(4pts) (2pts) (1pt)
Username Point Victory Second Third Rtng
1. LongJump22 56465 14113 6 1 5675
2. GLOBEMAN 28318 4728 3289 2828 7472
3. sunshine12 23837 2603 5568 2289 7052
4. Chelsea 21678 5195 417 64 7139
5. roocatcher 18998 2763 1808 4330 7365
6. SQUAW1 16784 3560 1062 420 7841
7. Pacific 14853 2923 1308 545 9532
8. Mycophot 7632 248 1389 3862 7581
9. moonmonkey 7537 362 1566 2957 7351
10. sicilianc5 7479 229 1559 3445 7803
11. queen66 7437 273 1608 3129 7246
12. HollyIvy 7407 432 2072 1535 7710
13. fatcat 6427 1349 429 173 6331
14. ArcticFox 5937 1252 442 45 7239
15. babsbedi 4740 896 493 170 6897
16. Inkey 4670 1050 217 36 7797
17. ShotPut22 4493 29 1495 1387 6816
18. Javelin22 4470 11 1383 1660 -
19. Discus22 4460 5 1087 2266 6687
20. Hammer22 4459 20 1690 999 6715
21. Papa_Sloth 4007 683 614 47 6996
22. Wuincunx 3304 7 885 1506 8854
23. Vuincunx 3292 10 954 1344 8625
24. Quincunx 3238 40 1092 894 8942
25. Zuincunx 3212 38 1143 774 8829
26. LLLLLL1112 2073 2 737 591 5592
27. MMMMMM1112 2073 2 643 779 5497
28. OOOOOO1112 2073 1 726 617 5582
29. NNNNNN1112 2072 1 645 778 5511
30. VVVVVV1112 1693 142 434 257 7314
31. Xuincunx 1358 31 525 184 8835
32. vendanges 1061 244 37 11 6838
33. Muincunx 979 241 7 1 7706
34. WEASEL 543 9 41 425 -
35. BBBBBB1112 233 3 81 59 6587
36. enzotiger 217 4 16 169 8128
37. TWEEKS 195 5 15 145 -
38. Yuincunx 193 10 47 59 8668
39. WWWWWW1112 130 14 22 30 6669
40. AMYtheROO 93 4 12 53 -
41. bumpkin 75 1 10 51 7972
42. FangTooth 61 1 4 49 6525
43. Kuincunx 60 11 6 4 8475
44. BadBoyBen 56 4 8 24 -
45. lazy.lion 53 3 12 17 7565
46. chunk88 45 4 37 -
47. Nibbler 41 1 4 29 6699
48. KKKKKK1112 40 11 18 5533
49. mousecat 38 1 8 18 6996
50. bt69 26 4 4 2 -
51. JJJJJJ1112 24 1 10 5502
52. xxxxxxx 17 1 5 3 6469
53. QQQQQQ1112 9 2 1 5621
54. zelkovo 9 3 3 -
55. PPPPPP1112 6 1 4 5683
56. maidyl 4 2 -
57. POMALO 3 1 1 7053
58. Ellwinie 3 1 1 -
59. Suincunx 3 1 1 -
60. lezaryne 2 2 3765
61. Chris19 2 2 3069
62. fadimanba 1 1 -
In order to have a victory, second place, or third place count, 5 players must have played in the game,
or been in your group (except for elite and not rated).
While playing, the small red numbers 1,2 and 3 indicate actual positions to be added to this ranking.
Players who are inactive for more than 60 days are removed from this ranking.
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