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Game of April 22, 2011 at 10:25, 2 players
1. bamuliye -798
2. ray -853

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adfinor   H4    28    28   friand
 2. ?abeery   5D    98   126   ryebread
 3. cdeptuw   D1    24   150   pucer
 4. degnotw   1A    36   186   gowpen
 5. aelrsst   B1    70   256   olestras
 6. eioorty   2B    36   292   loury
 7. eilostw   K5    70   362   dowliest
 8. aaorsuv   8K    27   389   lavra
 9. adeehin   6F    36   425   heid
10. filotuz   1A    54   479   gowpenful
11. aeklotu  12I    32   511   outtalk
12. ?deinox   3B    68   579   exceed
13. eijnopt  O10    51   630   inkjet
14. diorstv  14J    34   664   virose
15. eegmmno  10G    28   692   gemmen
16. bginopu   N6    25   717   pirog
17. aeiintz   G5    45   762   bez
18. aiinoqu   O4    30   792   quina
19. abeehit   8A    27   819   ashet
20. abdinot   C7    20   839   bhat
21. acdeino   D7    24   863   aedine

Remaining tiles: ciioo

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Filebamuliye    0  7:08  -798   65     1.  -  bamuliye    0  7:08  -798   65 
  2.  -  Fileray         0  2:11  -853   10     2.  -  ray         0  2:11  -853   10 

On 1st draw, FRIAND H4 28 --- FRIAND an epicure [n]
Other moves: FIORD H4 26, FONDA H4 26, FROND H4 26, FRIAND H7 24, FIORD H8 22
FIND H8 16 bamuliye

On 2nd draw, RYEBREA(D) 5D 98 --- RYEBREAD bread made from rye [n]
Other tops: BE(T)RAYER 5E 98, BE(W)RAYER 5E 98
Other moves: BE(T)RAYER 5A 74, BE(W)RAYER 5A 74, RYEBREA(D) 5H 74, (P)EABERRY 5B 74, (P)EABERRY 5C 74

On 3rd draw, PUCER D1 24 --- PUCE [adj]
Other tops: UPDREW D2 24
Other moves: PRECUT D4 22, TWEED I2 21, CREPT D4 20, CUTER D1 20, DUPER D1 20
DRUPE D4 18 bamuliye

On 4th draw, GOWPEN 1A 36 --- GOWPEN a double handful [n]
Other moves: DOING 6F 35, POWND 1D 33, DOWP 1A 30, PONGED 1D 30, TEIND 6F 29

On 5th draw, OLESTRAS B1 70 --- OLESTRA a noncaloric fat substitute [n]

On 6th draw, LOURY 2B 36 --- LOURY lowery [adj]
Other moves: FOYER 4H 30, OSIERY 8A 30, FREITY 4H 29, UEY 2D 29, BOYO G5 26
DYE 9H 11 bamuliye

On 7th draw, (D)OWLIEST K5 70 --- DOWLY (English dialect) dull, low-spirited [adj]
Other moves: DOWLIEST 9H 64, FOLIES 4H 23, TEILS 6F 23, TOILE 6F 23, TOILS 6F 23
STEW 8B 8 bamuliye

On 8th draw, LAVRA 8K 27 --- LAVRA a group of recluse's cells [n]
Other tops: LARVA 8K 27, LAVAS 8K 27, SAVER 10H 27
Other moves: SAVE 10H 26, AESC 3A 24, VAUTS 12H 24, VARAS J2 22, SAVOURS 11E 20
TAV 12K 12 bamuliye

On 9th draw, HEID 6F 36 --- HEID a head [n]
Other moves: HENCE 3A 35, HAIN 6F 34, HOAED 6J 34, HONED 6J 34, HOIDEN 6J 33

On 10th draw, GOWPENFUL 1A 54 --- GOWPENFUL
Other moves: BEZ G5 45, ZA 7G 45, FRIZ N7 36, ZORIL N6 36, ZURF N6 36

On 11th draw, OUTTALK 12I 32 --- OUTTALK to surpass in talking [v]
Other moves: KLETT 12H 28, TALUK 12K 28, OUTTAKE 12H 24, OUTTAKE 12I 24, OUTTALK 12H 24

On 12th draw, EXCE(E)D 3B 68 --- EXCEED to go beyond the limit [v]
Other tops: EXC(E)ED 3B 68
Other moves: INDEX(E)R N2 60, IND(E)XER N2 60, X(Y)LOID N10 58, DEIXE(S) 10G 40, (S)EXED 10H 38

On 13th draw, INKJET O10 51 --- INKJET being a high-speed printing process using jets of ink [adj]
Other moves: KOJI O12 45, POLJE N10 40, INKPOT O10 36, JOINTER N2 32, JETON 10J 30

On 14th draw, VIROSE 14J 34 --- VIROSE poisonous [adj]
Other moves: VISORED 10F 32, TORSIVE 10E 31, VIVDAS M8 28, SIVER 10H 27, SORDA J1 27

On 15th draw, GEMMEN 10G 28 --- GEMMAN gentleman [n]
Other moves: MEL N10 23, MENGE 10G 23, MEU J10 23, MOL N10 23, MOU J10 23

On 16th draw, PIROG N6 25 --- PIROG a large Russian pastry [n]
Other tops: UNRIP N6 25
Other moves: PROB N7 24, PSION 8A 24, GRIP N7 23, GRUB N7 23, POL N10 23

On 17th draw, BEZ G5 45 --- BEZ the second tine of a deer's horn [n]
Other tops: ZA 7G 45
Other moves: ZETA J2 33, AGNIZE G9 31, AZON M12 26, SAZ 11K 26, SEZ 11K 26
PI 6N 4 ray

On 18th draw, QUINA O4 30 --- QUINA tree bark [n]
Other moves: AQUA 7B 23, SUQ 8B 22, QUOAD 9D 20, QUAD 9E 19, ADO 9G 15
GAIN G10 6 ray

On 19th draw, ASHET 8A 27 --- ASHET a large plate [n]
Other moves: ISBA 8A 21, BEHEAD 9C 20, HADE 9F 19, HES 11I 19, ASH 8A 18

On 20th draw, BHAT C7 20 --- BHAT a unit of Thai currency [n]
Other moves: DHOBI C7 19, DADO 9F 17, DHOTI C7 17, BAA 7A 16, TABID E8 16

On 21th draw, AEDINE D7 24 --- AEDINE pertaining to an aedes [adj]
Other moves: EDENIC D8 23, CTENOID E7 20, TACNODE E8 20, CADE 9F 18, CANOED A7 18

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