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Game on April 24, 2024 at 21:17, 5 players
1. 312 pts roocatcher
2. 133 pts sunshine12
3. 115 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aaeeflr   H4    24    24   feare
 2. abeirvv   9F    25    49   varve
 3. ?eotuwy   6C    79   128   outweary
 4. adehios   8J    38   166   hoised
 5. ?ceiiqs   D5    92   258   quickies
 6. bdefnop  E11    28   286   fond
 7. bdiltux  10J    54   340   xi
 8. aeeiinz  15E    51   391   azine
 9. abeelpr  14I    80   471   bepearl
10. abgrstu   N3    67   538   barguest
11. aadhilp   E2    36   574   plait
12. agiklos   O1    42   616   skag
13. aglnort   M2    27   643   toga
14. cdeilmn  O12    30   673   mild
15. ehilrtu  13J    32   705   ruth
16. eilnnoy   8A    30   735   yince
17. deinort   2C    65   800   dipteron
18. cenootu   1A    27   827   coot
19. aelnnow   1H    37   864   alowe

Remaining tiles: jlmnnu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7048 Fileroocatcher  2  9:01  -552  312     1.7048 roocatcher  2  9:01  -552  312 
  2.7622 Filesunshine12  1  6:53  -731  133     2.7622 sunshine12  1  6:53  -731  133 
  3.7777 FileGLOBEMAN    1  4:13  -749  115     3.7777 GLOBEMAN    1  4:13  -749  115 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     1  0:12  -837   27            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:56  -840   24     1.  -  chunk88     1  0:12  -837   27 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:56  -840   24 

On 1st draw, FEARE H4 24 --- FEARE a companion [n]
Other tops: FARLE H4 24, FERAL H4 24, FLARE H4 24, FLEER H4 24
Other moves: RAFALE H3 20, RAFALE H4 20, RAFALE H7 20, RAFALE H8 20, AFEAR H4 18

On 2nd draw, VARVE 9F 25 --- VARVE a deposit of sedimentary material [n]
Other moves: REVIVE 5C 24, REVIVE 5G 24, VERB G3 24, VERB I3 24, VIBE G3 24
BRAVE 9G 23 roocatcher

On 3rd draw, OUTWEA(R)Y 6C 79 --- OUTWEARY to surpass in wearying [v]
Other moves: OUTWE(A)RY 7B 68, ROUTEW(A)Y 7H 68, (R)OUTEWAY 6B 65, TOWE(R)Y 8J 47, OWE(L)TY 8J 38

On 4th draw, HOISED 8J 38 --- HOISE to hoist [v]
Other tops: EADISH 8J 38
Other moves: HOAED 10J 34, HOSED 10J 34, EADISH K7 33, HOISED 10J 33, HADES 10J 32
SHADE K9 30 roocatcher

On 5th draw, QUIC(K)IES D5 92 --- QUICKIE something done speedily [n]
Other moves: Q(U)IESCE N2 38, CI(N)QUES D2 36, CI(R)QUES D2 36, C(A)IQUES D2 36, C(L)IQUES D2 36

On 6th draw, FOND E11 28 --- FOND having an affection for [adj] --- FOND to display affection [v]
Other tops: FOB E11 28, FOP E11 28
Other moves: BONCE 8A 27, FEOD E10 27, PEND 10J 27, PONCE 8A 27, POND 10J 27

On 7th draw, XI 10J 54 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: XU 10J 54
Other moves: BUILD 15D 42, BOLIX K7 40, BUILT 15D 39, DIXI 7A 37, BITT E4 36
XI 10J 54 roocatcher

On 8th draw, AZINE 15E 51 --- AZINE a type of chemical compound [n]
Other moves: ZIT E4 46, ZINC 8A 45, ADZE 14D 34, AZIDE 14B 34, FEAZE 4H 34
ZINC 8A 45 roocatcher

On 9th draw, BEPEARL 14I 80 --- BEPEARL to cover with pearls [v]
Other moves: BEPEARLS M1 76, BEPEARL 14G 73, BELEAP 14I 28, BELEAPS M2 28, BELEAP 5J 27
BRACE 8A 27 roocatcher

On 10th draw, BARGUEST N3 67 --- BARGUEST a dog-like goblin [n]
Other moves: SQUARE 5C 43, QUARE 5D 39, QUATE 5D 39, QUA 5D 33, SURBET L10 28
BRACT 8A 27 roocatcher

On 11th draw, PLAIT E2 36 --- PLAIT to braid [v]
Other tops: HILD O12 36, PAID O1 36, PILCH 8A 36
Other moves: DHAL O1 34, HIT E4 34, HALL O12 33, HILA O12 33, HILL O12 33
HILD O12 36 roocatcher

On 12th draw, SKAG O1 42 --- SKAG heroin [n]
Other tops: SKILL O11 42
Other moves: KALI O12 39, KILL O12 39, KILO O12 39, KOLA O12 39, KAIL O1 34
KOAS O1 34 roocatcher, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 13th draw, TOGA M2 27 --- TOGA an outer garment worn in ancient Rome [n]
Other moves: GORA M2 26, TOLING K7 26, TRONA M1 26, AGO M3 25, TROG M1 25
LAG M2 23 sunshine12

On 14th draw, MILD O12 30 --- MILD a light ale [n] --- MILD gentle in temper and disposition [adj] --- MILD to become gentle [v]
Other tops: MELD O12 30
Other moves: IODIC K7 29, MODII K7 29, MOLINE K7 28, CELL O12 27, CILL O12 27
MILD O12 30 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 15th draw, RUTH 13J 32 --- RUTH compassion [n]
Other moves: EOLITH K7 30, HOLIER K7 30, LETCH 8A 30, LEUCH 8A 30, LURCH 8A 30
LURCH 8A 30 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 16th draw, YINCE 8A 30 --- YINCE once [adv]
Other moves: ONY 15K 25, NELLY 3C 24, NYED 15L 24, ONNED 15K 24, NONCE 8A 21
NELLY 3B 16 sunshine12

On 17th draw, DIPTERON 2C 65 --- DIPTERON a two-winged insect [n]
Other moves: IODIN K7 25, TRINED C10 25, TRIODE C10 25, DIOPTER 2B 24, DIOPTRE 2B 24

On 18th draw, COOT 1A 27 --- COOT an aquatic bird [n]
Other moves: COED 15L 26, ECU 12J 26, NOTE 1G 24, TONE 1G 24, TUNE 1G 24
COOT 1A 27 chunk88
TUNE 1G 24 BadBoyBen

On 19th draw, ALOWE 1H 37 --- ALOWE ablaze [adv]
Other moves: ANEW 1F 36, ANOW 1F 36, AWOL 1F 36, ENOW 1F 36, OWNED 15K 36
ANEW 1F 36 roocatcher

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