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Game of April 23, 2011 at 12:24, 4 players
1. gordon -720
2. dblock -849
3. maneesha23 -875

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abeiosu   H4    20    20   beaus
 2. ceilmor   5E    98   118   comelier
 3. cdgiort   H1    36   154   corbeaus
 4. aegilno   3F    72   226   geraniol
 5. aejnotw   L1    24   250   wooer
 6. aefittu   6F    31   281   faa
 7. abeginy   8A   104   385   ebayings
 8. ahiknot   1J    48   433   hawkit
 9. ?agpruv   C8    28   461   avruga
10. adinorz  12A    50   511   zigan
11. aesttuy  A12    39   550   zeas
12. efinrtw   2G    24   574   fone
13. adinnru   9A    23   597   divan
14. ?opstwy  11B    29   626   autopsy
15. eijlstu  H11    27   653   yites
16. ?nprttu  12H    70   723   inputter
17. eemoouv   O8    30   753   vomer
18. diloruw   N9    24   777   dowel
19. ddehoru  15H    92   869   shrouded
20. eilqrtx   J5    28   897   ixtle

Remaining tiles: eiijqr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.2647 Filegordon      0 13:02  -720  177     1.2647 gordon      0 13:02  -720  177 
  2.  -  Filedblock      0  8:46  -849   48     2.  -  dblock      0  8:46  -849   48 
  3.  -  Filemaneesha23  0  5:54  -875   22     3.  -  maneesha23  0  5:54  -875   22 
  4.  -  Filenedkelly    0  1:16  -887   10     4.  -  nedkelly    0  1:16  -887   10 

On 1st draw, BEAUS H4 20 --- BEAU a boyfriend [n]
Other tops: BOUSE H4 20
Other moves: ABIES H4 16, ABIES H8 16, ABUSE H4 16, ABUSE H8 16, BEAUS H8 16
BASE H8 12 gordon

On 2nd draw, COMELIER 5E 98 --- COMELY pleasing to look at [adj]
Other moves: COMELIER 5B 74, CORBEAUS H1 36, CLIMBER 4D 26, EMBOLIC 4F 26, MICROBE 4C 26
MORE 5E 12 gordon
SOME 8H 6 maneesha23

On 3rd draw, CORBEAUS H1 36 --- CORBEAU a blackish green colour [n]
Other moves: ERGODIC K5 22, ORGIC L4 22, ERGOTIC K5 20, DORIC J2 18, TORRID L3 18
GRID J3 10 nedkelly
SORT 8H 4 gordon

On 4th draw, GERANIOL 3F 72 --- GERANIOL an alcohol used in perfumes [n]
Other moves: GERANIOL L3 70, REGIONAL 3H 70, REGIONAL L5 70, GASOLINE 8F 60, BEANO 4H 24
CONE 1H 6 gordon
RAGE L5 6 maneesha23

On 5th draw, WOOER L1 24 --- WOOER one that woos [n]
Other moves: ATONE 2F 22, JUNTA 7G 21, JUNTO 7G 21, JANES 8D 20, JATO 2E 20
JEST 8F 11 gordon

On 6th draw, FAA 6F 31 --- FAA to fall (Scots) [v]
Other moves: WAFT 1L 30, WAIF 1L 30, WEFT 1L 30, WIFE 1L 30, TAWTIE 1J 27
SUIT 8H 4 gordon

On 7th draw, EBAYINGS 8A 104 --- EBAYING selling on eBay [n]
Other moves: YAWING 1J 39, WANY 1L 30, WINY 1L 30, MAYING G5 28, AWING 1K 27
SIGN 8H 5 gordon

On 8th draw, HAWKIT 1J 48 --- HAWKIT streaked [adj]
Other tops: KOWHAI 1J 48
Other moves: TWANK 1K 36, TWINK 1K 36, KANTHA C3 34, W*NK 1L 33, WINK 1L 33
TANK C7 10 gordon

On 9th draw, AVRUGA C8 28 --- AVRUGA herring roe, cheaper than caviar [n]
Other tops: AVRUGA(S) C8 28
Other moves: AVRUG(A) C8 26, AVR(U)GA C8 26, AV(R)UGA C8 26, AVRUGA C3 24, AVRUGA(S) C3 24
AV(E)R C8 10 gordon
TAP O1 5 maneesha23

On 10th draw, ZIGAN 12A 50 --- ZIGAN a Hungarian gypsy [n]
Other moves: IZARD J5 35, NAZIR F8 34, IZAR J5 33, NAZI F8 33, DIAZIN E7 32
TRIAD O1 7 gordon

On 11th draw, ZEAS A12 39 --- ZEA the stigma of a cereal plant [n]
Other tops: ZEST A12 39, ZETA A12 39
Other moves: NATES F8 23, NEATS F8 23, NETTS F8 23, YITES B11 23, OYE 2H 21
TESTY O1 9 gordon

On 12th draw, FONE 2G 24 --- FOE an enemy [n]
Other tops: FIVE 9A 24
Other moves: RIVEN 9A 21, RIVET 9A 21, TUNIER 11B 20, WOF 2G 19, WRITER 10B 19
INERT E11 10 gordon
SINE 15A 5 maneesha23

On 13th draw, DIVAN 9A 23 --- DIVAN a sofa or couch [n]
Other moves: DIVA 9A 20, RIVA 9A 18, NURD 7G 15, RUD 7G 15, RUND 7G 15
SAID 15A 7 gordon

On 14th draw, (A)UTOPSY 11B 29 --- AUTOPSY to examine a dead body to determine the cause of death [v]
Other moves: TRYS(T) 10B 28, (G)UYOTS 11B 26, (M)ITY B11 26, PAW(K)Y D11 25, (T)RYST 10B 25
NOSY E12 7 gordon

On 15th draw, YITES H11 27 --- YITE (Scots) the yellowhammer [n]
Other tops: UPSET F10 27, YELTS H11 27, YETIS H11 27, YULES H11 27
Other moves: UPS F10 23, JESTED A4 22, JILTED A4 22, JUSTED A4 22, AISLE 14A 21
TILTS O1 6 gordon
SLITS G11 6 dblock

On 16th draw, INPUTT(E)R 12H 70 --- INPUTTER someone who feeds in information [n]
Other moves: UNPRETT(Y) 14D 67, INPUTT(E)R J5 63, TURNSP(I)T 15D 60, UP(S) F10 21, (S)PUTTER 14C 20
SPURT(S) 15H 8 gordon
PET(S) 14G 5 dblock

On 17th draw, VOMER O8 30 --- VOMER a bone of the skull [n]
Other tops: MOVER O8 30, VROOM O11 30
Other moves: OEUVRE O8 27, ROVE O12 21, OVUM K10 18, ROOM O12 18, ROUM O12 18
POEM J12 10 gordon
MOV(E) N9 10 dblock

On 18th draw, DOW(E)L N9 24 --- DOWEL to fasten with wooden pins [v]
Other tops: DOW(E)R N9 24
Other moves: LOW(E)D N9 23, LOW(E)R N9 22, UR(E)DO N10 22, LOW(E) N9 21, WIELD 14F 21
WORM 10L 11 dblock
TOUR M12 8 gordon

On 19th draw, SHROUDED 15H 92 --- SHROUD to attire in burial clothing [v]
Other moves: HOTE M10 32, DOTED M10 30, DOTER M10 28, ROTED M10 27, DOTE M10 26
HOPED J10 23 gordon
POD J12 10 dblock

On 20th draw, IXTLE J5 28 --- IXTLE a strong fibre [n]
Other moves: AXEL 13C 24, AXE 13C 23, EXUL K10 22, TAXER D11 22, LUX K11 20
PIER J12 8 gordon
TILER O1 6 dblock

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