22, PUNTO 4A 22
POZ G3 29 Xuincunx

On 10th draw, VEHME 4A 36 --- VEHM a medieval German court [n]
Other moves: HEVEA I1 33, HOVEA I1 33, HELVE 4A 32, EVHOE M9 27, EVOHE M9 27
HOVEA I1 33 Xuincunx

On 11th draw, DUVETS B1 24 --- DUVET a light quilt filled with down [n]
Other tops: DIVEST B1 24
Other moves: DIV I1 23, DHUTIS C3 22, LIVEST B1 22, LUV I1 22, VILEST B1 22
DIV I1 23 Xuincunx

On 12th draw, VEER 3B 31 --- VEER to change direction [v]
Other tops: VEAL 3B 31, VEALER A4 31
Other moves: VEALE A4 28, DEALATE 1B 27, VAE 3B 26, VEE 3B 26, GEARE K7 23
VEALER A4 31 Xuincunx

On 13th draw, VIOLONE A4 34 --- VIOLONE a stringed instrument [n]
Other moves: O(N)ION M6 22, LOGOI K5 21, ODEON 1A 21, O(N)IE M6 21, IDLE 1A 18

On 14th draw, FENITAR B8 85 --- FENITAR a plant once used to treat scurvy [n]
Other moves: FAINER B10 47, DEFIANT 1B 45, FAINE B10 45, FAINT B10 45, FEINT B10 45

On 15th draw, ODIC 1A 30 --- ODIC pertaining to an ode [adj]
Other moves: ALAR A12 22, RAMONA 6J 22, IDOLA 1A 21, RAMIN 6J 21, ROMAN 6J 21

On 16th draw, ALAR A12 22 --- ALAR pertaining to wings [adj]
Other tops: ALAN A12 22, ANAL A12 22
Other moves: RAMIN 6J 21, AIM 6J 18, RAM 6J 18, RIM 6J 18, ANTA I2 17

On 17th draw, INJURE 11B 26 --- INJURE to do or cause injury to [v]
Other moves: BENT C9 25, JUNTA I1 25, NEB C11 25, BEN C13 23, BET C13 23

On 18th draw, BANJO D8 34 --- BANJO a musical instrument [n]
Other moves: KENT C9 31, BEJANT D9 30, JABOT D11 30, JAKE D11 30, JOKE D11 30

On 19th draw, DYKED H11 69 --- DYKE to furnish with an embankment [v]
Other moves: DUKED H11 51, DYKE H11 31, GAUDY K7 31, GAUDED K7 29, DYAD H11 28
DYKED H11 69 Xuincunx, Kuincunx, Octopus8

On 20th draw, AUREITY M9 75 --- AUREITY properties of gold [n]
Other moves: AUREITY K9 72, AYRE I12 34, EYRA I12 34, GAIETY K7 31, AYE I12 30
AYRE I12 34 Mycophot, Octopus8

On 21th draw, QUOTE 14J 68 --- QUOTE to repeat the words of [v]
Other moves: QUYTE 15K 54, TOQUET 14D 35, TOQUE 14D 34, GOUTTE K7 26, EYOT 15L 24
QUYTE 15K 54 Mycophot

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