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Game of April 22, 2011 at 21:03, 1 player
1. figo -599

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeinrss   H8    66    66   sarnies
 2. ?bdelrw   8A    92   158   bowlders
 3. aadgrsy  13B    82   240   drayages
 4. ailorst  14H    72   312   solarist
 5. acnnotu  O12    27   339   cott
 6. ?deeiiu  10G    62   401   priedieu
 7. aegilor   E5    36   437   goldier
 8. afhlntu   L6    34   471   unfaith
 9. einotvw   F4    34   505   towie
10. adefmqx   M8    40   545   axe
11. abenouv   8J    33   578   befana
12. eimoopu   K4    24   602   pumie
13. dehnnop  B10    38   640   hodden
14. aeeenov   G3    30   670   veneer
15. acgjmno   N4    30   700   cajon
16. eilnoqr  11J    27   727   rotl
17. egiotuy  15A    27   754   unity
18. efkmnov   9H    29   783   ake
19. efgoqtv  12B    26   809   def
20. agmoptz   B4    34   843   gazoo
21. imnpqtv  M13    22   865   qi

Remaining tiles: imnptv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Filefigo        0 24:57  -599  266     1.  -  figo        0 24:57  -599  266 

On 1st draw, SARNIES H8 66 --- SARNIE a sandwich [n]
Other moves: ARSINES H5 64, SARNIES H5 64, ANISES H3 14, ANISES H4 14, ANISES H7 14
RAISE H4 12 figo

On 2nd draw, B(O)WLDERS 8A 92 --- BOWLDER a large rock [n]
Other moves: BEW(I)LDER 13G 90, BEW(I)LDER 13B 82, B(O)WLDERS 14A 80, BEWILD(E)R 12E 76, B(E)WILDER 12E 76
WAR 9G 11 figo

On 3rd draw, DRAYAGES 13B 82 --- DRAYAGE transportation by dray [n]
Other tops: YARDAGES 13B 82
Other moves: YARDANGS 11C 76, YARDAGES F2 73, DRAYAGES F2 69, GAYDARS E5 48, ARAYSED 13C 28
GRANDS 11E 16 figo

On 4th draw, SOLARIST 14H 72 --- SOLARIST an adherent of solarism [n]
Other moves: ISOLAT(O)R B2 68, TONSILAR 11F 66, OSTI(O)LAR B4 61, STROBILA A4 61, AORISTS 14D 27
LOST 14F 15 figo

On 5th draw, COTT O12 27 --- COTT a cot [n]
Other moves: CANTO O11 24, CONTAIN M9 24, COTTA O11 24, CUTTO O11 24, CANYON E10 22
YO E13 5 figo

On 6th draw, (P)RIEDIEU 10G 62 --- PRIEDIEU a piece of furniture for kneeling on during prayer [n]
Other moves: DEIDE(R) B10 22, DIED(R)E B10 22, DU(D)DIE B10 22, (A)UDIO 13K 21, DEED(S) B10 20
D(A)Y E11 12 figo

On 7th draw, GOLDIER E5 36 --- GOLDY similar to gold [adj]
Other tops: GLADIER E5 36
Other moves: AIRGLOW C2 24, GILDER B10 24, GIRDLE B10 24, GLIDER B10 24, GOLDER B10 24
WIRE C8 8 figo

On 8th draw, UNFAITH L6 34 --- UNFAITH a lack of faith [n]
Other moves: HAEN F6 32, HAET F6 32, FAITH L8 30, FAE F6 29, HAE F6 29
RA(P) G8 6 figo

On 9th draw, TOWIE F4 34 --- TOWIE a form of contract bridge for three players [n]
Other moves: FIVE 8L 30, WOE F6 29, EWE M8 24, OFTEN 8K 24, INWOVE 6B 22
TOWN C6 9 figo

On 10th draw, AXE M8 40 --- AXE to ax [v]
Other moves: AXE 9H 37, AX 9H 34, XI I9 34, ADEEM M8 29, FAX F12 29
AXE F13 26 figo

On 11th draw, BEFANA 8J 33 --- BEFANA an Epiphany gift [n]
Other moves: FAVA 8L 30, FAVE 8L 30, BUNDE B10 28, FAAN 8L 21, FANE 8L 21
NOT 11J 14 figo

On 12th draw, PUMIE K4 24 --- PUMIE a pebble [n]
Other moves: PUMA D10 22, APE 9H 20, MET 11J 20, MOO 13M 20, MOT 11J 20
PAM F12 13 figo

On 13th draw, HODDEN B10 38 --- HODDEN a coarse cloth [n]
Other moves: HOPPED 4H 36, PONDED B10 32, HOPPED 4I 28, HOO 13M 24, DONAH D10 23
H(O)PED B7 12 figo

On 14th draw, VENEER G3 30 --- VENEER to overlay with thin layers of material [v]
Other moves: VEER G5 25, PAVEN 4K 22, PEEVE 4K 22, NONET 11H 20, NOVAE D10 20
VAN F12 8 figo

On 15th draw, CAJON N4 30 --- CAJON a steep-sided canyon [n]
Other moves: GAJO F12 28, GAJO D12 26, JAGA D12 26, ANCON 15A 24, COWMAN C6 24
JAM F12 18 figo

On 16th draw, ROTL 11J 27 --- ROTL a unit of weight in Muslim countries [n]
Other moves: ONLINER 15A 24, QI M13 22, ONLINE 15A 21, NONET 11H 20, PONCE 4K 20
QI M13 22 figo

On 17th draw, UNITY 15A 27 --- UNITY the state of being one single entity [n]
Other moves: DEY 12B 26, DOY 12B 26, YOGA D10 23, YUGA D10 23, PYIC 4K 22
AY F13 13 figo

On 18th draw, AKE 9H 29 --- AKE to endure a dull lasting pain [v]
Other moves: DEF 12B 26, DOF 12B 26, DOM 12B 22, FERMI C11 22, MONA O5 21
AM F13 10 figo

On 19th draw, DEF 12B 26 --- DEF excellent [adj]
Other tops: DOF 12B 26
Other moves: QI M13 22, FETA D10 21, TOEA O5 17, GEO 13M 16, GOO 13M 16

On 20th draw, GAZO(O) B4 34 --- GAZOO a toy musical instrument [n]
Other moves: TOPAZ O5 31, ZO(O) B6 31, MIZ M13 28, ZIP M13 28, ZIG M13 26
ZIG M13 26 figo

On 21th draw, QI M13 22 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: PAV F12 16, VIM M13 16, QAT F12 14, TAV F12 14, MAP F12 13
TOP 11A 10 figo

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