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Game of April 22, 2011 at 21:53, 4 players
1. sabby -730
2. jim4153sc -780
3. mnmyicr -854

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adiirst   H4    70    70   diarist
 2. acelouy   4H    26    96   doucely
 3. ?fiinpv   9A    70   166   fivepins
 4. abemnoo   A7    48   214   befoam
 5. eorrstt  10H    62   276   trotters
 6. deghnot   N8    76   352   thronged
 7. adnrtvy  15K    39   391   vardy
 8. ?aacdio  12A    76   467   mandioca
 9. aegioqt   K4    44   511   cogitate
10. deeekln   O6    38   549   knees
11. aegmnnq   B6    26   575   gamin
12. aefotuu   M7    22   597   fate
13. delnpuw  H12    24   621   awed
14. eijlnrs  14F    30   651   jeels
15. ehnprux   5D    45   696   phenix
16. aelooru   C7    22   718   love
17. bnoruwz   F2    36   754   zoner
18. ablqrsu   N1    34   788   quays
19. beiilru   2A    88   876   bruilzie

Remaining tiles: iuw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Filesabby       0 10:36  -730  146     1.  -  sabby       0 10:36  -730  146 
  2.  -  Filejim4153sc   0 11:13  -780   96     2.  -  jim4153sc   0 11:13  -780   96 
  3.  -  Filemnmyicr     0  5:59  -854   22     3.  -  mnmyicr     0  5:59  -854   22 
  4.  -  Filepaddy       0  2:58  -857   19     4.  -  paddy       0  2:58  -857   19 

On 1st draw, DIARIST H4 70 --- DIARIST one who keeps a diary [n]
Other moves: DIARIST H2 68, DIARIST H3 68, DIARIST H6 68, DIARIST H7 68, DIARIST H8 68

On 2nd draw, DOUCELY 4H 26 --- DOUCE sedate [adv] --- DOUCELY in a sedate manner [adv]
Other moves: CLAYED 4C 24, CLOUDY 4D 24, CLOYED 4C 24, COALY 6F 24, CUTEY 10F 24

On 3rd draw, FIV(E)PINS 9A 70 --- FIVEPINS a bowling game [n]
Other moves: FIVEPIN(S) L1 69, FIV(E)PIN 5C 30, FIL(L)IP M2 26, FLI(M)P M3 24, FL(A)VIN M3 24
SIN 9H 4 mnmyicr

On 4th draw, BEFOAM A7 48 --- BEFOAM to cover with foam [v]
Other moves: BAYMEN N2 30, MAYBE N2 28, MOFO A7 27, ABLOOM M2 26, BENAM(E) D4 24
YAM N4 14 paddy
RAN 7H 4 mnmyicr

On 5th draw, TROTTERS 10H 62 --- TROTTER a horse that trots [n]
Other tops: RORTIEST F5 62, ROSTRATE 6C 62, TROUTERS J1 62
Other moves: RIOTERS B8 30, ROYSTER N2 24, TRYSTER N2 24, ROSIER B6 22, TORIES B6 22
LOST M4 5 mnmyicr, paddy

On 6th draw, THRONGED N8 76 --- THRONG to crowd into [v]
Other moves: THRONGED 7F 70, DOSEH O8 39, GHOSTED O7 39, HETING B6 33, HOEING B6 33
LOTE M4 5 mnmyicr

On 7th draw, VARDY 15K 39 --- VARDY a verdict [n]
Other moves: DANDY 15K 33, ADDY 15L 30, RANDY 15K 30, TARDY 15K 30, INDART B9 29
(E)NVY D9 18 sabby
EARN L4 4 mnmyicr

On 8th draw, MA(N)DIOCA 12A 76 --- MANDIOCA a tropical plant [n]
Other moves: ACEDIA M8 47, ACED(I)A M8 44, (A)CEDIA M8 44, ACEDI(A) M8 43, ACE(D)IA M8 41
IC(E) D7 7 sabby

On 9th draw, COGITATE K4 44 --- COGITATE to ponder [v]
Other moves: AGIOS O6 29, TOISE O7 28, TOGATE 8J 27, GAES O7 26, GEOS O7 26
GAY N2 14 sabby
VAI(N) C9 6 jim4153sc

On 10th draw, KNEES O6 38 --- KNEE to strike with the knee (a joint of the leg) [v]
Other moves: KEYED N2 34, KNELLED M1 28, LEESE O7 28, NEESE O7 28, AKED H12 27
KEY N2 20 sabby
DENY N1 16 jim4153sc

On 11th draw, GAMIN B6 26 --- GAMIN an urchin [n]
Other moves: INNAGE B9 24, AIM B8 23, NIM B8 23, GLEAM M3 22, QI E11 22
MANGE 13K 16 sabby
AGE H12 4 jim4153sc

On 12th draw, FATE M7 22 --- FATE to destine [v]
Other moves: FETTA L7 21, FOLATE M2 20, *F*Y N1 20, ALEFT M3 18, ALOFT M3 18
FLUTE M3 18 sabby
CAFE G12 10 jim4153sc

On 13th draw, AWED H12 24 --- AWE to inspire with awe (reverential fear) [v]
Other tops: AWDL H12 24
Other moves: LOWPED J9 23, DEV C7 22, DEWY N1 22, WIPED E11 22, ALEW H12 21
PLUNGE 13J 18 sabby
PEG 13L 12 jim4153sc

On 14th draw, JEELS 14F 30 --- JEEL to congeal [v]
Other tops: JEERS 14F 30
Other moves: REJIGS 13J 28, JEAN 6F 27, JEEL 14F 27, JEER 14F 27, JEES 14F 27

On 15th draw, PHENIX 5D 45 --- PHENIX a mythical bird [n]
Other moves: PHENIX F5 42, EXPUGN 13J 34, PIX F8 28, HOX 5J 27, APEX B12 26

On 16th draw, LOVE C7 22 --- LOVE to feel great affection for [v]
Other tops: LEVO C7 22, ROVE C7 22
Other moves: RELOAD 15C 19, VER(N)AL C9 19, ALOED 15D 18, LEV C7 18, LOOED 15D 18
ROPE D3 12 sabby
BALER 7A 8 jim4153sc

On 17th draw, ZONER F2 36 --- ZONER one that zones [n]
Other moves: WIZ F8 35, BEZ F4 34, BIZ F8 34, ZONE F2 33, REZ F4 32
ZONE L1 23 sabby
BONY N1 18 jim4153sc

On 18th draw, QUAYS N1 34 --- QUAY a wharf [n]
Other tops: SQUALOR 3A 34
Other moves: QUAY N1 32, QUAGS 13K 30, QUAG 13K 28, AQUA B12 26, AQUA L12 26
LAP D3 10 jim4153sc

On 19th draw, BRUILZIE 2A 88 --- BRUILZIE a noisy quarrel [n]
Other moves: BRULZIE 2B 36, QI 1N 33, BEAR 3L 20, BEAU 3L 20, EURIPI D1 18
BIG 13L 12 jim4153sc

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