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Game on Mars 15, 2024 at 03:10, 5 players
1. 201 pts roocatcher
2. 166 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 132 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeiilrs   H7    66    66   lairise
 2. beghirt  10G    70   136   brighter
 3. ddeegor  12H    76   212   sodgered
 4. ?acdeot   8A    89   301   anecdota
 5. emoprtv   C2    36   337   premove
 6. aeilnnr   E3    68   405   inlander
 7. ?ehjnot   B4    61   466   haj
 8. inostuu  11A    30   496   touns
 9. eenostv  14B    82   578   voteens
10. ainpuyz  13C    63   641   zany
11. agilqtu   A1    49   690   quat
12. aemstuw  15C    36   726   stew
13. eiklnpr  O12    27   753   dike
14. eiimnrw   9M    23   776   wem
15. afiopru   8M    38   814   apo
16. agnruxy   F5    52   866   ax
17. abilnru  14J    28   894   unbark
18. adfiilo   9A    27   921   lod
19. affgilo   L4    31   952   oflag
20. cfiiiuy   5K    26   978   iffy

Remaining tiles: ciiiu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7075 Fileroocatcher  1  8:39  -777  201     1.7075 roocatcher  1  8:39  -777  201 
  2.7501 FileGLOBEMAN    3  6:49  -812  166     2.7501 GLOBEMAN    3  6:49  -812  166 
  3.7488 Filesunshine12  3  3:54  -846  132     3.7488 sunshine12  3  3:54  -846  132 
  4.7678 Filelazy.lion   1  2:25  -896   82     4.7678 lazy.lion   1  2:25  -896   82 
  5.  -  Filechunk88     0  0:28  -967   11            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  chunk88     0  0:28  -967   11 

On 1st draw, LAIRISE H7 66 --- LAIRISE to act like a flashy man [v]
Other tops: LAIRISE H2 66, LAIRISE H3 66, LAIRISE H4 66, LAIRISE H6 66, LAIRISE H8 66
Other moves: LAIRISE H5 64, ARIELS H3 14, ARIELS H4 14, ARIELS H7 14, ARIELS H8 14

On 2nd draw, BRIGHTER 10G 70 --- BRIGHT emitting much light [adj]
Other moves: BLIGHTER 7G 69, THERBLIG 7C 69, BRIGHTER 10A 68, BEGIRT G9 30, BERTHE 13C 30

On 3rd draw, SODGERED 12H 76 --- SODGER to soldier [v]
Other moves: DOGGEDER J7 64, DOGGEDER J8 64, DOGEARED 8D 63, DEGREED 13G 28, DEGREED 13C 26

On 4th draw, A(N)ECDOTA 8A 89 --- ANECDOTE a brief story [n]
Other tops: AD(V)OCATE 8H 89, A(U)TOCADE 8H 89
Other moves: A(N)ECDOTA 8H 86, COA(C)TED 14B 81, COA(P)TED 14B 81, COA(S)TED 14B 81, E(V)OCATED 13B 81

On 5th draw, PREMOVE C2 36 --- PREMOVE to incite [v]
Other tops: PREMOVE 13B 36
Other moves: PORTME(N) B2 32, REMOVE 13C 30, REMOVE C3 30, TEMPORE C7 30, COMPTER D8 26

On 6th draw, INLANDER E3 68 --- INLANDER one living in the interior of a region [n]
Other moves: LEARNING J3 61, LINDANE E5 32, NARDINE E5 32, AIR 11K 26, EA 11J 23

On 7th draw, H(A)J B4 61 --- HAJ a pilgrimage to Mecca [n]
Other moves: T(A)J B4 55, JOHN(S) 11A 46, JO(S)H 11C 44, JONE(S) 11A 40, JEER(S) M9 38

On 8th draw, TOUNS 11A 30 --- TOUN a town [n]
Other tops: INUST 11B 30, NUTSO 11B 30, OINTS 11A 30, TONUS 11A 30, UNITS 11A 30
Other moves: INUST A1 29, OINTS A1 29, UNITS A1 29, IONS 11B 28, NITS 11B 28

On 9th draw, VOTEENS 14B 82 --- VOTEEN a devotee [n]
Other moves: VENTOSE 14C 70, EVETS A1 38, VENTS A1 38, VOTEEN B10 34, VOTES B10 32

On 10th draw, ZANY 13C 63 --- ZANY a zany person [n] --- ZANY ludicrously comical [adj] --- ZANY to play the zany to [v]
Other moves: ZUPA 13C 60, ZAP 13C 56, ZIP 13C 56, ZIN 13C 50, ZA 13C 46

On 11th draw, QUAT A1 49 --- QUAT a pimple [n]
Other tops: QUIT A1 49
Other moves: QUAIGH K5 38, QUAIR N6 34, QUAIL I4 29, GAIT A1 25, GILT A1 25
QUAIR N6 34 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN

On 12th draw, STEW 15C 36 --- STEW to cook by boiling slowly [v]
Other moves: STEAM F2 31, ATES 15C 30, DWAM O12 30, SETA 15C 30, SEW 15C 29
STEAM F2 31 roocatcher

On 13th draw, DIKE O12 27 --- DIKE to furnish with an embankment [v]
Other tops: DINK O12 27, DIRK O12 27, DREK O12 27
Other moves: PERIL I4 22, DRIP O12 21, KLIEG J6 20, KRENG J6 20, DIKE J12 19
DIKE O12 27 roocatcher, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 14th draw, WEM 9M 23 --- WEM a womb [n]
Other moves: EM 10A 22, EWE 13H 22, MERI 13L 22, WHIG K9 22, WINK 14L 22
WEM 9M 23 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 15th draw, APO 8M 38 --- APO a type of protein (apolipoprotein) [n]
Other moves: FA 8N 33, FORAM O5 30, FORUM O5 30, FRAIM O5 30, PA 8N 29
FORAM O5 30 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, lazy.lion

On 16th draw, AX F5 52 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: EX 13H 34, OX I12 34, AY 11K 30, AY 10A 28, AY F5 28
AX F5 52 lazy.lion, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 17th draw, UNBARK 14J 28 --- UNBARK to strip of bark [v]
Other moves: BURIAL I3 26, AI D3 23, AB 10A 22, BAULK 14K 22, BINAL I4 22
AB 10A 22 roocatcher
LAB G3 11 chunk88

On 18th draw, LOD 9A 27 --- LOD the logarithm of the odds, used in statistics and in calculating Scrabble ratings [n]
Other tops: LAD 9A 27
Other moves: AD 9B 24, FIDO I9 24, OD 9B 24, AI D3 23, IO 11J 23
FIDO I9 24 roocatcher

On 19th draw, OFLAG L4 31 --- OFLAG a prisoner of war camp for officers [n]
Other moves: AG D3 27, OFFAL I4 26, AI D3 23, IO 11J 23, AFF F1 22
FAG G3 15 roocatcher

On 20th draw, IFFY 5K 26 --- IFFY full of uncertainty [adj]
Other tops: IFFY 5J 26
Other moves: CUFF 5I 24, CUFF 5J 24, CUIF M1 23, FY M3 21, FY M4 21
OF I12 18 roocatcher

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