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Game of April 24, 2011 at 17:29, 1 player
1. neede01 -855

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. cghiost   H7    82    82   gothics
 2. aeeiopr  13H    22   104   spirea
 3. adegorz  11E    72   176   agrized
 4. ?elotvy  L12    28   204   levy
 5. ?almotw  15F    42   246   womanly
 6. aennort   K4    68   314   nonrated
 7. cehkotu   E7    67   381   tuckahoe
 8. ?aeiltt   J4    78   459   etiolate
 9. efnortx  12A    30   489   forth
10. beipsuy   8J    45   534   layups
11. deiosuw  B10    36   570   woodie
12. adfiqrs  15A    36   606   deif
13. aadilor  C10    21   627   orra
14. aeeginr   O1    80   707   anergies
15. aeiisuv   4H    26   733   veenas
16. belnqsu   6N    31   764   qi
17. abeiosu   H1    30   794   above
18. deijlmx   2F    35   829   jibed
19. beiinns  14L    20   849   vibe
20. imnsuux  O10    48   897   minxes

Remaining tiles: lnnuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Fileneede01     0  3:53  -855   42     1.  -  neede01     0  3:53  -855   42 

On 1st draw, GOTHICS H7 82 --- GOTHIC a style of printing [n]
Other moves: GOTHICS H4 80, GOTHICS H2 78, GOTHICS H3 78, GOTHICS H6 78, GOTHICS H8 78

On 2nd draw, SPIREA 13H 22 --- SPIREA a flowering shrub [n]
Other moves: APERIES 13B 20, APIECE 12D 20, COPIER 12H 20, EPEIRAS 13B 20, PEARCE 12D 20

On 3rd draw, AGRIZED 11E 72 --- AGRIZE to terrify [v]
Other moves: GEEZ L12 48, DORIZE J10 40, AGRIZE J10 38, HAZED 10H 38, HAZER 10H 37

On 4th draw, LEVY L12 28 --- LEVY to impose or collect by legal authority [v]
Other moves: VE(R)Y L12 26, (B)EVY L12 26, (L)EVY L12 26, EELY L12 22, VOG(U)EY F9 22

On 5th draw, WOMA(N)LY 15F 42 --- WOMANLY having the qualities of a woman [adj]
Other moves: WAM(B)LY 15G 39, WA(R)MLY 15G 39, (H)AYMOW 15J 39, AWM(R)Y 15H 36, MAW(K)Y 15H 36

On 6th draw, NONRATED K4 68 --- NONRATED not rated [adj]
Other moves: NEGATRON 7F 62, NEOGOTHICS H4 17, VANE 14L 16, VANT 14L 16, VARE 14L 16

On 7th draw, TUCKAHOE E7 67 --- TUCKAHOE the edible root of certain arums [n]
Other moves: CHUNK 4H 34, HECK 10J 34, ACUTE 8K 30, ATOKE 8K 30, HETE 10J 28

On 8th draw, ETI(O)LATE J4 78 --- ETIOLATE to make pale [v]
Other moves: (R)ATTLINE 4E 66, LITE(R)ATO 5D 64, ETIOLAT(E) 5H 57, (D)ATOLITE 5H 57, (E)TIOLATE 5H 57

On 9th draw, FORTH 12A 30 --- FORTH onward in time, place, or order [adv]
Other tops: FROTH 12A 30, VEXT 14L 30
Other moves: OFTENER 4G 28, VEX 14L 28, FRENNE 4H 26, GOX F11 25, REZ I9 25

On 10th draw, LAYUPS 8J 45 --- LAYUP a shot in basketball [n]
Other moves: BIOPSY B10 38, PIOYES B10 34, BUOYS B10 32, PIOYE B10 32, PIOYS B10 32

On 11th draw, WOODIE B10 36 --- WOODIE a wood-panelled station wagon [n]
Other moves: WOODS B10 34, WOOED B10 34, WOOSE B10 32, WEIRDOS C9 30, WEIRDO C9 28

On 12th draw, DEIF 15A 36 --- DEIF deaf (Scots) [adj]
Other tops: DEAF 15A 36
Other moves: REIF 15A 33, SEIF 15A 33, SERF 15A 33, FIAR A12 32, FAQUIRS M5 30

On 13th draw, ORRA C10 21 --- ORRA occasional [adj]
Other moves: ADRENAL 4G 20, ENLARD 4J 18, IDOLATOR 5E 18, VILD 14L 18, ALFA A10 17

On 14th draw, ANERGIES O1 80 --- ANERGY lack of energy [n]
Other moves: GESNERIA O6 60, REZ I9 25, RENAGUE M3 22, ENRING 4J 18, GREENIE 4G 18

On 15th draw, VEENAS 4H 26 --- VEENA a stringed instrument of India [n]
Other moves: VEENA 4H 24, VAVS 14L 22, VIVA 14L 22, VIVE 14L 22, AVENUE 4H 20

On 16th draw, QI 6N 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: QUEANS L1 31
Other moves: BUNSEN 2J 28, QUEAN L1 27, SUQS M1 26, USQUE 8B 24, SUQ M7 23

On 17th draw, ABOVE H1 30 --- ABOVE something that is above (in a higher place) [n]
Other tops: ABUSION 2I 30
Other moves: BASION 2J 28, BESOIN 2J 28, BOUSIER G5 25, BUSIER G6 24, SOAVE H1 24

On 18th draw, JIBED 2F 35 --- JIBE to gibe [v]
Other moves: MILDEN 2J 30, PIXEL N8 30, IBEX 2G 29, JIBE 2F 29, JIB 2F 28

On 19th draw, VIBE 14L 20 --- VIBE a vibration [n]
Other tops: BENE 3L 20, BINE 3L 20, BISE 3L 20, VIBS 14L 20
Other moves: BIER G8 19, BYES L7 19, PENNIS N8 19, PINIES N8 19, SABINE 1G 18
YEN L8 12 neede01

On 20th draw, MINXES O10 48 --- MINX a pert girl [n]
Other moves: MIXEN O11 45, MIXES O11 45, MUXES O11 45, UNISEX O10 42, NIXES O11 39
SEX O13 30 neede01

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