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Game of April 25, 2011 at 01:38, 2 players
1. lupitab65 -765
2. serena8118 -777

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aalnor   H7    64    64   granola
 2. aefiprs  10B    77   141   firepans
 3. aeeopru   9E    22   163   oupa
 4. aehimrs  11G    36   199   mohairs
 5. eglrtuv   C9    30   229   virgule
 6. denoost   7E    60   289   stegodon
 7. adefgnu  15B    39   328   feagued
 8. deeilrt  13F    72   400   elaterid
 9. abeinnq   E2    34   434   niqabs
10. emsttxy   K4    34   468   myxos
11. ?eiooru   L3    30   498   quoin
12. cehiiot  12A    30   528   hogtie
13. adlnotw   2B    78   606   townland
14. egijrtv  14A    34   640   jilt
15. aaciort   6A    25   665   acrobat
16. eeikvwy   A4    54   719   keavie
17. ceginyz   C1    36   755   cozy
18. beeginn   6I    27   782   nixing

Remaining tiles: beeew

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Filelupitab65   0  2:30  -765   17     1.  -  lupitab65   0  2:30  -765   17 
  2.  -  Fileserena8118  0  0:55  -777    5     2.  -  serena8118  0  0:55  -777    5 

On 1st draw, (G)RANOLA H7 64 --- GRANOLA a breakfast cereal [n]
Other tops: (F)ORLANA H2 64, (F)ORLANA H3 64, (F)ORLANA H6 64, (F)ORLANA H7 64, (F)ORLANA H8 64, (G)RANOLA H2 64, (G)RANOLA H3 64, (G)RANOLA H6 64, (G)RANOLA H8 64
Other moves: (F)ORLANA H4 62, (F)ORLANA H5 62, (G)RANOLA H4 62, (G)RANOLA H5 62, ANALO(G) H3 12

On 2nd draw, FIREPANS 10B 77 --- FIREPAN an open pan for holding live coals [n]
Other moves: PANFRIES 10F 71, AFEARS 13H 26, FIREPAN 10B 26, FELSPAR 12F 24, PILFERS 12F 24

On 3rd draw, OUPA 9E 22 --- OUPA grandfather (Afrikaans) [n]
Other tops: PARORE D8 22, PARURE D8 22
Other moves: FRAPE B10 20, PAREO D8 20, PARER D8 20, PAREU D8 20, PAUA 9G 20

On 4th draw, MOHAIRS 11G 36 --- MOHAIR the long, silky hair of the Angora goat [n]
Other moves: MOHAIR 11G 34, MASHIER 13G 32, MOHRS 11G 32, AHIMSA 13H 30, MISHEAR C9 30

On 5th draw, VIRGULE C9 30 --- VIRGULE a diagonal printing mark used to separate alternatives [n]
Other tops: VAULTER 13G 30
Other moves: VIRGE C9 26, VIRTUE C9 26, VILER C9 24, VIRTU C9 24, GAULTER 13G 22

On 6th draw, STE(G)ODON 7E 60 --- STEGODON an extinct elephant-like mammal [n]
Other moves: DENOTES 15B 27, NEEDS 15A 24, ODEONS 15A 24, STEDE 15A 24, TEENDS 15A 24

On 7th draw, FEAGUED 15B 39 --- FEAGUE to whip [v]
Other moves: FAGGED 12A 32, FUGGED 12A 32, FEED 15A 30, GULFED 14A 30, UNEDGE 15A 30

On 8th draw, ELATERID 13F 72 --- ELATERID a click beetle [n]
Other moves: DETAILER 13E 61, RETAILED 13E 61, EILD 14A 23, TELD 14A 23, DELE 14A 22

On 9th draw, NIQABS E2 34 --- NIQAB (Arabic) a type of veil worn by some Muslim women that is made of lightweight opaque fabric and leaves only the eyes uncovered [n]
Other moves: BILE 14A 24, QIS E5 24, ILEA 14B 23, BAGIE 12A 22, BEGAN 12A 22

On 10th draw, MYXOS K4 34 --- MYXO myxomatosis, a disease introduced to control rabbits [n]
Other moves: MYXO K4 32, TYRES 11A 32, YELM 14A 32, SEXTS M7 31, TEXTS M7 31

On 11th draw, (Q)UOIN L3 30 --- QUOIN to secure with a type of wedge [v]
Other tops: (L)IQUOR 4C 30, (P)IROQUE 4A 30, (S)QUIER 4D 30, (S)QUIRE 4D 30
Other moves: IRO(N)ED J2 29, ROO(F)ED J2 29, ROO(K)ED J2 29, ROO(M)ED J2 29, (H)OODIE J4 29

On 12th draw, HOGTIE 12A 30 --- HOGTIE to tie together the legs of [v]
Other moves: ICHNITE 2B 28, THIONIC 2A 28, OHIA D12 27, ECHINI 2A 26, ETHNIC 2B 26

On 13th draw, TOWNLAND 2B 78 --- TOWNLAND land forming a manor [n]
Other moves: WOLD 14A 29, LOWND 2B 26, OLLA 14B 23, TOLD 14A 23, TOWNS M7 23

On 14th draw, JILT 14A 34 --- JILT to discard a lover [v]
Other moves: VILE 14A 26, GELT 14A 22, GILT 14A 22, JIBER 6C 22, JOG C1 22
SIDE M11 5 serena8118

On 15th draw, ACROBAT 6A 25 --- ACROBAT one skilled in feats of agility and balance [n]
Other moves: ANTIC H1 24, ONTIC H1 24, TOXIC 6I 23, TACOS M7 21, TAXI 6I 20

On 16th draw, KEAVIE A4 54 --- KEAVIE a hen coop [n]
Other moves: KNIVE H1 48, INKY H1 45, KNEW H1 45, WEAVE A4 45, ENVY H1 42

On 17th draw, COZY C1 36 --- COZY snug and comfortable [adj] --- COZY to attempt to get on friendly terms [v]
Other moves: COZIER C1 34, YEXING 6I 33, COZE C1 30, ZOIC C1 30, COZ C1 28
SIDE M11 5 lupitab65

On 18th draw, NIXING 6I 27 --- NIX to veto [v]
Other moves: EXING 6J 24, EXINE 6J 21, NIXIE 6I 21, ERNING L10 18, LEG 12H 15
BESIDE M9 12 lupitab65

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