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Game on Mars 19, 2024 at 20:52, 7 players
1. 302 pts LongJump22
2. 148 pts queen66
3. 117 pts HollyIvy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eegiowy   H4    30    30   yowie
 2. iinoopt   G4    28    58   noop
 3. aefitty   I3    34    92   fetta
 4. aegrsty   3A    82   174   gyrates
 5. ?adehir   A1   167   341   hagrider
 6. acefnor   2D    31   372   nef
 7. aaelluv   3I    26   398   favella
 8. agknost   O1    39   437   soak
 9. cdegloo   4L    28   465   dook
10. ?abgnos   1H    89   554   nosebags
11. deinttz   D2    26   580   naze
12. aeistwx   E5   122   702   taxwise
13. cdeeinr  D10    29   731   edenic
14. aehlmrr  15D    42   773   charmer
15. ciilnru  14A    21   794   runic
16. abdlpuv  A12    33   827   burp
17. adilrtv   B1    21   848   ary
18. dgijltu   C5    23   871   jig
19. dilmotv  11D    30   901   devildom
20. einqtuu  13C    44   945   unique

Remaining tiles: iilntt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8636 FileLongJump22  3  2:53  -643  302     1.8636 LongJump22  3  2:53  -643  302 
  2.7866 Filequeen66     1  2:36  -797  148     2.8305 Zuincunx    1  2:27  -879   66 
  3.7710 FileHollyIvy    0  1:05  -828  117     3.8368 Wuincunx    1  1:01  -915   30 
  4.7891 Filesicilianc5  0  1:31  -828  117     4.8541 Quincunx    1  1:27  -915   30 
  5.8305 FileZuincunx    1  2:27  -879   66            Group: advanced
  6.8368 FileWuincunx    1  1:01  -915   30     1.7866 queen66     1  2:36  -797  148 
  7.8541 FileQuincunx    1  1:27  -915   30     2.7710 HollyIvy    0  1:05  -828  117 
                                             3.7891 sicilianc5  0  1:31  -828  117 

On 1st draw, YOWIE H4 30 --- YOWIE a small ewe [n]
Other moves: YOGEE H4 26, YOWIE H8 24, YOWIE H5 22, YOWIE H6 22, YOWIE H7 22
YOWIE H4 30 LongJump22, Zuincunx, Wuincunx, Quincunx

On 2nd draw, NOOP G4 28 --- NOOP a knob [n]
Other moves: TOPOI G5 27, OPTION G6 26, TOPO G5 25, OOP G5 22, OPT G6 22
NOOP G4 28 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, FETTA I3 34 --- FETTA a crumbly white cheese [n]
Other moves: FETTA I5 30, FEAT I5 28, FETA I5 28, FETT I5 28, FETT I3 26

On 4th draw, GYRATES 3A 82 --- GYRATE to revolve or rotate [v]
Other moves: GYRATES 9B 78, GRAYEST 9C 77, STAGERY 9H 75, STAGERY J7 71, YAGERS 3B 30
GRAYEST 9C 77 LongJump22

On 5th draw, HAGRIDE(R) A1 167 --- HAGRIDER one that hagrides [n]
Other tops: HAGRIDE(S) A1 167
Other moves: HAG(R)IDER A1 158, GARI(S)HED A3 89, GRAI(T)HED A3 89, HAYRIDE(S) B1 86, HYDRE(M)IA B2 82
HAGRIDE(S) A1 167 LongJump22
HAGRIDE(S) A1 117 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, queen66

On 6th draw, NEF 2D 31 --- NEF an ornamental stand for table cutlery [n]
Other moves: FRANCO D1 30, EF 2E 28, FRANC D1 28, FOOTRACE 5F 26, FRAENA D1 26
NEF 2D 31 queen66

On 7th draw, FAVELLA 3I 26 --- FAVELLA a slum area [n]
Other moves: FAVELA 3I 24, FAVELL 3I 24, FAUVE 3I 22, FAVEL 3I 22, AVA J1 19

On 8th draw, SOAK O1 39 --- SOAK to saturate thoroughly in liquid [v]
Other moves: SLANK N2 38, KNAGS O1 36, ASKANT O3 33, KNAG O1 33, SKAG O1 33
KNAGS O1 36 Zuincunx

On 9th draw, DOOK 4L 28 --- DOOK to bathe [v]
Other moves: LOOK 4L 24, COVED K1 22, DYE B2 22, ECAD J1 21, CAD J2 20

On 10th draw, NOS(E)BAGS 1H 89 --- NOSEBAG a feedbag [n]
Other moves: BAN(D)OGS 9B 74, BA(R)ONGS 9B 74, (G)OBANGS 9B 74, (K)OBANGS 9B 74, BAGN(I)OS 9B 73

On 11th draw, NAZE D2 26 --- NAZE a headland [n]
Other tops: NAZI D2 26
Other moves: NYED B2 25, TYED B2 25, DYE B2 22, (R)ITZ 8A 22, IDENT B6 19

On 12th draw, TAXWISE E5 122 --- TAXWISE pertaining to taxes [adj]
Other moves: WAXIEST 9C 85, TAXWISE 9C 82, WAXIEST C5 81, TAXWISE C5 78, XIS E5 38

On 13th draw, EDENIC D10 29 --- EDENIC pertaining to a paradise [adj]
Other moves: EYED B2 25, NYED B2 25, INCEDE D10 24, NEREID B5 23, DYE B2 22

On 14th draw, CHARMER 15D 42 --- CHARMER one that charms [n]
Other tops: MARCHER 15A 42
Other moves: CHARM 15D 36, MARCH 15A 36, MERCH 15A 36, CALMER 15D 30, CHARE 15D 30

On 15th draw, RUNIC 14A 21 --- RUNIC pertaining to a rune [adj]
Other tops: LIRI C10 21
Other moves: URIC 14B 19, CURLI C7 18, UNCINI 13C 18, INCUR 13C 16, RUNIC 14I 15

On 16th draw, BURP A12 33 --- BURP to belch [v]
Other tops: BARP A12 33
Other moves: BARD A12 30, BURD A12 30, PARD A12 30, ABY B1 29, BURA A12 27

On 17th draw, ARY B1 21 --- ARY any [adj]
Other moves: ANIL 13C 20, VALID C8 20, ANI 13C 18, DAVIT 14I 18, VALID C5 18

On 18th draw, JIG C5 23 --- JIG to bob [v]
Other tops: JILT C7 23, JUD C5 23, JUG C5 23
Other moves: JILT C5 22, JUT C5 21, UNIT 13C 20, GLID C9 18, UNI 13C 18

On 19th draw, DEVILDOM 11D 30 --- DEVILDOM the domain of a devil [n]
Other moves: TIMON C10 29, DEMIVOLT 11D 28, VOID C9 22, MID C10 18, MOD C10 18

On 20th draw, UNIQUE 13C 44 --- UNIQUE existing as the only one of its kind; very unusual [adj] --- UNIQUE existing as the only one of its kind [adj] --- UNIQUE something that is unique [n] --- UNIQUE something that is rare or the only one of its kind [n]
Other moves: UNIQUE 14J 38, TUQUE 10J 26, QUIET G9 25, QUINE G9 25, QUINT G9 25

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