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Game of April 22, 2011 at 22:39, 1 player
1. SandraH -872

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aelnrtx   H8    40    40   retax
 2. aeelnot  12D    24    64   telex
 3. ?ddekru  11E    29    93   demark
 4. adimnry   9B    69   162   dairymen
 5. deelnst  11E    30   192   demarketed
 6. noorssv   L8    26   218   vostro
 7. beghins   H8    48   266   retaxing
 8. beiostw   8L    30   296   vows
 9. acdinrt   C2    78   374   tridacna
10. ?ailppu   O1    92   466   suiplaps
11. efhoquv   N6    43   509   howfed
12. abeioru   G2    66   575   aerobium
13. acegnot   1H    83   658   coagents
14. aeilosw   5E    40   698   woolies
15. giiotuv   8A    30   728   vino
16. aeeimns  14C    68   796   enamines
17. aagjlnz   4B    38   834   jiz
18. abfhntu   6G    34   868   bath
19. afgluuy   B4    37   905   jay
20. bgilquu   4L    30   935   quip

Remaining tiles: bfglnu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  FileSandraH     0 12:55  -872   63     1.  -  SandraH     0 12:55  -872   63 

On 1st draw, RETAX H8 40 --- RETAX to tax again [v] --- TAX to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v]
Other tops: LATEX H8 40, RELAX H8 40
Other moves: EXALT H4 26, EXALT H8 26, EXTRA H4 26, EXTRA H8 26, LATEX H4 26

On 2nd draw, TELEX 12D 24 --- TELEX to send a message by a type of telegraphic system [v]
Other tops: LATEX 12D 24
Other moves: ATONAL 11D 12, ATONAL 11H 12, AXONE 12G 12, ELANET 11F 12, ETALON 11F 12

On 3rd draw, DE(M)ARK 11E 29 --- DEMARK to delimit [v]
Other tops: DE(B)ARK 11E 29
Other moves: DEKED G9 28, DUKED G9 28, DAKER(E)D 11G 27, DAK(E)RED 11G 27, DARKED 11G 27

On 4th draw, DAIRYMEN 9B 69 --- DAIRYMAN a man who works in or owns a dairy [n]
Other moves: MA(M)EY G9 25, YA(M)EN G9 23, DELAY F10 21, MI(M)ED G9 21, MYELIN F9 21

On 5th draw, DE(M)ARKETED 11E 30 --- DEMARKET to discourage consumers from buying one's product [v]
Other moves: DE(M)ARKED 11E 26, DE(M)ARKETS 11E 26, DE(M)ARKET 11E 24, DE(M)ARKS 11E 22, DENTED B9 20

On 6th draw, VOSTRO L8 26 --- VOSTRO of a bank account, 'their' record of an overseas account, cf [adj]
Other moves: DONORS B9 18, DOORNS B9 18, NOOSERS M7 18, OVENS M9 18, OVERS M9 18

On 7th draw, RETAXING H8 48 --- RETAX to tax again [v]
Other moves: BINGHIS D4 34, BINGHI D4 32, SHEEN M9 32, GIVENS 8J 30, VIBE 8L 27

On 8th draw, VOWS 8L 30 --- VOW to make a vow (a solemn promise) [v]
Other tops: VIEW 8L 30
Other moves: SOVIET 8J 27, VIBE 8L 27, VIBS 8L 27, DOWIEST B9 26, DOWSET B9 24

On 9th draw, TRIDACNA C2 78 --- TRIDACNA a giant clam [n]
Other moves: RADICANT C4 62, DICTION 13G 35, DIATRON 13G 27, TRIACID D4 26, ACRIDIN D4 24
DRAIN B9 8 SandraH

On 10th draw, (S)UIPLAPS O1 92 --- SUIPLAP (Afrikaans) a drunkard [n]
Other moves: PUPILA(R)Y F2 72, PUPIL(L)AR E2 72, PUPI(L)LAR E2 72, PUPILAG(E) 15B 65, PINA 8A 27
TAIL D12 5 SandraH

On 11th draw, HOWFED N6 43 --- HOWF to go often to a place [v]
Other moves: HOWF N6 38, QUEY F6 36, HOWE N6 35, FIQUE 4B 34, HOW N6 34

On 12th draw, AEROBIUM G2 66 --- AEROBIUM an organism that requires free oxygen [n]
Other moves: BOREE M7 31, BUREAU 2J 28, BONA 8A 27, BOA M7 26, BOO M7 26
GRUB 15H 7 SandraH

On 13th draw, COAGENT(S) 1H 83 --- COAGENT a person, force, or other agent working together with another [n]
Other tops: COGNATE(S) 1H 83
Other moves: CONGA 8A 40, CONGE 8A 40, CANG 8A 35, TANGO 8A 34, TONGA 8A 34
GREAT 4F 7 SandraH

On 14th draw, WOOLIES 5E 40 --- WOOLIE a woollen garment [n] --- WOOLY a woolly [n]
Other moves: DWALES B9 36, DWILES B9 36, WANLE 8A 35, WANS 8A 30, WENA 8A 30
LOOSE 13K 10 SandraH

On 15th draw, VINO 8A 30 --- VINO wine [n]
Other tops: VINT 8A 30
Other moves: TING 8A 29, TONG 8A 29, OUBIT 6E 22, OINT 8A 21, VIN 8A 21

On 16th draw, ENAMINES 14C 68 --- ENAMINE a type of amine [n]
Other moves: EMBASE 6E 41, REMAINS 4G 31, RAMEES 4G 29, REAMES 4G 29, REMAIN 4G 29
EASING 15C 8 SandraH

On 17th draw, JIZ 4B 38 --- JIZ a wig [n]
Other tops: JAIL 4A 38
Other moves: AZALEA J1 37, AZAN 6A 33, ZAG 6B 33, AZONAL 13J 32, L*Z J4 32

On 18th draw, BATH 6G 34 --- BATH a receptacle for bathing [n]
Other moves: BAHUT 2F 31, JAB B4 31, HOA M7 30, BOA M7 26, SUBAH K5 26
HEAT J4 9 SandraH

On 19th draw, JAY B4 37 --- JAY a corvine bird [n]
Other moves: TYG N1 27, GOFF 9K 24, FATLY 2A 22, FEU I13 22, FOGY 13K 22
DELAY E11 9 SandraH

On 20th draw, QUIP 4L 30 --- QUIP to make witty remarks [v]
Other moves: QUIT I3 23, BO M7 17, BOP 7M 17, BLIP 4L 16, GIBLI 3K 16

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