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Game of April 25, 2011 at 13:53, 2 players
1. magnolia -759
2. yasmine -765

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. egimsvw   H4    30    30   wives
 2. loprstu   7C    65    95   plouters
 3. ?adehln   5D    94   189   unhailed
 4. efgilnt   D4    24   213   fuelling
 5. ?eegnqr   J2    36   249   queers
 6. deilnnt   K1    21   270   dined
 7. aaeegit   8A    37   307   egalites
 8. defimnu   H1    51   358   midwives
 9. aaenrsy   1K    39   397   dyers
10. ainosuw   9B    25   422   iwi
11. amnootu  10A    23   445   moan
12. anoorrt  A10    27   472   mortar
13. adghiox  14A    26   498   axoid
14. aefikpu  13A    35   533   tak
15. abcnotu  11D    20   553   gunboat
16. abinotz   A1   110   663   botanize
17. celoprs  H10    39   702   copers
18. acehnot  12H    33   735   phocae
19. aegjlnu  13G    30   765   jean
20. eiltuuv   N1    24   789   rivulet

Remaining tiles: efgouy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Filemagnolia    0  3:58  -759   30     1.  -  magnolia    0  3:58  -759   30 
  2.  -  Fileyasmine     0  2:54  -765   24     2.  -  yasmine     0  2:54  -765   24 

On 1st draw, WIVES H4 30 --- WIFE a woman married to a man [n] --- WIVE to marry a woman [v]
Other tops: VIEWS H4 30
Other moves: SWIVE H4 24, SWIVE H8 24, VIEWS H8 24, WIVES H8 24, GIVES H4 22

On 2nd draw, PLOUTERS 7C 65 --- PLOUTER to potter [v]
Other tops: POULTERS 7C 65
Other moves: TROILUS 5E 28, SLIPOUT 5F 18, LOUPIT 5D 16, PILOTS 5G 16, PILOUS 5G 16
SLURPS 8H 11 yasmine

On 3rd draw, (U)NHAILED 5D 94 --- HAIL to welcome [adj] --- UNHAILED not hailed [adj]
Other moves: HAND(B)ELL D1 82, PLAN(C)HED C7 78, UN(S)HALED F7 73, ENHALO(E)D E2 72, HANDLI(K)E 5C 72
SHADE J7 13 yasmine

On 4th draw, F(U)ELLING D4 24 --- FUEL to provide with fuel (material used to produce energy) [v]
Other moves: F(U)ELING D4 22, F(U)LLING D4 22, PELTING C7 22, FILETS J2 19, FLEETS J2 19
STIFLE J7 17 magnolia

On 5th draw, Q(U)EERS J2 36 --- QUEER to spoil the effect or success of [v]
Other tops: Q(U)EENS J2 36
Other moves: WEE(I)NG 4H 24, QI 9C 21, QI(S) 9C 21, WE(B)ER 4H 20, N(E)ELE 8A 18
GREED(Y) K1 7 magnolia

On 6th draw, DINED K1 21 --- DINE to eat dinner [v]
Other tops: DITED K1 21
Other moves: LENTOID E3 20, LINED K1 20, LITED K1 20, TINED K1 20, DEIL 8A 19

On 7th draw, EGALITES 8A 37 --- EGALITE the state of being equal [n]
Other moves: AGILE 8A 24, APAGE C6 21, EGAL 8A 19, GEAL 8A 19, TELEGAS 8B 19
DATE 1K 6 magnolia

On 8th draw, MIDWIVES H1 51 --- MIDWIFE to assist a woman in childbirth [v] --- MIDWIVE to assist a woman in childbirth [v]
Other moves: DENIM 1K 27, F(U)NDIE 3I 26, F(U)NNED 3I 26, DINED 1K 24, F(U)NDI 3I 24

On 9th draw, DYERS 1K 39 --- DYER one that dyes [n]
Other tops: DYNES 1K 39
Other moves: DAYAN 1K 30, DEARY 1K 30, DENAY 1K 30, DERAY 1K 30, DRAYS 1K 30

On 10th draw, IWI 9B 25 --- IWI a large Maori tribe (sometimes the whole Maori nation) [n]
Other moves: WASHOUT F2 23, RAWINS N1 22, ROWANS N1 22, GOWANS 11D 20, OWSE 6A 20

On 11th draw, MOAN 10A 23 --- MOAN to utter a low, mournful sound [v]
Other moves: ROMAUNT N1 22, NAN 10B 20, ROMANO N1 20, TAN 10B 20, GOMUTO 11D 18

On 12th draw, MORTAR A10 27 --- MORTAR to secure with mortar (a type of cement) [v]
Other tops: MAROON A10 27, MARRON A10 27, MATRON A10 27
Other moves: DA(U)NTON 3H 16, GRANTOR 11D 16, RATOON N1 16, GARRON 11D 14, GARROT 11D 14

On 13th draw, AXOID 14A 26 --- AXOID a helix curve [n]
Other tops: RADIX N1 26
Other moves: OXHIDE A3 25, GOX 11D 22, TAXI 13A 22, ADAGIO 14A 20, AHIGH F1 20

On 14th draw, TAK 13A 35 --- TAK to take [v]
Other moves: TEPA 13A 31, TAP 13A 27, KAPH F2 23, KUEH F2 21, RIF 15A 20

On 15th draw, GUNBOAT 11D 20 --- GUNBOAT an armed vessel [n]
Other tops: RUBATO N1 20
Other moves: BACH F2 17, CAW 4F 17, DA(U)NTON 3H 16, ECONUT M1 16, GOBAN 11D 16

On 16th draw, BOTANIZE A1 110 --- BOTANIZE to collect plants for study [v]
Other moves: AZOTH F1 37, ROZIT N1 28, BANZAI I10 27, BONITA H10 27, BONITO H10 27

On 17th draw, COPERS H10 39 --- COPER a horse dealer [n] --- COPER to supply alcohol illegally [v]
Other moves: COOPER H10 33, CORPSE H10 33, LOCOES H10 33, LOPERS H10 33, REPO 15A 29

On 18th draw, PHOCAE 12H 33 --- PHOCA a type of sea monster or a seal [n]
Other moves: BOHEA G11 31, PHAETON 12H 31, PHOCA 12H 31, PHONATE 12H 31, PEACH 12H 28

On 19th draw, JEAN 13G 30 --- JEAN a durable cotton fabric [n]
Other moves: JAI 2F 26, RAJ 14H 26, REAN 15A 25, JEUNE M11 24, JANGLE M7 23

On 20th draw, RIVULET N1 24 --- RIVULET a small stream [n]
Other moves: OLIVET 2A 22, OUTVIE 2A 22, REI 15A 20, EVITE M1 16, LIEVE M10 16

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