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Game on September 21, 2023 at 02:03, 9 players
1. 412 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 351 pts sunshine12
3. 328 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adeikos   H4    30    30   kades
 2. ?optuvz   G5    41    71   topaz
 3. ?agiirt   H1    36   107   parkades
 4. aaeeltv   3D    63   170   valerate
 5. beeeost   L1    32   202   besee
 6. abeilnn   1J    30   232   nibble
 7. acenrrt   7D    64   296   carpenter
 8. aghimpu   8A    56   352   umph
 9. dnooruw   6B    27   379   wood
10. ijnorsy   D1    50   429   jivy
11. deimost   M5    80   509   distome
12. aaginry   1A    42   551   garjan
13. aaeensy  N10    49   600   yeans
14. deilnoo   B8    76   676   melodion
15. elortvx   2A    39   715   ox
16. aelortu  13G    70   785   outlearn
17. cfiinrw  H12    39   824   fuci
18. fghiinu  A13    35   859   ghi
19. giinqtu  J10    36   895   quilt
20. fginruw  C11    39   934   wing

Remaining tiles: firuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7005 FileGLOBEMAN    5 15:33  -522  412     1.7005 GLOBEMAN    5 15:33  -522  412 
  2.7231 Filesunshine12  5 11:54  -583  351     2.7231 sunshine12  5 11:54  -583  351 
  3.6758 Fileroocatcher  4 10:32  -606  328            Group: intermediate
  4.6902 FilePapa_Sloth  3 10:44  -651  283     1.6758 roocatcher  4 10:32  -606  328 
  5.6674 FileNibbler     0  0:54  -910   24     2.6902 Papa_Sloth  3 10:44  -651  283 
  6.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:36  -910   24     3.6674 Nibbler     0  0:54  -910   24 
  7.6972 FileFangTooth   0  0:37  -911   23     4.6972 FangTooth   0  0:37  -911   23 
  8.6963 Filemousecat    0  1:28  -911   23     5.6963 mousecat    0  1:28  -911   23 
  9.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:20  -925    9            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  chunk88     0  1:36  -910   24 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:20  -925    9 

On 1st draw, KADES H4 30 --- KADE a wingless fly that attacks sheep [n]
Other tops: KADIS H4 30, KAIDS H4 30
Other moves: KAIES H4 28, SOAKED H7 26, ASKED H8 24, DIKAS H4 24, DIKES H4 24

On 2nd draw, TOP(A)Z G5 41 --- TOPAZ a mineral [n]
Other moves: PUTZ(E)D 6C 37, VOZ(H)D 6D 37, POZ G7 36, POZ(Z) G7 36, Z(A)P G5 36

On 3rd draw, (P)ARKADES H1 36 --- PARKADE a multilevel structure for parking vehicles [n]
Other moves: AGITAT(O)R 5D 32, ATTAGIR(L) 5E 32, (C)IGAR F4 28, (S)TRIGA F2 27, AR(E)G I4 26

On 4th draw, VALERATE 3D 63 --- VALERATE a chemical salt [n]
Other moves: VALETA F2 33, VELETA F2 33, LEAVE I2 30, EAVE I3 27, VALET F2 27

On 5th draw, BESEE L1 32 --- BESEE to look to [v]
Other tops: BESET L1 32, BESOT L1 32
Other moves: BEST L1 30, BOT F6 30, BO F6 27, BEES I5 24, BETS I5 24
BESET L1 32 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 6th draw, NIBBLE 1J 30 --- NIBBLE to eat with small bites [v]
Other tops: BAL F6 30, BAN F6 30
Other moves: BA F6 27, ABELE 2J 26, BAVIN D1 26, BEANIE K2 26, BABE 1L 24
BABE 1L 24 sunshine12

On 7th draw, CARPENTER 7D 64 --- CARPENTER [v]
Other moves: CAN F6 30, CAR F6 30, CAT F6 30, CAVERN D1 28, ITERANCE K1 28
REC I5 25 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 8th draw, UMPH 8A 56 --- UMPH expressive of reserved doubt [interj]
Other moves: PUGH 8A 53, HAEM K5 28, HM 8D 26, MIHA 8B 26, PUHA 8B 26
HAEM K5 28 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 9th draw, WOOD 6B 27 --- WOOD to furnish with wood (the hard, fibrous substance beneath the bark of a tree or shrub) [v]
Other moves: WOON 6B 25, WREN K5 24, DREW K5 22, REWOUND K6 22, WOE K5 22
WREN K5 24 roocatcher, chunk88

On 10th draw, JIVY D1 50 --- JIVY lively [adj]
Other moves: SIJO M7 35, ENJOYS K7 32, ENJOY K7 30, JOEYS 5J 30, JOEY 5J 28
JIVY D1 50 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
JA E2 9 BadBoyBen

On 11th draw, DISTOME M5 80 --- DISTOME a parasitic flatworm [n]
Other moves: TEDISOME K6 72, DEISM 8K 33, DEMIT 8K 33, DEMOS 8K 33, MIDMOST B8 32
DEMOS 8K 33 Papa_Sloth
SEMI M7 25 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 12th draw, GARJAN 1A 42 --- GARJAN an East Indian tree [n]
Other moves: GANJA 1A 39, ANGARY L10 34, ANY N8 33, ARY N8 33, RYA N9 33
YAG N10 32 roocatcher
TYG 8M 21 Papa_Sloth

On 13th draw, YEANS N10 49 --- YEAN to bear young [v]
Other moves: EYAS N9 34, EYEN N9 34, EYES N9 34, EYNE N9 34, NYAS N9 34
YEANS N10 49 roocatcher, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
YEN N10 31 Papa_Sloth

On 14th draw, MELODION B8 76 --- MELODION a small reed organ [n]
Other moves: EIDOLONS 14G 61, DEIL O12 30, DOOL O12 30, DOON O12 30, LOID O12 25
DOON O12 30 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, roocatcher
DOOL O12 30 Papa_Sloth

On 15th draw, OX 2A 39 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: VOXEL L11 38, VEXT L11 34, VERTEX K6 32, VEX L11 32, VORTEX 11A 32
OX 2A 39 roocatcher, sunshine12, Papa_Sloth, GLOBEMAN

On 16th draw, OUTLEARN 13G 70 --- OUTLEARN to surpass in learning [v]
Other moves: ALOE A12 29, ALTO A12 29, NEUTRAL 15B 24, ORATE C10 23, TETRA 8K 23
ATE A13 19 roocatcher
TE 3A 16 Papa_Sloth

On 17th draw, FUCI H12 39 --- FUCUS any of a genus of brown algae [n]
Other moves: CUIF H12 36, CURF H12 36, FRANC L11 32, ERF K3 28, FIER K5 28
FUCI H12 39 roocatcher, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
CURN H12 27 Papa_Sloth

On 18th draw, GHI A13 35 --- GHI a kind of liquid butter [n]
Other moves: FINI C11 28, HAUF L12 28, HOUFING 11A 28, FIE K5 26, HI A14 26
GHI A13 35 Papa_Sloth
IF C12 23 FangTooth, mousecat

On 19th draw, QUILT J10 36 --- QUILT to stitch together with padding in between [v]
Other moves: QUEEN 11K 28, QUIET K10 28, QUINE K9 28, QUITE K9 28, GIN C13 27
QUILT J10 36 Papa_Sloth, roocatcher
QAT L12 24 Nibbler

On 20th draw, WING C11 39 --- WING to travel by means of wings (organs of flight) [v]
Other moves: FIN C13 35, FIG C11 32, WIG C11 32, FIG K9 31, RIF C11 31
FIN C13 35 roocatcher, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
WIZ 9E 15 Papa_Sloth

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