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Game of April 24, 2011 at 11:47, 2 players
1. Spellchick -874
2. magnolia -880

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abehinr   H4    26    26   hernia
 2. adirstw   5B    74   100   tawdries
 3. bdefiin   4G    30   130   bhindi
 4. aaeegst   J1    26   156   agents
 5. ?aceoop   B2    84   240   footpace
 6. aaegotv   8A    36   276   octave
 7. ?aefnsu   L2    61   337   unifaces
 8. adfilpr   4A    32   369   dopa
 9. eilnqru   1D    78   447   quinela
10. aeirtwy   3I    43   490   weeny
11. dehnors   D7    74   564   hardnose
12. bfiltvy   8K    33   597   felty
13. aeegnrt  13C    74   671   estrange
14. cilmouu  11C    74   745   inoculum
15. aeegort  H11    21   766   longe
16. aeiilox  14H    55   821   gox
17. eijlmor   G9    35   856   jeu
18. aikortz   N4    34   890   rozit
19. aikmrtv   O5    26   916   maty
20. biiklrv   A1    30   946   kild

Remaining tiles: birv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  FileSpellchick  0  6:27  -874   72     1.  -  Spellchick  0  6:27  -874   72 
  2.  -  Filemagnolia    0  8:02  -880   66     2.  -  magnolia    0  8:02  -880   66 

On 1st draw, HERNIA H4 26 --- HERNIA the protrusion of an organ through its surrounding wall [n]
Other tops: REHAB H8 26
Other moves: REHAB H4 22, BAIRN H4 20, BINER H4 20, BRAIN H4 20, BRINE H4 20

On 2nd draw, TAWDRIES 5B 74 --- TAWDRY gaudy finery [n]
Other moves: ASTERID 5E 32, DAWISH 4C 26, TRISHAW 4D 26, WIDTHS 4D 26, WRAITHS 4C 26
STEWARD 5F 22 Spellchick

On 3rd draw, BHINDI 4G 30 --- BHINDI okra used in Indian cookery [n]
Other moves: FIBRED F2 22, FINITE B1 22, FRIB 6G 22, FIBRIN F2 21, BEFIT B1 20
FADE 9G 14 Spellchick

On 4th draw, AGENTS J1 26 --- AGENT one who is authorized to act for another [n] --- AGENT to act for another with authority [v]
Other tops: GENTES J2 26
Other moves: GANTS J2 25, GENTS J2 25, AGENT J1 23, GANT J2 22, GENT J2 22
TANG 7F 8 Spellchick

On 5th draw, (F)OOTPACE B2 84 --- FOOTPACE a walking pace [n]
Other moves: PEACOA(T) 1H 33, (R)OOTCAP B2 32, PEEO(Y) 3I 31, APACE 1H 30, APAC(H)E 1J 30
PACE 9G 14 Spellchick

On 6th draw, OCTAVE 8A 36 --- OCTAVE a type of musical interval [n]
Other moves: AGAVE 1H 30, OVATE 1H 27, ACETA 8A 24, AWAVE D4 24, VEGA 1G 24

On 7th draw, UNIFA(C)ES L2 61 --- UNIFACE a coin having a design on only one side [n]
Other moves: SNA(R)F 1H 33, SOFA 4A 31, FANE(G)AS 1I 30, FAN(B)ASE 1F 30, FU(R)ANES 1G 30
SE(L)F F7 14 Spellchick

On 8th draw, DOPA 4A 32 --- DOPA a drug to treat Parkinson's disease [n]
Other moves: PILAF 1G 30, DARAF 1G 27, FARAD 1G 27, FELID 8K 27, FLAP 1H 27

On 9th draw, QUINELA 1D 78 --- QUINELA quinella [n]
Other moves: EQUINAL 1E 48, EQUAL 1G 42, QUEAN 1G 42, QUENA 1F 42, QUINA 1F 42

On 10th draw, WEENY 3I 43 --- WEENY tiny [adj]
Other moves: WEANER 3I 39, WEINER 3I 39, DRIVEWAY E5 36, WEARY 8K 33, TAWERY C8 29

On 11th draw, HARDNOSE D7 74 --- HARDNOSE a stubborn person [n]
Other moves: THONDER C8 39, THORNED C8 39, THRONED C8 39, THRENOS C8 37, THROED C8 37

On 12th draw, FELTY 8K 33 --- FELTY matted like felt [adj]
Other tops: LEFTY 8K 33, VEILY 8K 33
Other moves: BEFIT 8K 30, VILD A1 27, VIBEY 14A 26, BOTFLY A7 24, FLINTY 11A 24

On 13th draw, ESTRANGE 13C 74 --- ESTRANGE to alienate [v]
Other moves: GENERATE 14A 72, RENEGATE 14A 72, TEENAGER 14B 72, GENERANT 11B 68, GENERATE 14C 63
GREAT 14B 16 magnolia

On 14th draw, INOCULUM 11C 74 --- INOCULUM the material used in an inoculation [n]
Other moves: COLD A1 24, LINUM H11 24, MILD A1 24, MOLD A1 24, FILUM K8 22
TIC N8 11 magnolia

On 15th draw, LONGE H11 21 --- LONGE to guide a horse by means of a long rope [v]
Other tops: LONGA H11 21
Other moves: LENTO H11 18, LONER H11 18, AREG 2G 17, ARPA C2 17, LORATE M8 17

On 16th draw, GOX 14H 55 --- GOX gaseous oxygen [n]
Other moves: LATEX N6 30, AXE 14B 29, AXITE N5 28, TAXOL N8 28, EXIT N5 27
AA G13 5 magnolia

On 17th draw, JEU G9 35 --- JEU a game [n]
Other moves: GLUME 2J 27, GRUME 2J 27, JET N6 26, JOMO A7 26, JOT N6 26
FORM 5L 9 magnolia

On 18th draw, ROZIT N4 34 --- ROZIT to rosin [v]
Other moves: ZATI N6 33, ZIT N6 32, ZITE 14A 28, ZERO 15G 27, ADZ 10C 26
RITZY O4 18 magnolia

On 19th draw, MATY O5 26 --- MATY a a friend [n] --- MATY friendly [adj]
Other moves: KAME 14A 24, CARK F11 20, MINK 7F 20, JAK 9G 19, JARTAS 9G 19

On 20th draw, KILD A1 30 --- KILL to cause to die [v]
Other moves: VILD A1 27, BRU I9 23, BINK 7F 20, JAK 9G 19, KOB A7 19
RIB F13 7 magnolia

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