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Game of April 22, 2011 at 12:05, 1 player
1. Penguin123 -273

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eeilmss   H3    22    22   emesis
 2. abdstuv   5G    20    42   veduta
 3. aeijlpy   L4    34    76   jalap
 4. adiinno   G4    26   102   avidin
 5. ?abersy   8J    36   138   bypass
 6. eelotux   6J    36   174   telex
 7. adeiirs   N2    30   204   radixes
 8. cenrtty   M6    20   224   ecarte
 9. aeinotu   4C    21   245   outname
10. ?afmoor   E1    74   319   footmark
11. aeghlov   1E    36   355   foveal
12. bchhoty   C3    40   395   botchy
13. ehiprsw  10H    70   465   whipster
14. aegiloz  K10    32   497   piezo
15. aefgitu  14J    34   531   fogie
16. agilnot  13K    35   566   zag
17. diilnoo  12H    24   590   looed
18. agiknno   8A    30   620   kay
19. einnruw   2D    27   647   now
20. ginnort   B8    20   667   atoning
21. eilnqru   A4    28   695   quirk

Remaining tiles: elnru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  FilePenguin123  4 21:55  -273  422     1.  -  Penguin123  4 21:55  -273  422 

On 1st draw, EMESIS H3 22 --- EMESIS the act of vomiting [n]
Other tops: MESELS H4 22, MISSEE H4 22, MISSEL H4 22, SMILES H3 22
Other moves: MESEL H4 20, MESES H4 20, MILES H4 20, MISES H4 20, SEISM H8 20
SLIMES H4 18 Penguin123

On 2nd draw, VEDUTA 5G 20 --- VEDUTA a view of the town [n]
Other tops: DUVETS 5E 20, STAVED 5D 20, VAUTED 5D 20
Other moves: ABUSED 5D 18, BASTED 5D 18, BEDUST 5G 18, BESTAD 5G 18, BESTUD 5G 18

On 3rd draw, JALAP L4 34 --- JALAP a Mexican plant [n]
Other moves: LAPJE L4 30, SEPAL 6H 30, SEPIA 6H 30, PUJA J4 29, JALAP L2 28
JAIL L4 22 Penguin123

On 4th draw, AVIDIN G4 26 --- AVIDIN a protein found in egg white [n]
Other moves: AVID G4 21, PADI 8L 21, PAID 8L 21, PAND 8L 21, POND 8L 21
JOIN 4L 12 Penguin123

On 5th draw, BYPAS(S) 8J 36 --- BYPASS to avoid by going around [v]
Other tops: BYPAS(T) 8J 36, BYPA(S)S 8J 36
Other moves: REPAYS 8J 33, (U)PBYE 8K 33, APERY 8K 30, REPAY(S) 8J 30, REP(A)YS 8J 30
PREY 8L 27 Penguin123

On 6th draw, TELEX 6J 36 --- TELEX to send a message by a type of telegraphic system [v]
Other moves: ULEXES N3 29, BOX J8 28, LEXES N4 28, LEXIS 6D 28, LOXES N4 28
BOX J8 28 Penguin123

On 7th draw, RADIXES N2 30 --- RADIX the root of a plant [n]
Other moves: DARI 7K 28, RADIX N2 26, ARIA 7L 20, YAIRDS K8 20, YEARDS K8 20
BIDES J8 12 Penguin123

On 8th draw, ECARTE M6 20 --- ECARTE a card game [n]
Other moves: CREAM 4D 18, CENTRY 2J 17, BEY J8 16, CAY 3M 16, YAMEN 4F 16
BEY J8 16 Penguin123

On 9th draw, OUTNAME 4C 21 --- OUTNAME to surpass in notoriety [v]
Other moves: UNTAME 4D 19, TAJ 4J 16, UNTEAM 4C 16, YENTA K8 16, ETAMIN 4E 14
JADE 4L 13 Penguin123

On 10th draw, FOOTMAR(K) E1 74 --- FOOTMARK a mark left by the foot on a surface [n]
Other moves: FORAM C3 26, FORAM(S) C3 26, FOR(A)M C3 24, FOR(U)M C3 24, FO(R)AM C3 24
MORE(S) 11J 12 Penguin123

On 11th draw, FOVEAL 1E 36 --- FOVEA a shallow anatomical depression [adj] --- FOVEAL relating to a fovea [adj]
Other moves: FAVEL 1E 33, FOVEA 1E 33, FAVE 1E 30, OFLAG 1D 30, HEN F2 29
GLOVE 11I 18 Penguin123

On 12th draw, BOTCHY C3 40 --- BOTCHY badly done [adj]
Other moves: HOOTCH C2 36, BOTHY C3 34, HOOCH C3 34, HOOTCH C3 34, HOTCH C3 34
BOTCH C3 32 Penguin123

On 13th draw, WHIPSTER 10H 70 --- WHIPSTER a term of contempt [n]
Other moves: WHY 8A 36, HOW 2D 30, WHISPER 11H 30, POH 2D 29, POW 2D 29
WEY 8A 27 Penguin123

On 14th draw, PIEZO K10 32 --- PIEZO produced by piezoelectricity (straining a crystal) [adj]
Other moves: PIZE K10 30, (S)ERAGLIO O8 30, POZ K10 28, SAZ L10 26, SEZ L10 26
GAY 8A 21 Penguin123

On 15th draw, FOGIE 14J 34 --- FOGIE a person with an old-fashioned outlook [n]
Other moves: FOUAT 14J 32, FOUET 14J 32, FAY 8A 27, FEY 8A 27, RUGATE O10 27
FAZE 13I 20 Penguin123

On 16th draw, ZAG 13K 35 --- ZAG to change course sharply [v]
Other moves: WALING H10 33, NOGG L12 31, TOGA L12 27, LAG L12 23, LOG L12 23
ZAG 13K 35 Penguin123

On 17th draw, LOOED 12H 24 --- LOO to subject to a forfeit at loo (a card game) [v]
Other tops: LINED 12H 24, OILED 12H 24
Other moves: LODEN 12H 22, OLDEN 12H 22, DOY 8A 21, D*G* L12 20, LIED 12I 20
LINED 12H 24 Penguin123

On 18th draw, KAY 8A 30 --- KAY the letter K [n]
Other tops: WALING H10 30
Other moves: LAIK H12 24, LANK H12 24, LINK H12 24, GAY 8A 21, G*Y 8A 21
KAY 8A 30 Penguin123

On 19th draw, NOW 2D 27 --- NOW the present time [n]
Other tops: ROW 2D 27
Other moves: OW 2E 26, OW F1 26, EWER 3H 22, EWE 3H 21, LWEI H12 21
LINE H12 12 Penguin123

On 20th draw, ATONING B8 20 --- ATONE to make amends or reparation [v]
Other moves: LING H12 15, LONG H12 15, OARING B7 14, EGO 3H 13, LINN H12 12
LONG H12 15 Penguin123

On 21th draw, QUIRK A4 28 --- QUIRK to move jerkily [v]
Other moves: WILLER H10 27, QI 12A 21, KINE A8 14, KUNE A8 14, LINIER 12A 14
QUIRK A4 28 Penguin123

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