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Game of April 25, 2011 at 04:51, 1 player
1. pergerine -925

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acdehot   H4    82    82   cathode
 2. acgilpu   5H    20   102   apical
 3. ?aeiint   I5    76   178   pianiste
 4. egirsvz  12D    50   228   resize
 5. bdegint   L2    76   304   debating
 6. ehilotx   J2    65   369   helix
 7. aenoqst  H12    39   408   zoea
 8. abfnotu   M3    25   433   tolan
 9. ?aeoosu   J2    26   459   helixes
10. ?fgmrtu  13E    26   485   mofo
11. dennors  14H    76   561   enderons
12. agijruv  O12    33   594   visa
13. glosuwy  L11    30   624   lowry
14. beknrtu  13K    34   658   ewk
15. aborstu   2C    69   727   tarboush
16. eegoruw   D1    26   753   wager
17. egoprtu   1A    26   779   grew
18. aalmntu  K10    23   802   lateen
19. aeijoqr   3B    28   830   jag
20. eipruuv   8L    27   857   nevi
21. dmouuuy   B3    23   880   judy
22. imoqruu  10D    34   914   roques
23. fiimopu  10B    24   938   piroques

Remaining tiles: fimou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Filepergerine   0  3:45  -925   13     1.  -  pergerine   0  3:45  -925   13 

On 1st draw, CATHODE H4 82 --- CATHODE a negatively charged electrode [n]
Other moves: CATHODE H7 80, CATHODE H2 78, CATHODE H3 78, CATHODE H6 78, CATHODE H8 78

On 2nd draw, APICAL 5H 20 --- APICAL a sound articulated with the apex (tip) of the tongue [n]
Other tops: APICAL 5D 20, PAUCAL 5D 20, PAUCAL 5G 20
Other moves: CALIPH 7C 19, CALPA 5D 18, CALPA 5G 18, CAPUL 4H 18, CAPUL 5G 18

On 3rd draw, PIANI(S)TE I5 76 --- PIANISTE someone who plays the piano [n]
Other moves: A(K)INETIC 4A 70, A(R)ENITIC 4A 70, ACTINI(A)E K4 68, ACTINI(D)E K4 68, CANITIE(S) K5 68

On 4th draw, RESIZE 12D 50 --- RESIZE to size again [v] --- SIZE to arrange according to size (physical proportions) [v]
Other moves: VEZIRS 12H 44, VEZIR 12H 42, ZITIS 6F 40, VIZIES J2 39, GAZERS L4 34

On 5th draw, DEBATING L2 76 --- DEBATE to argue about [v]
Other moves: ZING H12 42, ZEIN H12 39, ZINE H12 39, ZITE H12 39, NIDGET J4 34

On 6th draw, HELIX J2 65 --- HELIX something spiral in form [n]
Other moves: TIX J4 52, ZITE H12 39, HELIO M3 37, HELOT M3 37, ETHOXIE(S) 10B 35

On 7th draw, ZOEA H12 39 --- ZOEA a larval form of certain crustaceans [n]
Other tops: ZEAS H12 39, ZEST H12 39, ZETA H12 39, ZONA H12 39, ZONE H12 39
Other moves: ANOLES M2 30, ETALON M2 30, SOLATE M3 29, TOLANE M3 29, HELIXES J2 26
TEARS D9 5 pergerine

On 8th draw, TOLAN M3 25 --- TOLAN a chemical compound [n]
Other tops: TALON M3 25
Other moves: BOEUF 14F 24, NOTAL M1 21, TONAL M1 21, UNBAN 8K 21, BENET 3I 20
TORN D10 4 pergerine

On 9th draw, HELIXES J2 26 --- HELIX something spiral in form [n]
Other moves: HELIXE(S) J2 24, HELIX(E)S J2 24, SU(B)APICAL 5E 24, OOSE 13G 20, OOSE(S) 13G 20
SOUR(S) D9 4 pergerine

On 10th draw, M(O)FO 13E 26 --- MOFO motherfucker (obscene insult) [n]
Other moves: FRIG(H)T G10 24, FRIG(O)T G10 24, F(L)IM G10 23, FUM(A)GE E7 22, FURMET(Y) E8 22

On 11th draw, ENDERONS 14H 76 --- ENDERON the sensitive layer of the skin [n]
Other moves: DENSER 14D 24, ENDERON 14H 24, ENDORSE 14H 24, DENSE 14D 23, M(O)FOS 13E 21

On 12th draw, VISA O12 33 --- VISA to put an official endorsement on, as a passport [v]
Other moves: JIVER K11 30, JIVE K11 28, JUVE K11 28, GAUJE K10 26, JAGER K11 26

On 13th draw, LOWRY L11 30 --- LOWRY a small parrot [n]
Other moves: GLORY L11 26, GORY L12 24, LOURY L11 24, LORY L12 22, TOWSY 11I 22

On 14th draw, EWK 13K 34 --- EWK to itch [v]
Other moves: NERK 8L 30, NEUK 8L 30, KEMB E11 24, BREEM E9 18, BREME E10 18

On 15th draw, TARBOUSH 2C 69 --- TARBOUSH a fez [n]
Other moves: ABORTUSE(S) 10A 68, SUBAPICAL 5E 30, BEMAS E11 18, BEMA E11 16, BRASH 2F 16

On 16th draw, WAGER D1 26 --- WAGER to risk on an uncertain outcome [v]
Other moves: WAGE D1 24, WARE D1 22, WAUR D1 22, GROWER E1 20, REGREW E2 20

On 17th draw, GREW 1A 26 --- GREW to shudder [v] --- GROW to cultivate [v]
Other moves: TREW 1A 23, TEPEE K10 22, EPEE K11 20, TUP C2 20, TUTOR C2 20

On 18th draw, LATEEN K10 23 --- LATEEN a sailing vessel [n]
Other moves: LEMMA E11 18, MAG 3B 18, ALARUM 5A 16, ANTRUM 5A 16, ETAT C1 16

On 19th draw, JAG 3B 28 --- JAG to cut unevenly [v]
Other moves: JEE(S) 10F 26, JOE(S) 10F 26, S(O)JA F12 26, TAJ 6L 26, JIRRE 5A 24

On 20th draw, NEVI 8L 27 --- NEVUS a birthmark [n]
Other moves: PREMIE E10 20, PREVUE(S) 10C 19, PERV 5B 18, JIVER B3 17, VIS(O)R F10 17

On 21th draw, JUDY B3 23 --- JUDY a girl [n]
Other moves: DORMY 5B 22, DEMY E11 20, MODEM E9 20, DUROY 5B 18, DORY 5B 16

On 22th draw, ROQUE(S) 10D 34 --- ROQUE a form of croquet [n]
Other moves: QORMA 15D 26, DURUM 5B 16, MEMO E11 16, QUIRE(S) 10D 16, ISM I1 15

On 23th draw, PIROQUE(S) 10B 24 --- PIROQUE a dugout canoe [n]
Other moves: ISM I1 15, DORM 5B 14, DORP 5B 14, TAMP 6L 14, VIM N8 14

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