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Game on August 15, 2023 at 20:44, 11 players
1. 174 pts LongJump22
2. 153 pts Pacific
3. 108 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aimrrst   H4    22    22   marris
 2. aabeeos   4G    22    44   amoebae
 3. aeeglrs   K4    94   138   beaglers
 4. ?innorx   M3    38   176   remix
 5. diknouv   3C    29   205   unkid
 6. aehlptt   8K    39   244   lathe
 7. ?agiptw   2J    49   293   whipt
 8. aeefgln  11D    74   367   fenagles
 9. inorsuw  H11    30   397   grown
10. fhioptu  10J    40   437   froth
11. deiootv  15A    89   526   devotion
12. deglnot  13G    76   602   goldtone
13. aaeemsu  14E    31   633   smew
14. aceostu   1F    89   722   acetous
15. abilruu  12A    28   750   bura
16. deijpuy  12L    61   811   judy
17. aceilpz   J6    65   876   za
18. ceiinno   9A    62   938   coniines
19. iilpqvy  14M    35   973   ivy

Remaining tiles: ilpq

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.6501 FileLongJump22  3  3:37  -799  174     1.9594 Pacific     1  2:16  -820  153 
  2.9594 FilePacific     1  2:16  -820  153            Group: advanced
  3.7332 Filesunshine12  1  2:49  -865  108     1.7332 sunshine12  1  2:49  -865  108 
  4.7603 Fileenzotiger   1  2:22  -887   86     2.7603 enzotiger   1  2:22  -887   86 
  5.7065 FileFangTooth   1  3:20  -887   86     3.7065 FangTooth   1  3:20  -887   86 
  6.6733 FileDiscus22    1  1:33  -907   66     4.7508 lazy.lion   1  1:50  -908   65 
  7.6754 FileJavelin22   1  2:24  -907   66     5.7262 bumpkin     0  0:24  -955   18 
  8.7508 Filelazy.lion   1  1:50  -908   65            Group: intermediate
  9.6509 FileHammer22    0  1:37  -937   36     1.6501 LongJump22  3  3:37  -799  174 
 10.6552 FileShotPut22   1  1:31  -951   22     2.6733 Discus22    1  1:33  -907   66 
 11.7262 Filebumpkin     0  0:24  -955   18     3.6754 Javelin22   1  2:24  -907   66 
                                             4.6509 Hammer22    0  1:37  -937   36 
                                             5.6552 ShotPut22   1  1:31  -951   22 

On 1st draw, MARRIS H4 22 --- MARRI (Aborig.) a eucalyptus of West Australia, with coloured flowers [n]
Other tops: AMRITS H3 22
Other moves: MAIRS H4 20, MAIST H4 20, MARRI H4 20, MARTS H4 20, AMRITS H4 18
MARRIS H4 22 LongJump22, Discus22, Javelin22, ShotPut22

On 2nd draw, AMOEBAE 4G 22 --- AMOEBA a one-celled animal of ever-changing shape [n]
Other tops: AMOEBAS 4G 22
Other moves: AMEBAE 4G 20, AMEBAS 4G 20, AMOEBA 4G 20, EMBASE 4G 20, ABASE G7 19
AMOEBAE 4G 22 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, BEAGLERS K4 94 --- BEAGLER one who hunts with beagles [n]
Other moves: GALERES G8 66, REGALERS 6H 65, REGALERS 6B 63, EELGRASS 9B 62, GEARLESS 9B 62
BEAGLERS K4 94 LongJump22
GEARLESS 9B 62 Pacific
BEAGLERS K4 44 Discus22, Javelin22

On 4th draw, RE(M)IX M3 38 --- MIX to put together into one mass [v] --- REMIX to mix again [v]
Other tops: RE(D)OX M3 38, RE(F)IX M3 38, (X)EROX M3 38
Other moves: LIN(U)X 8K 36, (D)IOXAN 5D 35, NON(T)AX 5D 34, ORIXA(S) 5D 34, ORIXA 5D 33
LIN(U)X 8K 36 LongJump22, Hammer22

On 5th draw, UNKID 3C 29 --- UNKID strange [adj]
Other tops: DINK N6 29, DUNK N6 29
Other moves: DIV N6 27, DINK 3D 25, DINO N6 25, DOUK 3D 25, DUNK 3D 25

On 6th draw, LATHE 8K 39 --- LATHE to cut or shape on a type of machine [v]
Other moves: ALEPH 2J 38, ALEPH J2 37, EPHA J4 37, HAET J6 35, TEETH J2 33

On 7th draw, W(H)IPT 2J 49 --- WHIP to strike with a whip (an instrument for administering corporal punishment) [v]
Other tops: W(R)APT 2J 49
Other moves: GAWP(S) 2J 43, TAWPI(E) 2J 39, G(R)IPT 2J 37, (S)AWPIT 2J 35, IGAP(O) 2J 33

On 8th draw, FENAGLES 11D 74 --- FENAGLE to obtain by trickery [v]
Other moves: FENAGLES 9A 64, FENAGLE D1 30, FA J6 29, FANE 4A 28, FANGLE D1 28

On 9th draw, GROWN H11 30 --- GROW to cultivate [v] --- GROWN mature [adj]
Other tops: GNOWS H11 30, GOWNS H11 30, GROWS H11 30, WINOS 1G 30
Other moves: WINO 4A 28, WINO 1G 26, ROWAN 5E 25, SOWAR 5E 25, FROWN D11 24

On 10th draw, FROTH 10J 40 --- FROTH to foam [v]
Other tops: FRITH 10J 40
Other moves: FIFTH D11 36, HOUFF D8 36, HOP 2F 33, POUFF D8 32, FRUIT 10J 31

On 11th draw, DEVOTION 15A 89 --- DEVOTION the act of devoting [n]
Other moves: VOTED 12A 39, VIDE 12A 34, VIDEO 1F 32, VITE 12A 32, VOTE 12A 32

On 12th draw, GOLDTONE 13G 76 --- GOLDTONE made to resemble gold [adj]
Other moves: GOLDTONE 13C 74, GODET 12A 30, OGLED 12A 29, TOGED 12A 29, GELANDE 5E 27

On 13th draw, SMEW 14E 31 --- SMEW an Eurasian duck [n]
Other moves: SEAME 12B 30, MASA 12A 28, MASE 12A 28, MEASE 12B 28, MESA 12A 28

On 14th draw, ACETOUS 1F 89 --- ACETOUS tasting like vinegar [adj]
Other moves: AUTOCUES C2 62, COTEAU 12A 36, ATOCS 1H 35, COAST 1H 33, SCOUT 1H 33

On 15th draw, BURA 12A 28 --- BURA a violent windstorm [n]
Other tops: BARFUL D8 28
Other moves: BALU 12C 26, BIRL 12L 26, BURA 12L 26, BURL 12L 26, BURA 4A 24

On 16th draw, JUDY 12L 61 --- JUDY a girl [n]
Other moves: JUPE 12L 52, JUPE 4A 50, JEDI 12L 49, JUD 12L 45, JOEY L12 36
YIP O10 26 Pacific

On 17th draw, ZA J6 65 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: ZINC D1 50, ZINE D1 46, CAPIZ 6J 44, CZAR 6E 35, KAZI E3 34
ZA J6 65 sunshine12, Pacific, enzotiger, FangTooth, lazy.lion

On 18th draw, CONIINES 9A 62 --- CONIINE a poisonous alkaloid [n]
Other moves: CINE 4A 24, CONE 4A 24, CONI I3 24, CONIINE D1 24, CONINE D1 22
CONINE D1 22 sunshine12
CONE D1 18 bumpkin

On 19th draw, IVY 14M 35 --- IVY a climbing vine [n]
Other moves: PYIC A6 33, VINYL D1 30, VINY D1 28, LEVY O7 25, YIP 8B 25
QI D8 21 sunshine12, enzotiger, FangTooth

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