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Game of April 27, 2011 at 06:41, 1 player
1. paz -719

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. einorsv   H2    78    78   enviros
 2. abdeiop   3C    24   102   bedpan
 3. eiinrsw   8A    86   188   wiriness
 4. ?eglnqt   D1    46   234   queen
 5. aceenno   E3    24   258   deacon
 6. addituy   G5    26   284   days
 7. adhlotx   B5    29   313   axoid
 8. aegnrtu   C8    22   335   regrant
 9. egimotu   A5    24   359   meow
10. ?ceiltu   2G    82   441   leucites
11. aehorst   J2    65   506   charoset
12. ailnnsu   8J    21   527   elains
13. adgiltw   M7    26   553   digital
14. beioory   K6    24   577   oilery
15. fmoptuz   6E    35   612   czar
16. aeijtuv  12A    38   650   jeat
17. efilnou   O5    62   712   noiseful
18. aioruuw  A12    33   745   jour
19. abhiktw  10H    40   785   tahr
20. bgimpuw   N6    30   815   muni

Remaining tiles: bfgkpvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Filepaz         0  7:17  -719   96     1.  -  paz         0  7:17  -719   96 

On 1st draw, ENVIROS H2 78 --- ENVIRO an advocate for the preservation of the natural environment [n]
Other tops: VERSION H4 78
Other moves: ENVIROS H3 72, ENVIROS H4 72, ENVIROS H6 72, ENVIROS H7 72, ENVIROS H8 72
NOSE H8 8 paz

On 2nd draw, BEDPAN 3C 24 --- BEDPAN a toilet pan for use in bed [n]
Other moves: VAPID 4H 22, BIPED 5G 20, BIPOD 5G 20, BEDROP 6E 19, BORIDE 6F 19
POD 7G 11 paz

On 3rd draw, WIRINESS 8A 86 --- WIRINESS the quality of being wiry [n]
Other moves: WIRINESS 8B 62, WIENERS D1 28, WIENIES D1 28, WIENER D1 26, WIENIE D1 26
WIRES 6F 18 paz

On 4th draw, Q(U)EEN D1 46 --- QUEEN to make a queen (a female monarch) of [v]
Other moves: Q(U)INTE B6 36, Q(U)EEN F6 35, Q(U)IET B6 35, Q(U)ILT B6 35, Q(U)INE B6 35

On 5th draw, DEACON E3 24 --- DEACON to read a hymn aloud [v]
Other moves: RECANE C8 18, CORNEAE 6F 17, NEOCON 7F 17, ANCONE E7 16, CANNON 5A 16
OCEAN F6 11 paz

On 6th draw, DAYS G5 26 --- DAY the time between sunrise and sunset [n]
Other moves: TAYS G5 24, DAISY G5 22, AYS G6 21, TIDDY 5G 20, DADS G5 18
TIDY B7 16 paz

On 7th draw, AXOID B5 29 --- AXOID a helix curve [n]
Other moves: HEXAD 2G 23, OXO 7C 23, CHARTA 6E 21, OHED 2F 21, DOHYO 7D 20

On 8th draw, REGRANT C8 22 --- GRANT to bestow upon [v] --- REGRANT to grant again [v]
Other tops: UNEAGER 2F 22
Other moves: NURR C5 21, RUER C5 21, RANGER C8 20, RAUNGE C8 20, VAGUER 4H 20

On 9th draw, MEOW A5 24 --- MEOW to make the crying sound of a cat [v]
Other moves: MIAOU 12A 20, VOMIT 4H 20, DIMOUT 5G 18, GROMET 11B 18, IMAGE 12A 18

On 10th draw, LEUCITE(S) 2G 82 --- LEUCITE a mineral [n]
Other moves: A(M)ULETIC 12C 70, (B)ACULITE 12B 70, CURLIE(S)T 11A 68, RETICUL(A) 11C 68, RETICUL(E) 11C 68

On 11th draw, CHAROSET J2 65 --- CHAROSET a dish eaten at Passover [n]
Other moves: A(S)THORES N1 62, HEARTS 12A 26, HOARSE 12A 26, ASTHORE 14A 24, HAARS 12A 24
HORSE 11A 16 paz

On 12th draw, ELAINS 8J 21 --- ELAIN a glyceride of oleic acid [n]
Other tops: ENNUIS 8J 21
Other moves: DIURNALS 5G 18, DENS 9B 17, ALANINS 12A 16, ALANINS 12C 16, ANNUALS 12C 16

On 13th draw, DIGITAL M7 26 --- DIGITAL a piano key [n]
Other moves: WAGTAIL 12B 24, WITGAT 14A 24, DWAAL 12A 22, WAGTAIL L4 22, WAGTAIL L7 22

On 14th draw, OILERY K6 24 --- OILERY the oil industry [n]
Other tops: BOLERO K6 24, BRAY 12A 24
Other moves: BRIERY 11B 22, HOER 3J 22, LOOBY K8 22, OARY 12L 22, ORBITY 11I 22
BAY 12L 16 paz

On 15th draw, CZAR 6E 35 --- CZAR an emperor or king [n]
Other moves: MAZOUT 12B 34, FUTZ 14A 32, MATZO 12B 32, MAZUT 12B 32, FEZ M1 30

On 16th draw, JEAT 12A 38 --- JEAT a spout [n]
Other moves: JARVIE 11A 32, AJIVA 12C 30, AJIVA 4J 30, JAVA 12L 30, GAUJE 10C 29

On 17th draw, NOISEFUL O5 62 --- NOISEFUL full of noise [adj]
Other moves: ENUF N7 34, JEON A12 33, JOIN A12 33, JOLE A12 33, NIFE N8 33

On 18th draw, JOUR A12 33 --- JOUR a day [n]
Other tops: JIAO A12 33, JURA A12 33
Other moves: HOAR 3J 22, OUTWAR 14A 22, GROW 10C 16, IWI D8 16, TROW 14C 15

On 19th draw, TAHR 10H 40 --- TAHR a goatlike mammal [n]
Other moves: (S)HTIK N2 39, WRAITH 11B 31, WRATH 11B 29, BEKAH M1 28, KIWI D7 27

On 20th draw, MUNI N6 30 --- MUNI a security issued by a state or local government [n]
Other moves: BUN N6 25, MUN N6 25, PUN N6 25, BEWIG M1 22, BRIM 11B 22

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