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Game of April 23, 2011 at 19:51, 2 players
1. HAYLEY -737
2. Danielita -788

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. alprtux   H6    24    24   pax
 2. ?filmno   7B    67    91   informal
 3. aegiiry   D3    32   123   aerify
 4. ?abdinw   4A    69   192   wideband
 5. egiorst   8A    28   220   goey
 6. aaaeikn   A1    36   256   knawe
 7. aemqtty   E1    33   289   maybe
 8. delnors   1D    33   322   smolder
 9. afosttu   6F    20   342   oupas
10. beotttw   2E    26   368   aw
11. dejltuv   B6    21   389   viold
12. aceirsu  10B    63   452   decurias
13. cegnpsu  H10    39   491   auceps
14. adhijrt  13C    34   525   airthed
15. agilntv  12H    29   554   calving
16. egijntt   M7    48   602   jetting
17. eehnqrt   8J    39   641   ethene
18. bfnootz  14H    38   679   poz
19. befinou   N6    30   709   bonie
20. efnortu  15A    86   795   fortunes

Remaining tiles: ioqrt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  FileHAYLEY      0  7:01  -737   58     1.  -  HAYLEY      0  7:01  -737   58 
  2.  -  FileDanielita   0  1:17  -788    7     2.  -  Danielita   0  1:17  -788    7 

On 1st draw, PAX H6 24 --- PAX a ceremonial embrace given to signify Christian love and unity [n]
Other tops: PAX H7 24, PAX H8 24
Other moves: LAX H6 20, LAX H7 20, LAX H8 20, LUX H6 20, LUX H7 20

On 2nd draw, INFO(R)MAL 7B 67 --- INFORMAL marked by the absence of formality or ceremony [adj]
Other tops: FLAMIN(G)O 7F 67, FOIL(S)MAN 7B 67, MANIFOL(D) 7G 67
Other moves: FO(R)MALIN 7D 66, FOPLIN(G) 6F 21, MAF(F)LIN 7G 19, FAMIL(Y) 7G 17, FAMIN(E) 7G 17

On 3rd draw, AERIFY D3 32 --- AERIFY to aerate [v]
Other moves: AREFY D4 30, REIFY D4 30, FEGARY D7 28, MAY G7 21, GRAINY C3 20

On 4th draw, WI(D)EBAND 4A 69 --- WIDEBAND operating over a wide band of frequencies [adj]
Other moves: WIDEBAN(D) 4A 67, BEDAWIN(S) 4C 64, B(E)DAWIN B2 40, BAND(S)AW 3C 32, (S)DAYN 8A 31

On 5th draw, GOEY 8A 28 --- GOEY anxious to go [adj]
Other moves: GREWS A1 27, GROWS A1 27, STOWER A1 27, STOWRE A1 27, STEY 8A 25

On 6th draw, KNAWE A1 36 --- KNAWE a cornfield weed of the chickweed family [n]
Other moves: KNEW A1 33, AKED H1 27, ALIKE I6 27, KAED H1 27, KAID H1 27

On 7th draw, MAYBE E1 33 --- MAYBE an uncertainty [n]
Other moves: EMYD H1 30, YETI B1 29, RYA 5D 28, RYE 5D 28, ARY 5C 27

On 8th draw, SMOLDER 1D 33 --- SMOLDER to burn with no flame [v]
Other tops: REMOLDS 1C 33
Other moves: DEMONS 1C 30, MODERNS 1E 30, MOLDERS 1E 30, REMOLD 1C 30, SMORED 1D 30

On 9th draw, OUPAS 6F 20 --- OUPA grandfather (Afrikaans) [n]
Other moves: TALUS I5 19, TOLUS I5 19, F(R)USTA F6 18, F(R)ATS F6 17, F(R)AUS F6 17

On 10th draw, AW 2E 26 --- AW used to express protest, disgust, or disbelief [interj]
Other tops: OW F1 26
Other moves: BOI 6B 25, *B* 2E 23, OBIT B2 22, AB 2E 20, OB F1 20

On 11th draw, VIOLD B6 21 --- VIOLD contained in a vial [adj]
Other moves: VALUED I5 20, DUX 8F 19, EDIT B2 19, VIOLET B6 19, ALUDEL I6 18

On 12th draw, DECURIAS 10B 63 --- DECURIA a group of ten soldiers [n]
Other moves: UR(D)E C2 21, XERIC 8H 20, SALIC I5 19, ALURES I6 16, AR(D) C2 16

On 13th draw, AUCEPS H10 39 --- AUCEPS a hawker [n]
Other moves: UN(D)E C2 21, PUNCES E9 20, CUSEC D10 18, PUCES E9 18, PUNCE E9 18
REP J1 7 Danielita

On 14th draw, AIRTHED 13C 34 --- AIRTH to guide [v]
Other moves: JEHADI 13G 29, HEJIRA 13G 28, JAP 14F 28, JEHAD 13G 28, HEJRA 13G 27

On 15th draw, CALVING 12H 29 --- CALVE to give birth to a calf [v]
Other moves: CAVING D10 28, CAVING 12H 27, CATLING 12H 23, CAVIL 12H 23, PAVING 14H 23

On 16th draw, JETTING M7 48 --- JET to spurt forth in a stream [v]
Other moves: JINNE M9 40, JETTING N6 33, JIVE K10 28, JIG N10 27, JINNE M10 24

On 17th draw, ETHENE 8J 39 --- ETHENE a flammable gas [n]
Other moves: THERE 8K 36, HENT 8L 33, HERE 8L 33, HERN 8L 33, HETE 8L 33

On 18th draw, POZ 14H 38 --- POZ positive [adj]
Other moves: FIZ D12 30, BIZ D12 28, ZOBOS 15D 26, ZIN D12 24, ZIN G9 24

On 19th draw, BONIE N6 30 --- BONIE pretty or healthy [adj]
Other moves: FONE N6 26, UNBONE N4 25, BONE N6 23, FON N6 23, NIEF D12 22

On 20th draw, FORTUNES 15A 86 --- FORTUNE to endow with wealth [v]
Other moves: REEF O7 26, NIEF D12 22, ETEN O6 21, FERE O5 21, FETE O5 21

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