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Game of April 23, 2011 at 09:55, 2 players
1. Terminator -849
2. Spellchick -863

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aikosu   H4    28    28   kuias
 2. adeeprv   8A   104   132   pervades
 3. ?agioop   E8    70   202   apologia
 4. ?eeggmn   6C    65   267   emerging
 5. bdeirrt  15D    39   306   bardier
 6. aeilsuz  12A    52   358   zealous
 7. acdhnou  A12    39   397   zona
 8. inoorsx   9E    40   437   pox
 9. aaeilrs   J1    61   498   lairages
10. eilntvy   2G    78   576   venality
11. cehortw  B10    51   627   chewet
12. finotuw   1H    35   662   fil
13. adirstu   8J    27   689   sadist
14. dehinoq  C10    46   735   hoaed
15. einntwy   L1    32   767   witney
16. abintuu   N8    30   797   subunit
17. aejloot  J10    31   828   jolter
18. acfimno  10B    36   864   choof
19. acimnor   K7    35   899   macon

Remaining tiles: aiqrr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  FileTerminator  0  3:23  -849   50     1.  -  Terminator  0  3:23  -849   50 
  2.  -  FileSpellchick  0  2:47  -863   36     2.  -  Spellchick  0  2:47  -863   36 

On 1st draw, KUIAS H4 28 --- KUIA an elderly Maori woman [n]
Other tops: A(D)SUKI H8 28, KAU(R)IS H4 28, KOU(M)IS H4 28, OKA(P)IS H3 28, OU(T)ASK H7 28, SA(L)UKI H8 28, SKO(L)IA H3 28, U(M)IAKS H8 28
Other moves: KAI(D)S H4 26, KAI(E)S H4 26, KAI(F)S H4 26, KAI(K)S H4 26, KAI(L)S H4 26

On 2nd draw, PERVADES 8A 104 --- PERVADE to spread through every part of [v]
Other moves: DEPRAVES 8A 95, KERVED 4H 28, PRIEVED 6F 27, PREVUED 5D 26, PRIEVE 6F 25

On 3rd draw, APO(L)OGIA E8 70 --- APOLOGIA a formal justification or defense [n]
Other tops: APO(L)OGIA E1 70
Other moves: POIG(N)ADO F2 67, APO(L)OGIA 7H 65, GOPAK 4D 24, GOPAK(S) 4D 24, GOPIK 4D 24

On 4th draw, EME(R)GING 6C 65 --- EMERGE to come out into view [v]
Other moves: EMERG(I)NG C5 64, GAGMEN 15D 36, GE(R)MANE 15A 36, G(A)GMAN 15A 36, G(I)GMAN 15A 36

On 5th draw, BARDIER 15D 39 --- BARDY insolent [adj]
Other tops: REDBAIT 15A 39, TRIBADE 15A 39
Other moves: BAITED 15D 36, BARDIE 15D 36, BARRED 15D 36, BAITER 15D 33, BARDE 15D 33

On 6th draw, ZEALOUS 12A 52 --- ZEALOUS filled with zeal [adj]
Other moves: KAZIS 4H 36, LEAZES B7 35, LEAZE B7 34, SEAZE B7 34, SEIZE B7 34

On 7th draw, ZONA A12 39 --- ZONA a transparent substance surrounding the ovum of mammals [n]
Other moves: DAH F8 32, DOH F8 32, CHANK 4D 28, CHUNK 4D 28, UNHEARD C3 28

On 8th draw, POX 9E 40 --- POX to infect with syphilis [v]
Other tops: PIX 9E 40
Other moves: EXON B12 37, EXO B12 33, SIGNOR 13C 27, NOX 10D 26, OXIM D3 26

On 9th draw, LAIRAGES J1 61 --- LAIRAGE cattle housing [n]
Other tops: GASALIER J6 61, REGALIAS J4 61
Other moves: ARIELS B5 24, REELS B6 23, RIELS B6 23, AERIES B4 22, LAREES B4 22

On 10th draw, VENALITY 2G 78 --- VENALITY the quality or state of being venal [n]
Other moves: EVILLY 1G 48, LEVITY 1J 48, LIVELY 1J 48, STYLIE 8J 39, SYLVIN 8J 39

On 11th draw, CHEWET B10 51 --- CHEWET a type of pie [n]
Other tops: CHEWER B10 51
Other moves: SCOWTH 8J 45, COHORT 10D 44, WHERE B10 44, COHOE 10D 43, COHO 10D 42
WITCH L1 34 Terminator

On 12th draw, FIL 1H 35 --- FIL a coin of Iraq and Jordan [n]
Other moves: WOF 10D 32, NOW 10D 29, OOF 10D 29, TOW 10D 29, DOF F8 28

On 13th draw, SADIST 8J 27 --- SADIST one who inflicts pain for pleasure [n]
Other tops: RUDIE B4 27
Other moves: DAE B6 25, DIE B6 25, DUE B6 25, SAIDST 8J 24, STRADS 8J 24

On 14th draw, HOAED C10 46 --- HOA to stop [v]
Other moves: OHONE 10E 41, OHO 10E 39, QIS N6 32, DOH 10D 30, NOH 10D 29

On 15th draw, WITNEY L1 32 --- WITNEY a heavy woollen fabric [n]
Other moves: SWINNEY N8 30, WINEY L1 30, DOW F8 28, DOY F8 28, OW 10E 28
TWIN M6 12 Spellchick

On 16th draw, SUBUNIT N8 30 --- SUBUNIT a unit that is a part of a larger unit [n]
Other moves: WANT 1L 28, BATIK 4D 22, DOB F8 22, OB 10E 22, NUBIA M5 18

On 17th draw, JOLTER J10 31 --- JOLTER one that jolts [n]
Other moves: JELAB 10J 30, WEAL 1L 28, JAM D4 24, JANE 12L 24, JETON 12J 24
JAM D4 24 Spellchick

On 18th draw, CHOOF 10B 36 --- CHOOF to go away [v]
Other moves: MACON K7 35, CHOOM 10B 30, DOF F8 28, OF 10E 28, WINO 1L 28

On 19th draw, MACON K7 35 --- MACON a red or white French wine [n]
Other moves: AROMA K8 33, RAMONA K7 33, MANOR K7 31, MARON K7 31, ACARI K8 29
COMA 11I 16 Terminator

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