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Game of April 22, 2011 at 19:26, 2 players
1. yashish -600
2. terrell1 -752

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. cefostw   H4    30    30   wefts
 2. aeefort   4H    24    54   wafter
 3. addorsz   5E    35    89   dazed
 4. adeikty   M3    38   127   traiked
 5. adgimou   8A    89   216   digamous
 6. ?ahhjno   8L    63   279   jehu
 7. ?eilllp   O7    59   338   pulville
 8. beginor   D8    74   412   aborigen
 9. aeeoprs   L8    33   445   japers
10. aabeisu  12G    62   507   subaerial
11. mnorsuv  15D    33   540   novums
12. aennqru   F2    36   576   quean
13. enootxy  13G    48   624   onyxes
14. achnoty   K1    28   652   chatty
15. ciortvw   4A    31   683   cowrie
16. agiinno   1G    30   713   angico
17. eelnorv   A1    33   746   velcro
18. einnott   C2    24   770   towting

Remaining tiles: eeinr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Fileyashish     0 18:31  -600  170     1.  -  yashish     0 18:31  -600  170 
  2.  -  Fileterrell1    0  2:50  -752   18     2.  -  terrell1    0  2:50  -752   18 

On 1st draw, WEFTS H4 30 --- WEFT a woven fabric or garment [n] --- WEFT to weave fabric [v]
Other moves: WEFTS H8 24, SOWCE H4 22, SOWCE H8 22, WEFTS H5 22, WEFTS H6 22
WEST H8 14 terrell1
COST H6 12 yashish

On 2nd draw, WAFTER 4H 24 --- WAFTER one that wafts [n]
Other tops: TWOFER 4G 24
Other moves: WAFER 4H 22, WEFTE 4H 22, AFREET 5D 18, AFREET 5E 18, FEATER 5D 18
FEET 6H 9 yashish
SORT 8H 4 terrell1

On 3rd draw, DAZED 5E 35 --- DAZE to stun [v]
Other tops: ADZED 5E 35, DOZED 5E 35
Other moves: RAZED 5E 33, ADZES 5E 32, DAZER 5E 32, DAZES 5E 32, DOZER 5E 32

On 4th draw, TRAIKED M3 38 --- TRAIK to trudge [v]
Other moves: D*RK*Y M2 36, YARKED M2 32, YIRKED M2 32, TRAIK M3 28, D*RKY M2 26
KIDS 8E 9 yashish

On 5th draw, DIGAMOUS 8A 89 --- DIGAMOUS pertaining to digamy [adj] --- DIGAMY a second legal marriage [adj]
Other moves: OMEGA 8K 33, MEAD 8L 30, MEGA 8L 30, ODEUM 8K 30, DOF 6F 29
AIMED 8J 11 yashish

On 6th draw, JEH(U) 8L 63 --- JEHU a fast driver [n]
Other moves: JEAN 8L 57, JEON 8L 57, JEA(N) 8L 54, JEA(T) 8L 54, JEO(N) 8L 54

On 7th draw, P(U)L(V)ILLE O7 59 --- PULVILLE perfumed powder [n]
Other moves: PIL(A)F 6D 28, JILLE(T) L8 27, PIE(R)T 3I 26, JELL(O) L8 25, JELL(S) L8 25

On 8th draw, ABORIGEN D8 74 --- ABORIGEN an aborigine (a native of a country) [n]
Other moves: JOBING L8 35, JIBER L8 31, BEGONE 14J 30, BEIGNE 14J 30, JINGO L8 29

On 9th draw, JAPERS L8 33 --- JAPER one that japes [n]
Other tops: JASPER L8 33
Other moves: MOPES E8 32, JAPER L8 31, JAPES L8 31, JARPS L8 31, JASPE L8 31

On 10th draw, SUBAERIAL 12G 62 --- SUBAERIAL [adj]
Other moves: MABES E8 32, BESAT 3I 28, MABE E8 28, P(U)L(V)ILLES O7 27, ABUNAS 15A 24
BASED E1 8 yashish

On 11th draw, NOVUMS 15D 33 --- NOVUM a dice game whre nine and five are important [n]
Other moves: NOVUM 15D 30, MOUNTS 3I 29, MOUNT 3I 28, RUME K9 28, SOME K9 28
MORNS 15A 21 yashish

On 12th draw, QUEAN F2 36 --- QUEAN a worthless woman [n]
Other tops: QUAIR 6J 36, QUARE J10 36, QUINA B6 36, QUINE B6 36, QUIRE B6 36
Other moves: REQUIN B4 35, AQUAE J9 34, AQUA J9 33, QUAI 6J 33, QUIN B6 33
QUEEN 14A 30 yashish

On 13th draw, ONYXES 13G 48 --- ONYX a variety of quartz [n]
Other moves: YEX 11K 45, FOXY 6H 37, OXYGEN 13A 34, OXYTONE K1 34, FOX 6H 33
TOY 3M 6 yashish

On 14th draw, CHATTY K1 28 --- CHATTY a type of water-pot [n] --- CHATTY talkative [adj]
Other tops: NOTCHY K2 28
Other moves: HONEY 14A 27, HOOTY 10B 27, CHARY 11A 26, OCHRY 11A 26, ATAXY J10 25
TEA 11K 14 yashish

On 15th draw, COWRIE 4A 31 --- COWRIE a glossy seashell [n]
Other moves: CROCI 1H 30, CROCI 1K 30, VROUW 3C 30, VET 11K 26, WET 11K 26
WET 11K 26 yashish

On 16th draw, ANGICO 1G 30 --- ANGICO a South American tree [n]
Other moves: COIGN 1K 27, CONGA 1K 27, NIACIN 1H 27, GOWNING C2 26, OBANG 9C 26
GIN B7 4 yashish

On 17th draw, VELCRO A1 33 --- VELCRO a closure consisting of a piece of fabric of small hooks that sticks to a corresponding fabric of small loops -- a trademark [n]
Other moves: MENE E8 22, MERE E8 22, MORE E8 22, VOWEL C2 22, VOWER C2 22
AXE J12 12 yashish

On 18th draw, TOWTING C2 24 --- TOWT to pout [v]
Other moves: MINE E8 22, OWNING C3 22, NOH N6 21, AIN G1 18, AIT G1 18
NOTION 10C 8 yashish

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