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Game of April 22, 2011 at 13:46, 3 players
1. diamond35 -986
2. dayles -1009
3. zeenath -1018

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deinrst   H8    68    68   tinders
 2. achioot  13H    30    98   rhotic
 3. ceknnsu  14A    90   188   unsnecks
 4. ?aeijln   C7    94   282   javelins
 5. ?beeirs  11E    90   372   birdseed
 6. aafgloq  10F    45   417   ganof
 7. aeeloqr  A11    45   462   roque
 8. aenrstw   8A    39   501   seawan
 9. deeimor   A1    86   587   emeroids
10. elprtxy   1A   113   700   expertly
11. eiloptw   D4    29   729   pilow
12. defiowy   B6    39   768   foe
13. aegimot   2A    26   794   mi
14. aelortv   5C    72   866   violater
15. dginotv   9G    29   895   vid
16. aaegntw  12E    21   916   agee
17. aabiouz   J2    38   954   zabra
18. aimnotu   4G    31   985   numbat
19. dghiuwy   6G    23  1008   yuga
20. adhiotu   K1    23  1031   taha

Remaining tiles: diiouw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Filediamond35   0  3:36  -986   45     1.  -  diamond35   0  3:36  -986   45 
  2.  -  Filedayles      0  1:25 -1009   22     2.  -  dayles      0  1:25 -1009   22 
  3.  -  Filezeenath     0  2:55 -1018   13     3.  -  zeenath     0  2:55 -1018   13 

On 1st draw, TINDERS H8 68 --- TINDER readily combustible material [n]
Other tops: TINDERS H2 68, TINDERS H3 68, TINDERS H4 68, TINDERS H6 68, TINDERS H7 68
Other moves: TINDERS H5 66, DINERS H4 18, DIREST H4 18, DRIEST H4 18, IDENTS H3 18
REST H8 8 zeenath

On 2nd draw, RHOTIC 13H 30 --- RHOTIC pertaining to a dialect of English in which the letter R at the end of a syllable is pronounced [adj]
Other moves: CAHOOTS 14B 28, CATHOOD 11B 26, CANTHI 10F 25, ACHIOTE 12B 24, OOTHECA 12D 24
ROOT 13H 5 zeenath

On 3rd draw, UNSNECKS 14A 90 --- UNSNECK to unknife [v]
Other moves: INSUCKEN 9H 70, SUNDECK 11E 56, UNSNECK 12D 39, SNICK L11 32, NICK L12 30

On 4th draw, JA(V)ELINS C7 94 --- JAVELIN to pierce with a javelin (a light spear) [v]
Other tops: JA(W)LINES C7 94
Other moves: JAU(K) A12 54, JAU(P) A12 54, JEU(X) A12 54, JA(V)ELIN D8 42, JA(V)ELIN L8 42

On 5th draw, BIRDSEE(D) 11E 90 --- BIRDSEED a mixture of seeds used for feeding birds [n]
Other tops: BIRDSE(Y)E 11E 90
Other moves: DEBRIE(F)S 11H 70, DEBRI(D)ES 11H 70, DEBR(U)ISE 11H 70, DES(C)RIBE 11H 70, (F)IBERISE L8 70
BRAE 8A 21 diamond35

On 6th draw, GANOF 10F 45 --- GANOF a thief [n]
Other moves: AQUA A12 42, AFOUL A11 36, GOAF 8A 36, QUA A13 36, FOUL A12 33

On 7th draw, ROQUE A11 45 --- ROQUE a form of croquet [n]
Other moves: QUA A13 36, LEARE 8A 18, REALO 8A 18, RAILE 12A 16, ALAE 8A 15

On 8th draw, SEAWAN 8A 39 --- SEAWAN former form of currency used by N.American Indians [n]
Other moves: SNAW 8A 33, STAW 8A 33, AWARNS 8A 30, AWARE 8A 27, AWARN 8A 27
WEAN 8A 24 diamond35

On 9th draw, EMEROIDS A1 86 --- EMEROID a haemorrhoid [n]
Other moves: MOIDERE(D) L4 72, MID 9G 25, IMID 12C 23, DENE D12 20, DENI D12 20

On 10th draw, EXPERTLY 1A 113 --- EXPERTLY skillfully [adv]
Other moves: EXPERTLY 3A 92, YIP 9G 33, EXPERT 3A 30, PRETAX E4 30, OXY J13 29

On 11th draw, PILOW D4 29 --- PILOW a dish made from seasoned rice and meat [n]
Other moves: MI 2A 26, XI B1 26, REPLOW 4A 22, REPLOW E1 22, LIP 9G 21

On 12th draw, FOE B6 39 --- FOE an enemy [n]
Other moves: DENY D12 32, FEND D12 32, FOND D12 32, DYNE D12 29, FID 9G 29

On 13th draw, MI 2A 26 --- MI the third tone of the diatonic musical scale [n]
Other tops: XI B1 26
Other moves: MIG 9G 25, RAMET E1 22, REMIT E1 22, TANG D12 20, TONG D12 20

On 14th draw, VIOLATER 5C 72 --- VIOLATER one who violates [n]
Other moves: OLIVET 12A 26, PRAO C1 21, LEVATOR 6D 20, OLIVE 12A 20, VIOLATE 5C 20
VIOLATER 5C 22 dayles

On 15th draw, VID 9G 29 --- VID short for video [n]
Other tops: VIG 9G 29
Other moves: VIN 9G 25, DONG D12 24, GID 9G 21, NONG D12 20, TONG D12 20

On 16th draw, AGEE 12E 21 --- AGEE to one side [adv]
Other moves: QANAT 13A 20, TANG D12 20, AWNER J1 16, GAE 12F 16, GEE 12F 16

On 17th draw, ZABRA J2 38 --- ZABRA a small vessel [n]
Other moves: ZOARIA J2 37, ZEA 10B 32, ZOEA I3 23, LUZ G1 22, ZOA G3 22

On 18th draw, NUMBAT 4G 31 --- NUMBAT a small Australian mammal [n]
Other moves: AMBIT 4H 27, AMATION 3H 24, MANITOU 3I 24, ANIMATO 6F 23, MANATI 3I 22

On 19th draw, YUGA 6G 23 --- YUGA an age of time in Hinduism [n]
Other moves: WAUGH 6I 20, WADY 6I 19, GUV C3 18, WHITY L1 18, HEW 10B 17

On 20th draw, TAHA K1 23 --- TAHA the South African weaver bird [n]
Other moves: AHA K2 22, ADZ 2H 18, DATA K1 18, ODA K2 18, AZOTH 2I 17

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