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Game of April 25, 2011 at 04:03, 2 players
1. Million -784
2. serena8118 -797

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deiorrt   H4    70    70   dortier
 2. ahilouv   6B    23    93   haviour
 3. adensxy   5H    32   125   onyxes
 4. adirttt   9B    63   188   attrited
 5. flnootu   M5    63   251   snootful
 6. ?eeiinu   4H    29   280   donee
 7. ?aaeego  10F    22   302   oarage
 8. eflsuwz   8L    69   371   zols
 9. deelnsv   B9    30   401   advenes
10. aemnrwy  15A    39   440   ysame
11. aegiltu   D2    20   460   glaive
12. ?beiprr   O8    86   546   sparerib
13. ceghiks   5B    54   600   chiks
14. abfilmn   7A    36   636   limen
15. aaceior   2B    28   664   orgic
16. aaeiotw   9K    28   692   watap
17. befinot  11I    35   727   bitou
18. adeegio  12J    26   753   gaol
19. eefjnpu  12A    44   797   jefe
20. deinpuu  11B    24   821   vide

Remaining tiles: npquuw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  FileMillion     0  3:16  -784   37     1.  -  Million     0  3:16  -784   37 
  2.  -  Fileserena8118  0  3:33  -797   24     2.  -  serena8118  0  3:33  -797   24 

On 1st draw, DORTIER H4 70 --- DORTY delicate [adj]
Other moves: DORTIER H2 68, DORTIER H3 68, DORTIER H6 68, DORTIER H7 68, DORTIER H8 68
RIOTED H6 14 Million

On 2nd draw, HAVIOUR 6B 23 --- HAVIOUR behaviour [n]
Other tops: HAVIOUR 10B 23
Other moves: HALOID 4C 20, AHOLD 4D 18, AVOID 4D 18, HALID 4D 18, HAULD 4D 18

On 3rd draw, ONYXES 5H 32 --- ONYX a variety of quartz [n]
Other moves: DIXY E5 30, SAVEY D4 30, RAXED 10H 29, SYNOD 5E 29, ADNEXA C1 28
SEXY 9G 23 Million

On 4th draw, ATTRITED 9B 63 --- ATTRITE to wear down [v] --- ATTRITED worn down by rubbing [adj]
Other tops: TITRATED 9B 63
Other moves: DAVIT D4 20, AIRTED L1 16, AIRTH B2 16, DIVA D4 16, RAITED L1 16
TAXI K3 11 serena8118

On 5th draw, SNOOTFUL M5 63 --- SNOOTFUL enough alcohol to make one drunk [n]
Other moves: FOR 10F 29, UNSOFT M3 26, FLOTE L1 24, FLUTE L1 24, FOULE L1 24
FOX K3 13 serena8118

On 6th draw, D(O)NEE 4H 29 --- DONEE a recipient of a gift [n]
Other moves: DENE(T) 4H 28, DINE(D) 4H 28, DINE(R) 4H 28, NI(T)ERIE E5 24, U(R)EDINE 4E 23

On 7th draw, OARAGE 10F 22 --- OARAGE a rowing movement [n]
Other tops: SNOOTFUL(S) M5 22
Other moves: AGOO(D) 8K 21, AGO(G)E 8K 21, AGO(N)E 8K 21, AGO(R)A 8K 21, OARAG(E) 10F 21

On 8th draw, ZOLS 8L 69 --- ZOL a spliff, a marijuana cigarette [n]
Other moves: FOWL 8L 42, WOFS 8L 42, WOLF 8L 42, FAZES B8 37, FAZE B8 36

On 9th draw, ADVENES B9 30 --- ADVENE to be added over and above [v]
Other moves: ADVENE B9 28, DEV(O)NS I1 27, SNOOTFULS M5 24, DELIVER E3 22, DEVEST D4 22

On 10th draw, YSAME 15A 39 --- YSAME together [adv]
Other moves: LAY N8 32, LEY N8 32, WEARY 12A 30, WEENY 12A 30, YEWEN 12A 30

On 11th draw, GLAIVE D2 20 --- GLAIVE a sword [n]
Other tops: ALIGHT B2 20, GALUTH B1 20
Other moves: EGALITE 12B 18, GELATE 12A 18, GELATI 12A 18, GLUTEAL 12G 18, LAIGH B2 18

On 12th draw, SP(A)RERIB O8 86 --- SPARERIB a cut of pork [n]
Other moves: BL(E)EP N7 26, E(M)BAR C3 26, PEBRI(N)E 12A 26, PREBIL(L) 12H 26, PRIB(B)LE 12H 26

On 13th draw, CHIKS 5B 54 --- CHIK a type of door screen [n]
Other moves: CHIK 5B 50, KEECH 12A 38, KISH 5C 37, HECKS 12A 36, SEIK 5B 35

On 14th draw, LIMEN 7A 36 --- LIMEN a sensory threshold [n]
Other moves: AMEN 7B 35, FEMINAL 12A 32, FAME 7A 31, LINGAM 2A 30, FEMAL 12A 28

On 15th draw, ORGIC 2B 28 --- ORGIC of the nature of an orgy [adj]
Other moves: CAA 4C 24, CAGIER 2B 22, ORGIAC 2B 22, CAGER 2B 20, CERIA 12A 20

On 16th draw, WATAP 9K 28 --- WATAP a thread made from the roots of various trees [n]
Other moves: WELT 3B 25, WAT 9K 22, WEET 12A 22, WETA 12A 22, WOT 9K 22

On 17th draw, BITOU 11I 35 --- BITOU as in bitou bush, a sprawling woody South African shrub. [adj]
Other moves: BENEFIT 14A 32, BENEFIT 12A 30, BEFIT 12A 26, FEEB 12A 26, FELT 3B 25

On 18th draw, GAOL 12J 26 --- GAOL to put in jail [v]
Other moves: DELO 3B 19, AVOID 11A 18, EVADE 11A 18, GEODE 12A 18, GEOID 12A 18

On 19th draw, JEFE 12A 44 --- JEFE a chief [n]
Other moves: JEEP 12A 42, JEUNE 12A 40, PELF 3B 31, FUJI 14L 28, JEEL 3A 28

On 20th draw, VIDE 11B 24 --- VIDE see -- used to direct a reader to another item; VIDE is the only form of this verb; it cannot be conjugated [v]
Other moves: VEND 11B 23, VIED 11B 23, NED 13B 21, VINE 11B 21, JUDY A12 20

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