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Game of April 27, 2011 at 05:50, 2 players
1. paz -779
2. bamuliye -795

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeekoux   H6    28    28   kex
 2. ?eiiopr   8A   101   129   mirepoix
 3. aeegnry   E5    24   153   grapey
 4. deflpru   B6    72   225   prideful
 5. eilnstt  12A    70   295   lutenist
 6. abefloo  C10    30   325   fetal
 7. abdesvy  H11    27   352   styed
 8. abeiinu  G11    23   375   isba
 9. abdenrt  11F    24   399   bistred
10. aenorrs   L8    72   471   readorns
11. aceootu  14J    26   497   canoe
12. aeentuv   J5    71   568   aventure
13. ?aggoqt  N10    33   601   quote
14. adiiotv  15L    32   633   sida
15. acglouw  F10    23   656   obia
16. aghistv   7G    28   684   hevea
17. ilmoouw  D11    22   706   mew
18. hilnost  M12    26   732   hioi
19. ginnosw   5I    22   754   wanings
20. cilnotu   O2    30   784   consult
21. gimoouz   M1    36   820   mozing

Remaining tiles: ijou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Filepaz         0  7:50  -779   41     1.  -  paz         0  7:50  -779   41 
  2.  -  Filebamuliye    0  5:12  -795   25     2.  -  bamuliye    0  5:12  -795   25 

On 1st draw, KEX H6 28 --- KEX a dry, hollow stalk [n]
Other tops: KEX H7 28, KEX H8 28
Other moves: EAUX H5 22, EAUX H6 22, EAUX H7 22, EAUX H8 22, AXE H6 20

On 2nd draw, (M)IREPOIX 8A 101 --- MIREPOIX a sauteed mixture of diced vegetables [n]
Other moves: POKIER 6F 20, (S)PIKIER 6E 20, PIKER 6F 19, PIKER(S) 6F 19, POKER 6F 19

On 3rd draw, GRAPEY E5 24 --- GRAPEY resembling grapes [adj]
Other moves: EYEING B5 22, GRAPY E5 22, GRAYER C3 22, GREYER C3 22, GRYPE E5 22

On 4th draw, PRIDEFUL B6 72 --- PRIDEFUL full of pride [adj]
Other moves: FRU(M)PLED A5 65, FUELED D4 30, PREYFUL 10B 29, FUELER D4 27, PURFLER C2 26

On 5th draw, LUTENIST 12A 70 --- LUTENIST one who plays the lute [n]
Other moves: KNITTLES 6H 66, ENTITLES 7H 60, INTITLES G8 60, DETENT 9B 19, DETEST 9B 19

On 6th draw, FETAL C10 30 --- FETAL pertaining to a fetus [adj]
Other moves: FETA C10 28, ALEF 13A 25, BEFLEA 7G 25, BEFOOL 7G 25, FEEBLE D7 25

On 7th draw, STYED H11 27 --- STY to keep in a pigpen [v]
Other tops: LADY A12 27
Other moves: BEVY 7G 26, DEVAS D11 25, YODE F7 25, BEDYES 7G 24, LAVE A12 24
EAT H10 3 paz

On 8th draw, ISBA G11 23 --- ISBA a Russian log hut [n]
Other moves: BONA F7 21, BONE F7 21, SABE G12 20, BEANIE 7G 19, ISNAE G11 19
BIND 15E 7 bamuliye

On 9th draw, BISTRED 11F 24 --- BISTRE a pigment of warm brown colour [adj] --- BISTRED relating to bistre [adj]
Other moves: BANDER 7D 23, BERATED 7G 23, BETREAD 7G 23, BODE F7 23, DEBAR D11 23
KENT 6H 10 paz
BYE 13G 9 bamuliye

On 10th draw, READORNS L8 72 --- READORN to adorn again [v]
Other moves: REASONER K5 66, OBIAS F10 31, OBIA F10 23, BIAS F11 21, ROA(M)ER A5 20
SEEN 7G 9 bamuliye
SORE J9 6 paz

On 11th draw, CANOE 14J 26 --- CANOE to paddle a canoe (a light, slender boat) [v]
Other tops: CANTO 14J 26, CENTO 14J 26, CENTU 14J 26, CONTE 14J 26, CONTO 14J 26
Other moves: COSTAE 15J 24, CURATE 8J 24, TURACO 8J 24, OBIA F10 23, ASCOT 15K 21
SCOT 15L 18 paz

On 12th draw, AVENTURE J5 71 --- AVENTURE an adventure, an exciting experience [n]
Other moves: VERTUE 8J 27, ERVEN 8K 24, LAVE A12 24, TRAVE 8K 24, VAUTE D4 23
EAT 9L 4 paz

On 13th draw, Q(U)OTE N10 33 --- QUOTE to repeat the words of [v]
Other tops: Q(U)ATE N10 33
Other moves: Q(U)ATE D4 32, Q(U)OTE D4 32, QA(N)AT 5I 26, TA(L)AQ 5I 26, OBIA(S) F10 25

On 14th draw, SIDA 15L 32 --- SIDA any plant of the Queensland hemp genus [n]
Other tops: SODA 15L 32
Other moves: DEVOT D11 25, DEVA D11 23, OBIA F10 23, RIVA 8L 21, RIVO 8L 21

On 15th draw, OBIA F10 23 --- OBIA an African witchcraft [n]
Other moves: WIG G7 22, AGLOW 5J 18, CAGOUL 5I 18, WAAC 5I 18, ALEW D6 16

On 16th draw, HEVEA 7G 28 --- HEVEA a type of rubber tree [n]
Other moves: HIOI M12 26, LAHS A12 24, LASH A12 24, LATH A12 24, LAVS A12 24

On 17th draw, MEW D11 22 --- MEW a place of retirement or concealment [n] --- MEW to confine (one pl MEAWES) [v]
Other tops: WEM D11 22
Other moves: RIMU 8L 18, ROOM 8L 18, ROUM 8L 18, MEW D7 17, MAW 5I 16

On 18th draw, HIOI M12 26 --- HIOI a New Zealand mint plant [n]
Other moves: RHOS 8L 21, HAINTS 5I 18, HALONS 5I 18, LATHIS 5I 18, LATISH 5I 18

On 19th draw, WANINGS 5I 22 --- WANING the act of waning [n]
Other moves: ROWS 8L 21, ASWING 5J 20, AWNING 5J 20, SAWING 5I 20, WAGONS 5I 20

On 20th draw, CONSULT O2 30 --- CONSULT to ask an opinion of [v]
Other moves: LOCUST O1 27, CIONS O1 24, CLONS O1 24, CLOTS O1 24, CLOUS O1 24

On 21th draw, MOZING M1 36 --- MOZE to raise a nap on [v]
Other moves: GIZMO 3K 34, GINZO M3 32, GONZO M3 32, OOZING M1 32, MOZO 3L 30

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