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Game of April 23, 2011 at 01:54, 2 players
1. SandraH -581
2. gordon -607

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ddeiilo   H8    20    20   iodide
 2. ?aaefiv  13C    24    44   foveae
 3. ?abeilo  10E    68   112   voidable
 4. aeeghln   G7    23   135   elhi
 5. abkmnno  L10    38   173   embank
 6. acdopru   J7    69   242   cupboard
 7. aerstty   E5    36   278   strayve
 8. aemottu  15L    30   308   kame
 9. egijpty   6B    39   347   jetty
10. aeeirrt   8J    21   368   ureter
11. adinorv   8A    33   401   vanda
12. ggioops   C3    24   425   pigeons
13. ailorst   5E    71   496   solarist
14. egiinox   H1    39   535   xenia
15. achiino  14J    34   569   donah
16. egiinsu   O1    80   649   signieur
17. eilntuw   3G    24   673   untwine
18. cgnoruz   4A    50   723   zoic
19. fgloruw   N6    37   760   woeful

Remaining tiles: gnqrt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  FileSandraH     0 23:39  -581  179     1.  -  SandraH     0 23:39  -581  179 
  2.  -  Filegordon      0  7:24  -607  153     2.  -  gordon      0  7:24  -607  153 

On 1st draw, IODIDE H8 20 --- IODIDE a compound of iodine [n]
Other tops: DILDOE H4 20, DOILED H4 20, DOILED H7 20, LOIDED H7 20
Other moves: DIDIE H4 18, DILDO H4 18, DILDOE H3 18, DILDOE H7 18, DILDOE H8 18
DIED H7 12 SandraH
LODE H8 10 gordon

On 2nd draw, F(O)VEAE 13C 24 --- FOVEA a shallow anatomical depression [n]
Other tops: FE(R)VID 12C 24
Other moves: FI(X)IVE 11E 22, FI(X)IVE 11G 22, AVAI(L)ED 12B 20, AVIA(T)ED 12B 20, FADAI(S)E 10F 20
AVAI(L)E 11E 16 SandraH
FEE 13G 11 gordon

On 3rd draw, (V)OIDABLE 10E 68 --- VOID to make void (of no legal force or effect) [adj] --- VOIDABLE able to be voided [adj]
Other moves: O(X)IDABLE 10E 66, BOLI(V)IA 11E 32, ABELIA G8 28, ABELIA(N) G8 28, ABELIA(S) G8 28
BOILED 10C 11 SandraH
BILE 8G 6 gordon

On 4th draw, ELHI G7 23 --- ELHI pertaining to school grades 1 through 12 [adj]
Other tops: GHI G8 23, HOA 9G 23, HOE 9G 23, HON 9G 23
Other moves: AHI G8 21, HAN I9 21, N(O)AH D12 20, BELAH J10 18, HA I9 18
(V)ALVE E10 14 SandraH
NAB J8 5 gordon

On 5th draw, EMBANK L10 38 --- EMBANK to confine or protect with a raised structure [v]
Other moves: KANBAN I6 32, HOKA 9G 31, NANO(O)K D9 29, B(O)AK D12 28, B(O)NK D12 28
BAKE L7 11 gordon
BANK J10 10 SandraH

On 6th draw, CUPBOARD J7 69 --- CUPBOARD a cabinet [n]
Other moves: POCKARD 15I 48, PADOUK 15G 39, DRACK 15H 36, CROAK 15H 33, UPLOAD K8 33
BOARD J10 12 gordon
PRUDE 7C 11 SandraH

On 7th draw, STRAY(V)E E5 36 --- STRAYVE (English dialect) to wander aimlessly [v]
Other tops: SKYER 15K 36, SKYRE 15K 36, SKYTE 15K 36
Other moves: KAYS 15L 33, KEYS 15L 33, KYAR 15L 33, KYAT 15L 33, KYES 15L 33
CARTS 7J 8 gordon
REAR 13J 8 SandraH

On 8th draw, KAME 15L 30 --- KAME a ridge of gravel or sand left by a glacier [n]
Other moves: KETA 15L 24, KETO 15L 24, KUTA 15L 24, STOMATE 5E 18, DUNAM 14J 16
COMET 7J 10 gordon
STOUT 5E 5 SandraH

On 9th draw, JETTY 6B 39 --- JETTY having the color jet black [adj] --- JETTY to jut out [v]
Other moves: J(O)EY D12 34, P(O)GY D12 26, NYE 14L 25, J(O)Y D12 24, PETTY 6B 24
J(O)G D12 20 gordon
PESTY 5C 10 SandraH

On 10th draw, URETER 8J 21 --- URETER the duct that conveys urine from the kidney to the bladder [n]
Other tops: ARI(O)T D10 21
Other moves: EATER 7A 20, ITERATE D1 20, NEAR 14L 20, NEAT 14L 20, RARER 7A 20
CATER 7J 8 gordon

On 11th draw, VANDA 8A 33 --- VANDA a tropical orchid [n]
Other moves: NARD(O)O D9 30, VARIA 8A 27, VARNA 8A 27, AVODIRE N2 26, RAVINED C1 26
DEAR N7 7 SandraH
RIND O8 5 gordon

On 12th draw, PIGEONS C3 24 --- PIGEON a short-legged bird [n] --- PIGEON to hoax [v]
Other moves: SPIGOT D1 22, PIGEON C3 20, SPIGOT M3 20, COPS 7J 18, G(O)OP D12 18
GOOSE L4 12 SandraH
S(O)P D12 8 gordon

On 13th draw, SOLARIST 5E 71 --- SOLARIST an adherent of solarism [n]
Other moves: SOTERIAL N5 62, ARI(O)SO D10 25, DOAT D8 24, RILL K8 22, ROLL K8 22
POSTAL 3C 9 SandraH

On 14th draw, XENIA H1 39 --- XENIA the effect of pollen on certain plant structures [n]
Other moves: NIXIE N4 28, EXO F13 26, EXTINE L3 26, OXIM N12 26, EX F13 25
EXIT L2 22 SandraH
FOX C13 13 gordon

On 15th draw, DONAH 14J 34 --- DONAH a sweetheart [n]
Other moves: NAH 14L 28, CHANOYO F1 26, CHANT L1 26, CHIA 4A 24, CHIN 4A 24
CHIN 3E 10 gordon

On 16th draw, SIGNIEUR O1 80 --- SIGNIEUR a feudal lord [n]
Other moves: INGENUS 3G 22, INGINES 3G 22, ENSUING 3G 20, INSIGNE 3G 20, GUNITE L1 18
SINGE 3F 9 SandraH
RINGS O8 7 gordon

On 17th draw, UNTWINE 3G 24 --- UNTWINE to separate the twisted or tangled parts of [v]
Other moves: RILL K8 22, WEIL 4A 22, LUITEN 4J 20, TEWING 3J 20, TEWIT L1 18
VEIN A8 7 SandraH

On 18th draw, ZOIC 4A 50 --- ZOIC pertaining to animals or animal life [adj]
Other moves: REZ F12 32, C(O)Z D12 26, ZIG 4B 26, Z(O)ON D12 26, RIZ 4B 24
BUNG 12L 9 gordon
GRINS K1 6 SandraH

On 19th draw, WOEFUL N6 37 --- WOEFUL full of grief [adj]
Other moves: FOE N6 29, WOE N6 29, G(O)WF D12 28, W(O)LF D12 26, W(O)OF D12 26
GLOWS 1K 10 SandraH

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