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Game of April 23, 2011 at 22:20, 1 player
1. figo -758

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ehlnort   H4    78    78   hornlet
 2. deeiors   4H    78   156   heroised
 3. abegjtu   L3    69   225   bijugate
 4. ?inoruu   M1    29   254   orison
 5. aimnrtz   1L    66   320   zona
 6. aabemns   9D    67   387   abasement
 7. acefiru   8J    40   427   fiacre
 8. ?aeghty   6C    80   507   lethargy
 9. degikln   D1    34   541   kneidel
10. aeeiosy  10F    45   586   yites
11. aeioruw   1A    39   625   wauker
12. adeinps   N6    70   695   sprained
13. eilorvx  12L    38   733   ilex
14. agmoopv   C3    30   763   moola
15. agorttw   7F    24   787   own
16. dlotuvv   3I    20   807   outbid
17. cefgior  O10    58   865   foxier
18. agiptuv   2M    21   886   rig
19. alqttuv   D9    26   912   aqua

Remaining tiles: clpttvv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.3514 Filefigo        0 15:35  -758  154     1.3514 figo        0 15:35  -758  154 

On 1st draw, HORNLET H4 78 --- HORNLET a little horn [n]
Other moves: HORNLET H2 72, HORNLET H3 72, HORNLET H6 72, HORNLET H7 72, HORNLET H8 72

On 2nd draw, HEROISED 4H 78 --- HEROISE to make heroic [v]
Other moves: EROTISED 10E 63, INDORSEE 7G 63, ORDINEES 7D 61, RHODIES 4G 22, HEDERS 4H 20

On 3rd draw, BIJUGATE L3 69 --- BIJUGATE two-paired [adj]
Other moves: ABJURE 6D 31, JABOT 5E 30, JURAT 6F 30, JURAT J2 30, JABOT K1 28

On 4th draw, (O)RISON M1 29 --- ORISON a prayer [n]
Other tops: U(N)ISON M1 29, (G)RISON M1 29, (P)RISON M1 29
Other moves: ORIS(O)N M1 28, RO(B)BIN 3I 28, UNISO(N) M1 28, (B)ISON M2 27, (V)ISON M2 27

On 5th draw, Z(O)NA 1L 66 --- ZONA a transparent substance surrounding the ovum of mammals [n]
Other tops: Z(O)RI 1L 66
Other moves: MATZA 8K 48, ZAMAN 8K 48, ZAMIA 8K 48, DARZI O4 45, NAZIR 8K 42

On 6th draw, ABASEMENT 9D 67 --- ABASEMENT [n]
Other moves: BEES N3 30, NEBS N3 30, SJOE 5K 28, BAMBI 3I 27, DAMANS O4 27

On 7th draw, FIACRE 8J 40 --- FIACRE a small carriage [n]
Other moves: FAERIE 10J 34, DECAF O4 33, TEF 10H 31, DECURIA O4 30, FACIAE D8 30
DEAF O4 8 figo

On 8th draw, (L)ETHARGY 6C 80 --- LETHARGY drowsiness; sluggishness [n]
Other moves: E(I)GHTY 10D 40, TAY 10H 35, HAY(L)AGE D8 34, T(A)Y 10H 33, T(O)Y 10H 33
GATE(W)AY F4 20 figo

On 9th draw, KNEIDEL D1 34 --- KNEIDEL in Jewish cookery, a dumpling [n]
Other moves: LITED 10F 33, KAEING D8 32, KINDLE D1 32, KINGLE D1 32, TINKED 10H 32
DIG O4 5 figo

On 10th draw, YITES 10F 45 --- YITE (Scots) the yellowhammer [n]
Other moves: KAYOES 1D 39, KAYOS 1D 36, TAY 10H 35, TOY 10H 35, EYOT 10E 34
TOY 10H 35 figo

On 11th draw, WAUKER 1A 39 --- WAUKER a fuller of cloth [n]
Other moves: AWOKE 1A 36, WAI(L)ER C3 36, WROKE 1A 36, WARK 1A 33, WAUK 1A 33
WAKE 1B 11 figo

On 12th draw, SPRAINED N6 70 --- SPRAIN to weaken by a sudden and violent twisting or wrenching [v]
Other moves: RAPINES N8 30, DEES N3 28, SJOE 5K 28, ISNAE 2B 26, NAI(L)ED C3 26
PAINS 4B 7 figo

On 13th draw, ILEX 12L 38 --- ILEX a shrub of the holly family [n]
Other moves: REX 2M 33, VEXER 12K 32, VEXER 3C 32, VEXIL 3C 32, VOXEL 12K 32
AXED O1 12 figo

On 14th draw, MOO(L)A C3 30 --- MOOLA moolah [n]
Other moves: MOAT E3 24, MOOT E3 24, MOO(L) C3 23, POO(L) C3 23, LAMP M12 22
GAME 3A 14 figo

On 15th draw, OWN 7F 24 --- OWN to have as a possession [v]
Other tops: AWN 7F 24
Other moves: ALOW M11 22, WOAD 13K 22, RAW 2M 21, ROW 2M 21, LOWT M12 20
FEST J8 7 figo

On 16th draw, OUTBID 3I 20 --- OUTBID to bid higher than [v]
Other moves: DOD 13L 17, DUX O10 16, LOUD M12 16, ROD 2M 15, RUD 2M 15
VOID 4B 8 figo

On 17th draw, FOXIER O10 58 --- FOXY crafty [adj]
Other moves: CODER 5B 26, FOXIE O10 25, FID 13L 23, FOID 13K 22, OLEIC M11 22
FURRY J2 19 figo

On 18th draw, RIG 2M 21 --- RIG to put in proper condition for use [v]
Other tops: RUG 2M 21
Other moves: RIA 2M 18, RIT 2M 18, RUT 2M 18, PURTY J2 16, AGITA D9 12
GUR J2 8 figo

On 19th draw, AQUA D9 26 --- AQUA water [n]
Other moves: QUOIT 4A 24, LAT E4 17, AVAL D9 14, QUOD 5A 14, AT E5 12

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