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Game of April 22, 2011 at 16:07, 1 player
1. pergerine -932

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eefimst   H8    30    30   metifs
 2. aehlnsw  11E    52    82   wahines
 3. aehrsty  10F    42   124   hater
 4. ?aeilqu  13H   102   226   squillae
 5. aeiopxy  O11    69   295   oxeye
 6. ?aacdiu   8A    89   384   caladium
 7. aeinoor  N12    25   409   ean
 8. benoorv  M11    21   430   orlon
 9. aeilstv   B2    76   506   aestival
10. abejlnr   F4    30   536   bajri
11. deegnpt   9H    20   556   epee
12. deinors   6F    70   626   joinders
13. acdgort  15H    30   656   garcon
14. eilmouv   L1    26   682   violer
15. abdgowz   3I    42   724   wazoo
16. bdinttu   5K    22   746   bein
17. deinotu   1H   158   904   indevout
18. dilprtu   5D    21   925   plaid
19. gmrttuy   D1    32   957   grumpy

Remaining tiles: fgkttt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Filepergerine   0  1:22  -932   25     1.  -  pergerine   0  1:22  -932   25 

On 1st draw, METIFS H8 30 --- METIF a child of a white and a quadroon [n]
Other moves: FEMES H4 28, METIF H8 28, METIFS H4 28, METIF H4 26, FEIST H4 24

On 2nd draw, WAHINES 11E 52 --- WAHINE a Hawaiian woman [n]
Other tops: WHAISLE 11E 52
Other moves: LAWINES 11E 40, SHAWLS 13H 32, HAWSES 13C 26, SELAHS 13C 26, SHALES 13H 26
WHEALS 9F 17 pergerine

On 3rd draw, HATER 10F 42 --- HATER one that hates [n]
Other moves: FASHERY 12H 41, STAYER 10G 39, FATHERS 12H 35, HATE 10F 35, STAY 10G 35
SHARE K11 8 pergerine

On 4th draw, SQUI(L)LAE 13H 102 --- SQUILLA a burrowing crustacean [n]
Other tops: SQUAILE(D) 13H 102, SQUAILE(R) 13H 102, SQUIL(L)AE 13H 102
Other moves: (E)QUALISE 13B 86, EQUALIS(E) 13B 84, LA(L)IQUES 13A 84, LIQUA(T)ES 13A 84, QUI(N)ELAS 13A 84

On 5th draw, OXEYE O11 69 --- OXEYE a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: OXEN I8 40, P(L)EX L12 40, PAYEE 9E 38, I(L)EX L12 36, YEP 9G 36

On 6th draw, CA(L)ADIUM 8A 89 --- CALADIUM a tropical plant [n]
Other moves: (B)ICAUDAL M6 62, CAAED 9E 30, AC(H)ED 9E 28, AC(N)ED 9E 28, AC(R)ED 9E 28

On 7th draw, EAN N12 25 --- EAN to give birth [v]
Other moves: AIRY 14L 21, OARY 14L 21, ANA N13 18, ANE N13 18, ANY 14M 18

On 8th draw, ORLON M11 21 --- ORLON a crease-resistant acrylic fabric used for clothing, furnishing etc [n]
Other moves: EBON 9H 20, OVERDO E4 20, BOORDE E4 18, BORNEO(L) C2 18, BRAVE B6 18

On 9th draw, AESTIVAL B2 76 --- AESTIVAL of summer [adj]
Other tops: AESTIVAL B8 76, SALIVATE B7 76
Other moves: AESTIVAL D2 72, SALIVATE D3 72, SALIVATE B3 65, ALEVIN 15H 30, SILVAN 15H 30

On 10th draw, BAJRI F4 30 --- BAJRI a type of millet [n]
Other moves: BAJRA D4 28, JEBEL 3A 28, JELAB 3A 28, BENJ 3A 26, JAI F6 26

On 11th draw, EPEE 9H 20 --- EPEE a type of sword [n]
Other tops: PANGED 5E 20
Other moves: AGENTED 5F 18, GAPED 5E 18, NEAPED 5D 18, PAGED 5E 18, PANTED 5E 18

On 12th draw, JOINDERS 6F 70 --- JOINDER a joining of parties in a law suit [n]
Other moves: ANEROIDS 5F 68, INDORSEE K2 68, ANEROIDS 2B 61, RANDIES 5E 32, SADIRON 5E 32

On 13th draw, GARCON 15H 30 --- GARCON a waiter [n]
Other tops: CARDON 15H 30, DACRON 15H 30
Other moves: CARTON 15H 27, CRATON 15H 27, DRAGON 15H 27, DOGCART L1 26, CARGOED K1 22

On 14th draw, VIOLER L1 26 --- VIOLER a fiddler [n]
Other tops: VELOUR L1 26
Other moves: MEVROU L3 24, EMBOIL 4D 22, EMBOLI 4D 22, MOBILE 4D 22, MOILER L1 22

On 15th draw, WAZOO 3I 42 --- WAZOO the anus -- usually considered vulgar [n]
Other moves: BAZOO 3I 38, BEZ K5 36, AZIDO 2J 34, GAZOO 3I 34, ZOBO G3 33

On 16th draw, BEIN 5K 22 --- BEIN comfortable [adj]
Other moves: VINT 1L 21, BANTU 5E 20, BATTU 5E 20, BED K5 20, DIF 12F 20

On 17th draw, INDEVOUT 1H 158 --- INDEVOUT not devout [adj]
Other moves: OUTVIED 1I 33, DEVOUT 1J 30, NEVOID 1J 30, OVINE 1K 24, VEND 1L 24

On 18th draw, PLAID 5D 21 --- PLAID a woolen scarf of a checkered pattern [n]
Other moves: DIF 12F 20, PAID 5E 19, DRAP 5D 18, PLAIT 5D 18, RAPT 5E 18

On 19th draw, GRUMPY D1 32 --- GRUMPY ill-tempered [adj]
Other moves: GRUMP D1 24, GYMP D2 24, RUMPY D2 24, TUMPY D2 24, GERMY 3A 22

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