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Game of April 24, 2011 at 12:36, 2 players
1. princessM -776
2. magnolia -838

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?cdeimo   H8    78    78   medicos
 2. ?ailrsz  11D   114   192   lairizes
 3. adillnu   9B    63   255   unallied
 4. agnnstu  12H    30   285   cantus
 5. aegiikt   D8    26   311   taglike
 6. befgior   M7    38   349   fibrose
 7. adeilmt   8K    33   382   amide
 8. eeghnow   N2    39   421   hogweed
 9. adinoty   4G    78   499   toadying
10. aeinrtw  10J    31   530   wear
11. aginnor   5K    28   558   anow
12. ehpsuxy  13G    52   610   hox
13. abiinot   E3    77   687   notabilia
14. aeeflpr   6B    26   713   parafle
15. eijnrtu   4A    40   753   junto
16. eiorsuv   B9    34   787   uveous
17. ceeirst   H1    24   811   scrote
18. eegopry   3L    30   841   yoop
19. eegiqrv  14F    36   877   qis
20. eeegrrv   O1    20   897   rep

Remaining tiles: eegrv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  FileprincessM   0 11:10  -776  121     1.  -  princessM   0 11:10  -776  121 
  2.  -  Filemagnolia    0  2:20  -838   59     2.  -  magnolia    0  2:20  -838   59 

On 1st draw, MEDICO(S) H8 78 --- MEDICO a doctor or medical student [n]
Other tops: COMEDI(C) H2 78, COMEDI(C) H4 78, DEMO(N)IC H2 78, DEMO(N)IC H6 78, DEMO(T)IC H2 78, DEMO(T)IC H6 78, DO(R)MICE H7 78, MEDICO(S) H4 78, ME(L)ODIC H4 78, ME(L)ODIC H6 78, MI(S)CODE H4 78, (C)OMEDIC H2 78, (C)OMEDIC H6 78
Other moves: COMEDI(C) H8 76, DEMO(N)IC H4 76, DEMO(T)IC H4 76, DO(R)MICE H4 76, MEDICO(S) H2 76
COMED(Y) H8 24 magnolia

On 2nd draw, LAIRIZ(E)S 11D 114 --- LAIRIZE to act like a flashy man [v]
Other moves: ZORIL(L)AS 13G 104, ZORI(L)LAS 13G 104, SOLARIZ(E) 13G 86, ALIZ(A)RIS 11B 82, ALIZ(A)RIS 11F 82
SIZER 9E 25 princessM
ZEAL 9G 24 magnolia

On 3rd draw, UNALLIED 9B 63 --- ALLY to unite in a formal relationship [adj] --- UNALLIED not allied [adj]
Other moves: UNALLI(E)D J5 62, CALID 12H 30, CANID 12H 30, CADI 12H 22, NADIR G7 21
MAUDLIN 8H 11 magnolia
DIAL(S) 14D 7 princessM

On 4th draw, CANTUS 12H 30 --- CANTUS a style of church music [n]
Other moves: CANTS 12H 28, CANT 12H 20, CAST 12H 20, NOUGATS 13G 20, TONNAGS 13G 20
STUNG B7 8 princessM

On 5th draw, TAGLIKE D8 26 --- TAGLIKE resembling a tag [adj]
Other moves: TOGE 13G 25, GASKET M10 22, TOG 13G 22, K(E)NTIA J10 21, K(E)NTE J10 20

On 6th draw, FIBROSE M7 38 --- FIBROSE to form fibrous tissue [v]
Other moves: FOG 13G 28, BOITE 8A 27, BOG 13G 26, FROG 13F 26, BIOG 13F 25
BEFOG(S) 14C 13 princessM

On 7th draw, AMIDE 8K 33 --- AMIDE a type of chemical compound [n]
Other tops: IMIDE 8K 33, MEDIAL 8J 33
Other moves: MIDI 8L 30, MILD 8L 30, IMAGE 10A 29, ADEEM 14B 28, LIMEADE(S) 14A 28
TIMED I5 15 princessM

On 8th draw, HOGWEED N2 39 --- HOGWEED a coarse plant [n]
Other moves: WHEENGE(S) 14A 36, WEER 10J 31, HOG 10B 30, HOG 13G 28, HOWK 13A 28
HOWL F6 18 princessM

On 9th draw, TOADYING 4G 78 --- TOADY to engage in servile flattering [v]
Other moves: ZAYIN I11 31, DINGY 4K 28, DINKY 13A 26, DOGY 4L 26, TANGY 4K 26

On 10th draw, WEAR 10J 31 --- WEAR to be dressed in clothing [v] --- WEAR to abrade [v]
Other tops: WEIR 10J 31
Other moves: RAWN M1 29, ANEW 5K 28, AWN M2 27, WANKER 13A 26, WINKER 13A 26
WINK 13A 22 princessM

On 11th draw, ANOW 5K 28 --- ANOW enough [adj]
Other moves: GONNA M1 26, AGIO 3K 22, ANNO M2 22, NOG 13G 22, GANOIN H1 21

On 12th draw, HOX 13G 52 --- HOX to hock [v]
Other moves: POX 13G 50, SOX 13G 46, OX 13H 44, SHEEPY 14A 44, ZAX I11 44
PUSHY 2K 13 princessM

On 13th draw, NOTABILIA E3 77 --- NOTABILIA [n]
Other moves: BATOON H1 24, BOON 3L 23, BOOT 3L 23, BOAT 8A 22, ABOON H1 21

On 14th draw, PARAFLE 6B 26 --- PARAFLE paraffle [n]
Other moves: FLAKE 13A 24, PAROLE H1 24, FAKE 13B 22, FLAK 13A 22, REFEEL 14A 22

On 15th draw, JUNTO 4A 40 --- JUNTO a political faction [n]
Other moves: JERK 13A 30, JINK 13A 30, JUKE 13B 30, JUNK 13A 30, JINNE 3C 29

On 16th draw, UVEOUS B9 34 --- UVEOUS pertaining to the uvea [adj]
Other moves: VIROSE H1 27, OBS 9L 26, SOUTIE 8A 24, VAES I3 24, VARS I3 24

On 17th draw, SCROTE H1 24 --- SCROTE a worthless person [n]
Other tops: CAESE I3 24, CARSE I3 24
Other moves: SEED I6 23, STED I6 23, AESC I4 22, CARS I3 22, CATS I3 22

On 18th draw, YOOP 3L 30 --- YOOP a sobbing sound [n]
Other moves: PROO 3K 29, GOOP 3L 24, POOR 3L 23, RYE 3H 22, POO 3L 21

On 19th draw, QI(S) 14F 36 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: EQUIPE B2 34, EQUIP B2 32, GIP O1 23, REP O1 20, RIP O1 20

On 20th draw, REP O1 20 --- REP a cross-ribbed fabric [n] --- REP to act as a commercial representative [v]
Other moves: VEGIE 10B 18, GLEI F8 17, REEFER 7J 17, REEVE O6 16, REVERE O7 16

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