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Game sheet of gordon (file), Game of April 23, 2011 at 01:08

Word find
Word played
1 ?ALRTUU             (S)UTURAL H8 64 64  
2 AEGMOSU             MOULAGES 14E 67 131  
3 AEEIPRS             SPEARIER 12A 72 203  
4 AIILMOT             AMATOL 13H 36 239  
5 BEIORSU             BOURSIER E5 90 329  
6 ?EIOOPY TOP 10H 11 -29 11 2/2 Y(A)PPIE B10 40 369 2/2
7 DEINNRZ (S)IN 8H 2 -46 13 2/2 ZINES A8 48 417 2/3
8 DIINSTW             INTWISTED K7 76 493 2/3
9 AEELNOV             LEAVEN 15A 45 538 2/3
10 ACDEILO LICE 7J 7 -27 20 1/2 DECAD 15K 34 572 2/3
11 DEFGLOQ QI 7J 11 -31 31 1/2 ENFOLD 8J 42 614 2/3
12 ADHORTX ROT M7 5 -35 36 2/2 TAX 9K 40 654 3/3
13 AACDINO BAND 5E 7 -69 43 1/1 DIACONAL N1 76 730 2/3
14 EINOQTT ZIT 8A 12 -12 55 1/2 QAT 3M 24 754 2/3
15 EGHINTW BIN 5E 5 -46 60 2/2 WHINGED 1H 51 805 2/3
16 EGHIOTV             VOICE 4K 36 841 3/3
17 EFGHORY WHEY H1 17 -17 77 1/2 WHY 10K 34 875 3/3
18 EGKNORT             STENO 12K 22 897 3/3
19 BGKORRT ORB 5C 5 -22 82 2/2 BROOK 6B 27 924 3/3

Total: 82/924 or -842 for 8.874%
Rank: 2283

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