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Game of April 28, 2011 at 04:58, 1 player
1. Klonimous -800

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eeffirs   H2    84    84   effeirs
 2. ?abeijw   3H    32   116   feijoa
 3. dimnoru   K3    28   144   jorum
 4. ?aadnuw   2B    79   223   unawaked
 5. ahinopq   6J    38   261   quipo
 6. beloort   4H    24   285   fetor
 7. eeiknou   J6    32   317   quonk
 8. ainorsx   5D    31   348   axones
 9. aeisttw   6F    29   377   wai
10. ailmntu   M6    78   455   platinum
11. acehirv   8A   110   565   archives
12. eeoopst   B7    74   639   proteose
13. acdilnt   D7    78   717   thinclad
14. bdegoty   8L    36   753   baye
15. aeeloor   L8    24   777   baloo
16. eehilst  11H    39   816   histone
17. bdeirtv  N10    48   864   betide
18. eeggirz  15J    51   915   geezer
19. dgilnry  H11    48   963   hying

Remaining tiles: dglrv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  FileKlonimous   1 10:34  -800  163     1.  -  Klonimous   1 10:34  -800  163 

On 1st draw, EFFEIRS H2 84 --- EFFEIR to be suitable [v]
Other tops: EFFEIRS H3 84
Other moves: EFFEIRS H4 78, EFFEIRS H6 78, EFFEIRS H7 78, EFFEIRS H8 78, EFFEIRS H5 76

On 2nd draw, FEIJ(O)A 3H 32 --- FEIJOA a green edible fruit [n]
Other moves: BAJ(R)EE 2D 30, B(H)AJEE 2C 30, FEIJ(O)A 4H 30, JEWIE 5D 30, JEWIE 5G 30

On 3rd draw, JORUM K3 28 --- JORUM a large drinking bowl [n]
Other moves: INERM 2F 27, JUNIOR K3 26, DERM 2G 25, DJIN K2 24, JIRD K3 24

On 4th draw, UNAWA(K)ED 2B 79 --- AWAKE to rouse from sleep [adj] --- UNAWAKED not awaked [adj]
Other moves: UNAWA(K)ED 5B 72, DOWNA 4J 31, OWN(E)D 4K 30, DOWA(R) 4J 29, DOWN 4J 29

On 5th draw, QUIPO 6J 38 --- QUIPO a device to help memory [n]
Other moves: QUINOA 6J 37, QUINA 6J 36, QUINO 6J 36, QUOIN 6J 36, QUIP 6J 35

On 6th draw, FETOR 4H 24 --- FETOR an offensive odor [n]
Other tops: FLOOR 4H 24
Other moves: BAROLO D1 22, BATLER D1 22, BALER D1 20, BALOO D1 20, BO(O)R L1 20

On 7th draw, QUONK J6 32 --- QUONK to make an accidental disturbing noise [v]
Other moves: KAIE D1 26, KAIN D1 26, KANE D1 26, KAON D1 26, WOKEN E2 24

On 8th draw, AXONES 5D 31 --- AXONE axon [n]
Other moves: ANOXIAS D2 30, NIXER 5E 29, NIXES 5E 29, NOXES 5E 29, RAXES 5E 29

On 9th draw, WAI 6F 29 --- WAI water (New Zealand, Hawaii) [n]
Other moves: TAWIEST D4 22, OSTIA 8J 21, TAWAIS D4 20, TAWTIE D4 20, TOWIEST F4 20

On 10th draw, PLATINUM M6 78 --- PLATINUM a metallic element [n]
Other moves: MANUAL D1 22, MANIA D1 20, MANTA D1 20, MATINAL D4 20, LAMINA D4 18

On 11th draw, ARCHIVES 8A 110 --- ARCHIVE to file in an archive (a place where records are kept) [v]
Other moves: HAVE 8L 42, CAVA 8L 36, CAVE 8L 36, VARECH D4 34, VAUCH 12K 34

On 12th draw, PROTEOSE B7 74 --- PROTEOSE a water-soluble protein [n]
Other moves: SPENT 11J 33, STENO 11J 29, STONE 11J 29, PASE 8L 27, PAST 8L 27

On 13th draw, THINCLAD D7 78 --- THINCLAD a runner on a track team [n]
Other moves: CADI 8L 30, CAID 8L 30, CAIN 8L 27, CANT 8L 27, COTIDAL 12A 26
DECANT 11A 18 Klonimous

On 14th draw, BAYE 8L 36 --- BAYE to bathe [v]
Other tops: BAYT 8L 36, GABY 8L 36
Other moves: YATE 8L 33, BADE 8L 30, STAGEY 13B 28, BATE 8L 27, BOOTED N5 26
TOOL 12A 5 Klonimous

On 15th draw, BALOO L8 24 --- BALOO a bear [n]
Other moves: NEATER 9J 17, CEREAL 11D 16, COALER 11D 16, COOLER 11D 16, CREOLE 11D 16
VALOR F8 10 Klonimous

On 16th draw, HISTONE 11H 39 --- HISTONE a simple protein [n]
Other moves: SHONE 11J 35, LESION 11H 31, STONE 11J 29, SHELTIE O6 28, SEETHE O6 26
SHALT 13B 16 Klonimous

On 17th draw, BETIDE N10 48 --- BETIDE to befall [v]
Other moves: BETED N10 46, BETID N10 46, BERET N10 44, DERIVE N10 43, HIVED H11 39
THRIVE H10 39 Klonimous

On 18th draw, GEEZER 15J 51 --- GEEZER an eccentric old man [n]
Other moves: GEEZ 15L 48, VEZIR F8 37, REZ 15M 36, ZEE 15M 36, EGGIER 15J 30
GEEZER 15J 51 Klonimous

On 19th draw, HYING H11 48 --- HIE to hurry [v] --- HYE to hasten [v]
Other moves: SLANGY 13B 28, SNAILY 13B 26, SNARLY 13B 26, SLAYING 13B 24, DRYING 14D 19
SLAYING 13B 24 Klonimous

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