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Game on Mars 24, 2024 at 15:25, 8 players
1. 198 pts LongJump22
2. 72 pts roocatcher
3. 57 pts Zuincunx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. denopsy   H7    32    32   spendy
 2. ?abegiy  10B    77   109   beraying
 3. cemnoos  11E    36   145   mondos
 4. ?aiiltu   I1    61   206   nautili
 5. ajnostw   2I    66   272   ajowans
 6. acinoor   O2    30   302   saronic
 7. eklotuw   5E    40   342   outwile
 8. abeefnp   9G    29   371   feeb
 9. diortvz   C9    42   413   vezir
10. eefinrv   1D    36   449   feerin
11. einortu   4A    72   521   routine
12. aeilqrt  B12    37   558   qat
13. aeglprt   2B    29   587   pearl
14. adiknsu  D12    53   640   skid
15. acdhinr   M2    84   724   arachnid
16. adeglov   A3    33   757   groved
17. aaehlux  A13    52   809   hex
18. aelmotu   N9    31   840   amulet

Remaining tiles: aegot

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8704 FileLongJump22  3  3:16  -642  198     1.8704 LongJump22  3  3:16  -642  198 
  2.6942 Fileroocatcher  1  3:18  -768   72     2.8456 Zuincunx    1  2:12  -783   57 
  3.8456 FileZuincunx    1  2:12  -783   57     3.8273 Wuincunx    1  2:59  -783   57 
  4.8273 FileWuincunx    1  2:59  -783   57            Group: intermediate
  5.  -  FileWWW333      1  1:59  -800   40     1.6942 roocatcher  1  3:18  -768   72 
  6.  -  FilePPP333      1  1:10  -808   32            Group: not rated
  7.  -  FileDDD333      1  1:33  -808   32     1.  -  WWW333      1  1:59  -800   40 
  8.  -  FileYYY333      1  1:55  -808   32     2.  -  PPP333      1  1:10  -808   32 
                                             3.  -  DDD333      1  1:33  -808   32 
                                             4.  -  YYY333      1  1:55  -808   32 

On 1st draw, SPENDY H7 32 --- SPENDY expensive [adj]
Other moves: DOPEY H8 30, PONEYS H8 30, POYSED H4 30, SPENDY H3 30, PEONY H8 28
SPENDY H7 32 LongJump22, PPP333, DDD333, YYY333

On 2nd draw, BE(R)AYING 10B 77 --- BERAY to befoul [v]
Other tops: BE(L)AYING 10B 77
Other moves: E(M)BAYING 10B 73, EBAYING(S) 10C 71, EBAYI(N)GS 7A 66, BEADI(L)Y 11E 48, YEADI(N)G 11E 44
BE(L)AYING 10B 77 LongJump22
BE(L)AYING 10B 27 Zuincunx, Wuincunx

On 3rd draw, MONDOS 11E 36 --- MONDO a rapid question and answer technique employed in Zen Buddhism [n]
Other moves: MONDO 11E 34, COMES 11A 31, MEND 11E 29, MOOD 11E 29, ECONOMY 12B 28
ECONOMY 12B 28 LongJump22

On 4th draw, (N)AUTILI I1 61 --- NAUTILUS a spiral-shelled mollusk [n]
Other tops: (N)AUTILI G1 61
Other moves: ULITI(S) 12A 22, (P)ILAU 12B 19, AITU(S) 12B 18, ILIA(D) 12B 18, ILIU(M) 12B 18
(N)AUTILI I1 61 LongJump22

On 5th draw, AJOWANS 2I 66 --- AJOWAN the fruit of an Egyptian plant [n]
Other moves: AJOWAN 2I 64, AJWANS 2I 64, JEANS 9G 44, JEATS 9G 44, JEAN 9G 43

On 6th draw, SARONIC O2 30 --- SARONIC pertaining to an astronomical cycle [adj]
Other moves: CONIA 12A 25, CORIA 12A 25, CORNI 12A 25, ORCIN 12B 25, OSCAR O1 24
SARONIC O2 30 Zuincunx, Wuincunx

On 7th draw, OUTWILE 5E 40 --- OUTWILE to surpass in wiling [v]
Other moves: WINKLE G9 36, WINK G9 33, WOK 9C 33, WOKE(N) 1E 33, WELKE C9 32

On 8th draw, FEEB 9G 29 --- FEEB a wimp (a weak or ineffectual person) [n]
Other tops: FAB 12D 29, FAB 9C 29, FAP 9C 29
Other moves: FEEN 9G 27, BEEF 9G 26, BEEP 6C 26, FEE 3K 26, FEE 9G 26

On 9th draw, VEZIR C9 42 --- VEZIR a minister [n]
Other moves: DITZ 4B 39, DZO 4D 39, RITZ 4B 37, DITZ L5 36, RIZ 4C 35

On 10th draw, FEERI(N) 1D 36 --- FEERIN a first guiding furrow [n]
Other moves: ENRIVE(N) 1C 30, FEERIN 4A 30, FEEN D12 28, FEER D12 28, FENI D12 28

On 11th draw, ROUTINE 4A 72 --- ROUTINE a regular course of procedure [n]
Other moves: ROUTINE 6A 69, ORIENT 2A 27, INERT 2B 25, URENT 2B 25, NOY 12F 19

On 12th draw, QAT B12 37 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: EQUALI C2 32, QUAIL C3 30, QUAIR C3 30, QUALE C3 30, QUARE 3H 30

On 13th draw, PEARL 2B 29 --- PEARL to adorn with pearls (smooth, rounded masses formed in certain mollusks) [v]
Other tops: APERT 2B 29, PEART 2B 29, PLATE 2B 29, PLEAT 2B 29, PRATE 2B 29
Other moves: GLARE 2B 27, GRAPLE A3 27, GRATE 2B 27, GREAT 2B 27, PEG 3K 27

On 14th draw, SKID D12 53 --- SKID to slide sideways as a result of a loss of traction [v]
Other moves: SKIN D12 49, SKUA D12 49, SKA D12 45, SKI D12 45, ADSUKI L4 44

On 15th draw, ARACHNID M2 84 --- ARACHNID the large family of spiders, mites, scorpions etc. [n]
Other moves: HIC A13 37, DIARCH 15D 36, WINDAC L2 36, HAD A13 34, HID A13 34

On 16th draw, GROVED A3 33 --- GROVE a small forested area [adj] --- GROVED covered with a grove [adj]
Other tops: GRAVED A3 33
Other moves: DEV A13 32, DOVED 15D 30, GALVO L8 30, GAVEL L8 30, GRAVEL A3 30

On 17th draw, HEX A13 52 --- HEX to cast an evil spell upon [v]
Other moves: AXAL L7 41, AXEL L7 41, AXE L7 40, LAX A13 40, LEX A13 40
AXEL L7 41 roocatcher

On 18th draw, AMULET N9 31 --- AMULET an object worn to protect against evil or injury [n]
Other moves: MATLO L8 30, METAL L8 30, METOL L8 30, MOTEL L8 30, MOULT L8 30
AMULET N9 31 roocatcher

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