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Game of April 24, 2011 at 18:18, 3 players
1. Penguin123 -446
2. OR2011 -605
3. neede01 -715

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aaenstv   H2    78    78   savante
 2. ?dimoou   2G    78   156   isodomum
 3. aefnrtx   3G    51   207   fax
 4. ?aceehr   5E    98   305   earaches
 5. einrvwz   F4    37   342   wazir
 6. dgiorty   L2    28   370   midstory
 7. adefghs   8A    42   412   dasher
 8. eejllmo   6J    30   442   metol
 9. eginovy   C3    32   474   envoys
10. aeeiinp   8J    24   498   pirnie
11. cgglnou   K8    21   519   incog
12. aagikpt   4A    28   547   kang
13. fiopstu   A1    36   583   poukit
14. efinstu  12H    28   611   feigns
15. bbdeost  H10    30   641   softed
16. abbeilt  14A    86   727   biteable
17. aellrtw   M6    29   756   owner
18. aeijntu  10A    69   825   jaunties
19. agllqru   D1    26   851   quag

Remaining tiles: agllrr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6117 FilePenguin123  1 21:02  -446  405     1.6117 Penguin123  1 21:02  -446  405 
  2.  -  FileOR2011      0 17:29  -605  246            Group: not rated
  3.  -  Fileneede01     0  7:33  -715  136     1.  -  OR2011      0 17:29  -605  246 
                                             2.  -  neede01     0  7:33  -715  136 

On 1st draw, SAVANTE H2 78 --- SAVANTE a woman of great learning [n]
Other moves: SAVANTE H3 72, SAVANTE H4 72, SAVANTE H6 72, SAVANTE H7 72, SAVANTE H8 72
VANES H4 24 neede01
STAVE H8 18 Penguin123

On 2nd draw, ISODOMU(M) 2G 78 --- ISODOMUM a type of masonry [n]
Other tops: ISODO(M)UM 2G 78
Other moves: MODIO(L)US 2A 70, SODIUM(S) 2H 26, DAIMO(K)U 3G 24, I(S)ODOMA 3B 24, (C)AMOODI 3G 24
MAD 3G 11 Penguin123
VIM 4H 8 neede01

On 3rd draw, FAX 3G 51 --- FAX to transmit and reproduce by electronic means [v]
Other moves: TAXER 3G 46, TAXA 3G 43, RETAX 3E 41, TAX 3G 39, AXE 3H 38
FOX I1 38 Penguin123, neede01

On 4th draw, EARACHE(S) 5E 98 --- EARACHE a pain in the ear (an organ of hearing) [n]
Other tops: AREACHE(D) 5E 98, AREACHE(S) 5E 98
Other moves: ME(N)ARCHE L2 86, MACHREE(S) L2 80, MARCHE(S)E L2 78, AREACHE(D) 5H 74, AREACHE(S) 5H 74
CO(M)ER K1 12 Penguin123

On 5th draw, WAZIR F4 37 --- WAZIR a high official in some Muslim countries [n]
Other moves: AZINE F5 34, NAZIR F4 34, NAZE F4 33, NAZI F4 33, RAZE F4 33
VAW F4 17 neede01
AWE F5 14 Penguin123

On 6th draw, MID(S)TORY L2 28 --- MIDSTORY the middle of a story [n]
Other moves: THYROID J4 26, HYDRO J5 20, HYOID J5 20, YOW 4D 20, DROW 4C 18
THY J4 17 OR2011
GUY M1 14 Penguin123
YETI K4 7 neede01

On 7th draw, DASHER 8A 42 --- DASHER one that dashes [n]
Other tops: GASHER 8A 42
Other moves: AFRESH 8J 36, SHADER 8A 36, FRESH 8K 33, FARSED 8J 30, GERAHS 8J 30
GRADE 8K 21 OR2011
DOH 7K 11 Penguin123

On 8th draw, METOL 6J 30 --- METOL a powder used as a photographic developer [n]
Other tops: MELLOW 4A 30
Other moves: JELLOS C3 28, J*W 4D 28, JOW 4D 28, METE 6J 27, MET 6J 26
MEOW 4C 20 Penguin123
JOE 7K 11 neede01

On 9th draw, ENVOYS C3 32 --- ENVOY a representative [n]
Other moves: VYINGS C3 30, SYEING C8 28, GROVE 8K 27, HEYING D8 26, HOVING D8 26
GROVE 8K 27 Penguin123, OR2011
ANY B8 14 neede01

On 10th draw, PIRNIE 8J 24 --- PIRNIE a striped woollen nightcap [n]
Other tops: PEREIA 8J 24
Other moves: NIPA 3K 23, ARPEN 8K 21, PINA 3K 21, PINE 3K 21, PREEN 8K 21
NIP 3K 20 OR2011
PANE 4A 18 Penguin123
PEH D6 17 neede01

On 11th draw, INCOG K8 21 --- INCOG a disguised person [n]
Other tops: GOAL B6 21
Other moves: GOA B6 20, CONN 4A 18, CONY 9I 18, LEGONG E7 18, GONG 4A 16
GOAL B6 21 Penguin123
LONG 4A 12 OR2011

On 12th draw, KANG 4A 28 --- KANG a Chinese sleeping-platform [n]
Other tops: KING 4A 28
Other moves: KANA 4A 26, KANT 4A 26, KINA 4A 26, PINK 4A 26, HAIKA D8 24
PINK 4A 26 Penguin123

On 13th draw, POUKIT A1 36 --- POUK to pluck [v]
Other moves: FISK A1 33, POUKS A1 33, POUK A1 30, SP*K A1 30, SPINY 9H 28
TUSK A1 24 Penguin123

On 14th draw, FEIGNS 12H 28 --- FEIGN to pretend [v]
Other moves: FEIGN 12H 26, FINES 3K 26, FINIS 3K 26, FUNGI 12H 26, FUNGS 12H 26
FUNGI 12H 26 Penguin123
FIT 3K 21 OR2011

On 15th draw, SOFTED H10 30 --- SOFT to soften [v]
Other moves: HOBBED D8 28, FOBS H12 27, HOTBEDS D8 26, FEDS H12 24, FEOD H12 24
FOBS H12 27 Penguin123, OR2011

On 16th draw, BITEABLE 14A 86 --- BITE to seize with the teeth [adj] --- BITEABLE able to be bitten [adj]
Other moves: BITEABLE 14E 70, BITABLE 14B 34, BIBELOT 11C 24, ABATE B6 23, BILBOA 11D 22
TABLET 13C 18 OR2011
BOB 11G 11 Penguin123

On 17th draw, OWNER M6 29 --- OWNER one that owns [n]
Other tops: OWLER 2A 29, OWLET 2A 29
Other moves: OWRE 2A 27, OWER 7L 26, OWL 2A 25, WIRE 3K 24, WITE 3K 24
WEET D12 16 Penguin123
AWE D12 12 OR2011

On 18th draw, JAUNTIES 10A 69 --- JAUNTIE a naval master-at-arms [n]
Other moves: JIBE A12 63, JUBA A12 63, JUBE A12 63, JANTIES 10B 32, JUTE M1 29
JIBE A12 63 OR2011, Penguin123

On 19th draw, QUAG D1 26 --- QUAG a quagmire [n]
Other moves: QAT C12 24, SUQ M12 24, OLLA 2A 21, AULA B1 19, AURA B1 19
GAB A12 8 Penguin123
SAG M12 8 OR2011

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