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Game of April 23, 2011 at 10:41, 2 players
1. gordon -735
2. Spellchick -779

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adeiipt   H4    24    24   pitied
 2. deehrtt   8G    63    87   tethered
 3. ?abeeuw   N2    28   115   burweed
 4. ceefilt   L3    76   191   telferic
 5. ainoort   M4    24   215   raine
 6. deimosy   9J    41   256   imids
 7. ?aglnou   H1    33   289   outpitied
 8. aimnosy  10J    32   321   moc
 9. aeilrsv   5B    72   393   virelais
10. adegino   D4    72   465   organdie
11. abnortz   8A    39   504   azon
12. ahnoqsy   9A    32   536   handy
13. gilostw   1C    66   602   twigloos
14. aiorsux   B8    35   637   zax
15. ceinoor   E9    26   663   yonic
16. aaeejls  12A    36   699   laesie
17. aanqrtu  B12    26   725   aqua
18. aekprvy  15A    57   782   parky
19. aefnorv   B2    26   808   varve
20. bfgjotu   F1    27   835   gju
21. abfnnot   3J    30   865   battu
22. fgnnoor   7C    22   887   fang

Remaining tiles: noor

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.2774 Filegordon      0 13:23  -735  152     1.2774 gordon      0 13:23  -735  152 
  2.  -  FileSpellchick  0  8:22  -779  108     2.  -  Spellchick  0  8:22  -779  108 

On 1st draw, PITIED H4 24 --- PITY to feel pity (sorrow aroused by another's misfortune) [v]
Other moves: PATED H4 22, PITIED H7 22, APTED H8 20, PATED H8 20, PIETA H4 20

On 2nd draw, TETHERED 8G 63 --- TETHER to fasten to a fixed object with a rope [v]
Other tops: TETHERED 8B 63, TETHERED 8D 63
Other moves: DIETHER 5G 22, PETHER 4H 22, THREEP 4C 22, DITHER 5G 20, HEIRED 5F 20
TETHERED 8B 13 Spellchick
HEED 9E 9 gordon

On 3rd draw, BU(R)WEED N2 28 --- BURWEED a coarse weed [n]
Other moves: BEDEW N6 25, BEDEW(S) N6 25, BED(E)W N6 24, BEWA(R)ED N2 24, BEWEP(T) 4D 24
BEHA(V)E J6 16 Spellchick
DUE N8 6 gordon

On 4th draw, TELFERIC L3 76 --- TELFERIC pertaining to a telfer [adj]
Other moves: FLEECIE K5 48, FECIT M7 26, FICTILE 5D 24, FITTE I5 24, FLEECIE K2 24
ETHIC J6 18 Spellchick
FREE L7 7 gordon

On 5th draw, RAINE M4 24 --- RAINE a kingdom [n]
Other moves: RAINE K4 23, AINE M5 21, AINE K5 19, ARET M6 19, RADIO 9F 19
TAINT I8 10 Spellchick
CON 10L 7 gordon

On 6th draw, IMIDS 9J 41 --- IMID a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: MIDS 9K 35, MODISTE G3 31, MODISTE I3 31, IDS 9L 28, IMID 9J 27
DOPES 4F 8 gordon

On 7th draw, OU(T)PITIED H1 33 --- OUTPITY to surpass in pitying [v]
Other moves: OUTGUN 3J 32, OUTGU(N) 3J 30, O(U)TGUN 3J 30, (O)UTGUN 3J 30, (P)OTGUN 3J 30
GEM K7 11 Spellchick
LAP 4F 5 gordon

On 8th draw, MOC 10J 32 --- MOC a North American Indian shoe [n]
Other moves: MOUSY 2F 24, MYOSIN 5D 22, AMENE 7J 20, ASTONY G6 20, SATINY G6 20
(T)OY 3H 6 gordon

On 9th draw, VIRELAIS 5B 72 --- VIRELAI a medieval French verse form [n]
Other tops: RIVALISE 5C 72
Other moves: VIRELAIS 7B 70, VARIOLES 1D 65, VALORISE 1E 62, EMOVES K8 22, VARLE(T)S 3C 22
S(T)RAIT 3G 7 Spellchick
LEAP 4E 6 gordon

On 10th draw, ORGANDIE D4 72 --- ORGANDIE a cotton fabric [n]
Other moves: DEAVING B2 28, DOGVANE B2 28, DEMOING K7 27, NAEVOID B2 26, ADORING D2 22
VEIN B5 9 gordon

On 11th draw, AZON 8A 39 --- AZON a radio-controlled aerial bomb [n]
Other moves: NAZI C2 37, ZEBRANO 11C 36, BEZANT 11C 34, BEZOAR 11C 34, RITZ 10C 33
RITZ 10C 33 Spellchick
ZIT 10C 12 gordon

On 12th draw, HANDY 9A 32 --- HANDY convenient for handling [adj]
Other moves: HONDAS 9A 30, HANDS 9A 29, HONDA 9A 29, HONDS 9A 29, HAND 9A 28
SOL F3 3 gordon

On 13th draw, TWIGLOOS 1C 66 --- TWIGLOO a makeshift shelter made from branches [n]
Other moves: TWIGLOOS 1B 63, GEMOTS K7 23, GLOTTIS 6D 22, ORGANDIES D4 22, WAGS 7C 22
WEST 11C 14 gordon

On 14th draw, ZAX B8 35 --- ZAX a tool for cutting roof slates [n]
Other moves: TIX 6H 28, OREXIS 11B 26, OXERS 11B 24, RAXES 11A 24, SIXER 11A 24
SEX 11C 20 gordon

On 15th draw, YONIC E9 26 --- YONI a symbol for the vulva in Hindu religion [adj] --- YONIC pertaining to the yoni [adj]
Other moves: CONVO B2 24, ONTIC 6F 23, YONI E9 20, YORE E9 20, CLAW 5K 18
TON C1 6 gordon

On 16th draw, LAESIE 12A 36 --- LAESIE lazy [adj]
Other tops: JACALES 13C 36
Other moves: ESILE 12C 32, JACALS 13C 32, JACAL 13C 30, SIAL 12D 30, SILE 12D 30
GEE F1 6 gordon

On 17th draw, AQUA B12 26 --- AQUA water [n]
Other moves: GRANT 6D 16, TAHA A7 16, TALAQ F3 16, AHA A8 15, ALANT A11 15

On 18th draw, PARKY 15A 57 --- PARKY chilly [adj]
Other moves: PARKA 15A 48, YARK 15A 48, PARK 15A 45, PARVE 15A 42, PEAVY B2 42
(T)AP 3H 5 gordon

On 19th draw, VARVE B2 26 --- VARVE a deposit of sedimentary material [n]
Other moves: FAVA 7C 24, FAVE 7C 24, FLAWN 5K 22, SAFT I5 22, SOFT I5 22
ION 10D 5 gordon

On 20th draw, GJU F1 27 --- GJU an old Shetland viol [n]
Other moves: BAJU 7C 24, JAB 3A 24, FAB 7C 22, JAG 3A 22, SOFT I5 22
GOB F1 8 gordon

On 21th draw, BATTU 3J 30 --- BATTU pertaining to a ballet movement [adj]
Other moves: BEMOAN K7 26, FAB 7C 22, FLAWN 5K 22, JAUNT 2F 22, SAFT I5 22
ION 10D 5 gordon

On 22th draw, FANG 7C 22 --- FANG a long, pointed tooth [n] --- FANG to seize [v]
Other tops: FLAWN 5K 22, SOFT I5 22
Other moves: FAG 7C 21, FANO 7C 21, FARO 7C 21, FAN 7C 20, FAR 7C 20
ION 10D 5 gordon

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