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Game of April 22, 2011 at 20:10, 4 players
1. Penguin123 -675
2. figo -839
3. sunenuff -1023

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ddemnot   H3    76    76   oddment
 2. eeiorrw   9H    63   139   towerier
 3. anorsst   K5    82   221   santeros
 4. ?glprwy   O8    42   263   gripy
 5. ?gmnntu   3G    78   341   mounting
 6. aeeirtt   4A    74   415   iterated
 7. defilnq   6J    34   449   qadi
 8. aabelop   D2    63   512   parabole
 9. aeeiruy   2B    36   548   repay
10. agillnv   A3    86   634   vialling
11. aehjoxz   N9    54   688   exo
12. adefoor   C1    31   719   refed
13. abeesuz   6D    34   753   bez
14. ahinotu  12K    33   786   shiny
15. aehiiks  10F    49   835   kasher
16. aceiosv   N1    39   874   cogies
17. abijlou   1L    63   937   juco
18. aeotuuv   7F    21   958   ave
19. abfiilo   4L    26   984   fail
20. bceiotu   N9    30  1014   exonic
21. beeotuw   E4    26  1040   awe
22. beiotuu  11I    25  1065   oboe

Remaining tiles: eiituu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  FilePenguin123  2 14:46  -675  390     1.  -  Penguin123  2 14:46  -675  390 
  2.  -  Filefigo        0 23:47  -839  226     2.  -  figo        0 23:47  -839  226 
  3.  -  Filesunenuff    0  1:32 -1023   42     3.  -  sunenuff    0  1:32 -1023   42 
  4.  -  Fileyashish     0  3:34 -1048   17     4.  -  yashish     0  3:34 -1048   17 

On 1st draw, ODDMENT H3 76 --- ODDMENT a remnant [n]
Other tops: ODDMENT H2 76
Other moves: ODDMENT H4 74, ODDMENT H6 74, ODDMENT H7 74, ODDMENT H8 74, ODDMENT H5 72
DEMON H4 20 sunenuff

On 2nd draw, TOWERIER 9H 63 --- TOWERY very tall [adj]
Other moves: ROWDIER 5E 44, WORDIER 5E 44, OWRIER 3H 26, REWIRED 4B 22, REWIRED 5B 22
WORRIED 5B 22 sunenuff
WRITER 9E 11 yashish

On 3rd draw, SANTEROS K5 82 --- SANTERO a priest of santeria [n]
ROST 3G 6 yashish

On 4th draw, GR(I)PY O8 42 --- GRIPY causing sharp pains in the bowels [adj]
Other tops: GR(A)PY O8 42, WR(Y)LY O8 42
Other moves: GR(O)WLY O8 39, WRIG(G)LY M7 34, WRI(G)GLY M7 34, PYRR(O)L O7 33, WRY(E)R O8 33
WEY N8 17 Penguin123

On 5th draw, MOUNT(I)NG 3G 78 --- MOUNTING something that provides a backing or appropriate setting for something else [n]
Other moves: MUNIT(I)NG M6 72, MUTIN(I)NG M6 72, MINUT(I)NG M8 70, MUNT(I)NGS 12D 70, MUNTING(S) M5 61
SUNNY 12K 16 Penguin123
G(R)UNTS 12F 7 figo

On 6th draw, ITERATED 4A 74 --- ITERATE to repeat [v]
Other moves: ARIETTES 12D 68, ITERATED 5A 68, ITERATES 12D 68, TEARIEST 12E 68, TREATIES 12D 68
RESIT 12I 10 Penguin123
RATES 12G 6 figo

On 7th draw, QADI 6J 34 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other tops: QAID 6J 34
Other moves: INFIDEL A1 33, INFIDEL A4 33, INFIELD A1 33, INFIELD A4 33, DINDLES 5E 31
DEFILE C3 22 Penguin123
DEAF E2 16 figo

On 8th draw, PARABOLE D2 63 --- PARABOLE a rhetorical comparison [n]
Other moves: POTABLE B2 34, BALD 5E 29, BOLD 5E 29, REBOP L9 28, ABATE F1 24
BA(I)L L1 16 Penguin123
LEP C3 10 figo

On 9th draw, REPAY 2B 36 --- REPAY to pay back [v]
Other moves: RAYA E3 30, RAYA 5C 28, YARE E3 27, AYE E4 26, YATE F2 26
REAL 8A 12 Penguin123
AIRS 12H 5 figo

On 10th draw, VIALLING A3 86 --- VIAL to put in a vial (a small container for liquids) [v]
Other moves: VIALLING M8 74, VIALING A3 33, AVAL 3B 32, LAVA 3A 31, LIVING A3 30
VIAL 8A 21 Penguin123
GAINS 12G 7 figo

On 11th draw, EXO N9 54 --- EXO excellent (Australian slang) [adj]
Other moves: EX N9 49, X(I) 10N 49, AXE E4 42, AXE 5D 40, ZEX 7G 37
AXE 5D 40 figo
ZOO 7C 22 Penguin123

On 12th draw, REFED C1 31 --- REFEED to feed again [v]
Other moves: FADE 5C 29, FADO 5C 29, FARSED 12H 28, AREDD 5D 26, FARAD E1 26
FAR 5C 21 Penguin123

On 13th draw, BEZ 6D 34 --- BEZ the second tine of a deer's horn [n]
Other tops: ABASE E2 34
Other moves: AGUES N2 33, ABAS E4 30, ABAS E2 28, ASSEZ 12I 28, ZAGS N1 28
B(I)Z L2 26 Penguin123
ODDMENTS H3 12 figo

On 14th draw, SHINY 12K 33 --- SHINY a bright object [n] --- SHINY filled with light [adj]
Other moves: ASTONY 12J 29, INHAUST 12F 28, STONY 12K 27, OHONE 7D 25, HOAST 12H 24
NOSH 12I 14 Penguin123
GIN 10A 6 figo

On 15th draw, KASHER 10F 49 --- KASHER to prepare food according to Jewish dietary laws [v]
Other moves: AKEE E4 34, AKES E4 34, HIKES M11 32, KOHA 7C 32, KISH M11 31
HIKES M11 32 Penguin123
MOUNT(I)NGS 3G 11 figo

On 16th draw, COGIES N1 39 --- COGIE a small bowl [n]
Other moves: AGIOS N2 33, EXONIC N9 30, OV(I)CIDE L1 30, CIVES M11 27, CIVIE M11 27
ACES 7F 21 Penguin123
GOES 10A 20 figo

On 17th draw, JUCO 1L 63 --- JUCO a junior college [n]
Other moves: ABOULIC 1H 36, JA(I)L L1 36, BIJOU M11 35, JAR 1A 32, JOR 1A 32
JA(I)L L1 36 Penguin123, figo

On 18th draw, AVE 7F 21 --- AVE an expression of greeting or farewell [n]
Other moves: VAR 1A 20, VOR 1A 20, TOEA 7C 18, ETAT 8J 16, ATE 7F 15
TOE 11J 14 figo
ZOA F6 12 Penguin123

On 19th draw, FAIL 4L 26 --- FAIL to be unsuccessful in an attempt [v]
Other tops: FOIL 4L 26
Other moves: FIB M11 24, FILA M11 22, FILO M11 22, BIALI M11 21, FAR 1A 20
FAIL 4L 26 Penguin123
OF O1 10 figo

On 20th draw, EXONIC N9 30 --- EXON within a nucleic acid, a sequence which codes for protein synthesis [adj] --- EXONIC pertaining to an exon [adj]
Other moves: OBOE 11I 25, BICE M11 23, BITOU M11 21, BITE M11 19, BITO M11 19
CITE M11 19 Penguin123
WEB J9 12 figo

On 21th draw, AWE E4 26 --- AWE to inspire with awe (reverential fear) [v]
Other tops: DAW 5C 26
Other moves: OBOE 11I 25, WIT M11 24, BIO M11 21, BIT M11 21, OBO 11I 19
AWE E4 26 Penguin123
TI M11 7 figo

On 22th draw, OBOE 11I 25 --- OBOE a woodwind instrument [n]
Other moves: BIO M11 21, BIT M11 21, OBO 11I 19, BOO 11J 18, BOR 1A 17
BIT M11 21 Penguin123
BY F1 7 figo

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