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Game of April 23, 2011 at 06:37, 2 players
1. bamuliye -496
2. gordon -654

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aamnosx   H4    40    40   xoana
 2. acdeitw   4D    32    72   dewax
 3. deillnr   5C    28   100   dinero
 4. afhirtv   G1    23   123   havarti
 5. efiprss   1B   101   224   serfship
 6. ?egmoor   6C    24   248   omenta
 7. abeituz   B1    26   274   size
 8. ?ceiloo   3B    22   296   zo
 9. ?eilnuy   8G    25   321   sanely
10. almortu   J8    64   385   emulator
11. cdlopuv  15H    33   418   duroc
12. ejlnttu   L4    30   448   jetty
13. einorrt  11C    66   514   ritornel
14. aceggsu   K8    35   549   lags
15. bcdeinu   C9    28   577   curbed
16. aefilou  14A    24   601   aidful
17. aeiinrt   A8    24   625   inertia
18. abinoop  12C    26   651   boab
19. aehnsvy   2E    32   683   aha
20. eioqswy   A8    24   707   inertiae
21. eilnpsw  13G    30   737   westlin
22. gkopqvy   4L    22   759   joky

Remaining tiles: ggpqv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Filebamuliye    2 22:53  -496  263     1.  -  bamuliye    2 22:53  -496  263 
  2.2836 Filegordon      0  7:27  -654  105     2.2836 gordon      0  7:27  -654  105 

On 1st draw, XOANA H4 40 --- XOANON a primitive statue [n]
Other moves: MOXAS H4 34, AXMAN H4 30, AXMAN H8 30, MOXAS H8 30, AXMAN H5 28
MAX H8 24 bamuliye

On 2nd draw, DEWAX 4D 32 --- DEWAX to remove wax from [v]
Other moves: COWED 5G 22, CAAED 6F 18, COATED 5G 18, CODEIA 5G 18, COEDIT 5G 18
WAXED 4F 16 bamuliye

On 3rd draw, DINERO 5C 28 --- DINERO a former Peruvian silver coin [n]
Other moves: REDON 5E 24, DELO 5E 23, DERO 5E 23, NEROLI 5E 23, REDO 5E 22
DEWAXED 4D 19 bamuliye

On 4th draw, HAVARTI G1 23 --- HAVARTI a Danish cheese [n]
Other moves: THAWER F1 22, ARHAT G4 19, FAITH 6G 19, FAVA 6G 18, VIHARA G1 18
WEAR F4 9 bamuliye

On 5th draw, SERFSHIP 1B 101 --- SERFSHIP the service of a serf [n]
Other moves: FISHERS 1D 51, SERFISH 1A 51, FISHER 1D 48, FISHES 1D 48, PISHERS 1D 45
HIPS 1G 27 bamuliye
TAPERS 6G 10 gordon

On 6th draw, OME(N)TA 6C 24 --- OMENTUM a fold in an abdominal membrane [n]
Other moves: ME(N)TA 6D 20, GETA 6E 19, GETA(S) 6E 19, ME(S)A 8E 18, ROO(S)A 8D 18
DOOR C5 6 gordon

On 7th draw, SIZE B1 26 --- SIZE to arrange according to size (physical proportions) [v]
Other tops: SITZ B1 26
Other moves: DOZE C5 24, SAZ B1 24, SEZ B1 24, AIA 2E 14, ETA 2E 14
DOZE C5 24 bamuliye

On 8th draw, ZO 3B 22 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other tops: (A)ZO 3A 22, (D)ZO 3A 22
Other moves: Z(A) 3B 20, Z(O) 3B 20, (S)AICE 8G 19, (S)ALIC 8G 19, (S)AIC 8G 18
(A)ZO 3A 22 bamuliye
AIL 8H 3 gordon

On 9th draw, (S)ANELY 8G 25 --- SANE mentally sound [adv] --- SANELY in a sane manner [adv]
Other moves: UN(S)AY 8E 20, (M)OME(N)TANY 6B 20, (S)AYNE 8G 20, LI(M)EY 2A 19, (S)ALINE 8G 19
DIME D4 7 gordon
DO(C)ILE C5 7 bamuliye

On 10th draw, EMULATOR J8 64 --- EMULATOR one that emulates [n]
Other moves: ATOMY L4 20, LOAMY L4 20, MALTY L4 20, MARLY L4 20, MORAY L4 20
MOULT K5 14 bamuliye
LAM K8 5 gordon

On 11th draw, DUROC 15H 33 --- DUROC a large red dog [n]
Other moves: CLOUDY L3 24, COURD 15G 24, PUDOR 15F 24, DUPLY L4 22, CLOUR 15F 21
PROUD 15I 9 bamuliye
COLD 14I 7 gordon

On 12th draw, JETTY L4 30 --- JETTY having the color jet black [adj] --- JETTY to jut out [v]
Other tops: JUTTY L4 30
Other moves: JAUNT 12I 24, JANE 12I 22, JELL 11H 22, JELL K5 22, JEAN 12H 19
DOT C5 5 gordon

On 13th draw, RITORNEL 11C 66 --- RITORNEL a short instrumental passage [n]
Other moves: TORERO K10 24, LIROT K8 22, OATEN 2F 19, OATER 2F 19, LENO K8 18
REJOIN 4J 14 bamuliye
DONE C5 6 gordon

On 14th draw, LAGS K8 35 --- LAG to stay or fall behind [v]
Other tops: LEGS K8 35, LUGS K8 35
Other moves: SCUTAGE 13G 24, CARES C9 20, CARSE C9 20, CURES C9 20, CURSE C9 20
EGGS 5L 6 gordon

On 15th draw, CURBED C9 28 --- CURB to restrain [v]
Other moves: CEBID D8 26, BURDEN C9 24, BURDIE C9 24, BURIED C9 24, BURNED C9 24
BURDEN C9 24 gordon
BRIDE C10 16 bamuliye

On 16th draw, AIDFUL 14A 24 --- AIDFUL helpful [adj]
Other moves: FETIAL 13H 20, FUTILE 13H 20, AFOUL 2G 19, FETIAL 6J 19, FOULIE F10 19
LOUT E8 4 gordon

On 17th draw, INERTIA A8 24 --- INERTIA the tendency of a body to resist acceleration [n]
Other moves: ANTIAR A10 21, ANEAR A11 18, ANTAE A11 18, ANTAR A11 18, NATTIER 13G 18
JET 4L 10 gordon

On 18th draw, BOAB 12C 26 --- BOAB a tropical tree with a swollen trunk [n]
Other tops: BOOB 12C 26
Other moves: OBTAIN 13H 22, OPTION 13H 22, PEBA I10 22, PIA D10 22, ANOPIA 2G 20
JIB 4L 12 gordon
JAB 4L 12 bamuliye

On 19th draw, AHA 2E 32 --- AHA used to express surprise, triumph, or derision [interj]
Other moves: HAN 2F 29, HAS 2F 29, ASTHENY 13H 28, HEAVY 5K 28, HA 2F 26

On 20th draw, INERTIAE A8 24 --- INERTIA the tendency of a body to resist acceleration [n]
Other tops: INERTIAS A8 24, STEWY 13I 24
Other moves: TOWSY 13J 22, WYTES 6J 21, YEA 12H 21, SWEY 5J 20, TOWY 13J 20
JOWS 4L 15 bamuliye

On 21th draw, WESTLIN 13G 30 --- WESTLIN western [adj]
Other tops: WINTLES 13G 30
Other moves: LEPTINS 13G 26, PINTLES 13G 26, PLEWS 5J 20, SWEEP 5J 20, WEEPS 5J 20
NOW 14I 13 bamuliye

On 22th draw, JOKY 4L 22 --- JOKY amusing [adj]
Other tops: QI L12 22
Other moves: KEY 5K 20, KYE 5J 20, YEPS I10 20, KOB F10 19, KEP 5K 18
JOKY 4L 22 bamuliye

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