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Game of April 28, 2011 at 05:44, 3 players
1. Klonimous -752
2. SHH -827
3. fattymatty -837

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?afnoop   H8    26    26   spoof
 2. eiortvw  12D    26    52   overfit
 3. abddgir   F6    71   123   brigaded
 4. eehiorw  E10    36   159   hover
 5. aeilmno   8H    80   239   semolina
 6. ?eilmtu   O8    80   319   amuletic
 7. aflopsw  13A    31   350   sowfed
 8. eeinrst   A8   131   481   trenises
 9. bdeeruu   J6    20   501   bemud
10. adelqsz   L8    30   531   lazed
11. aeelosu  B10    26   557   eusol
12. aaiisuy   N8    31   588   nay
13. agiintt   H8    39   627   spoofing
14. acenrvx  11K    26   653   vex
15. aaceklo   6J    23   676   black
16. inorrtw   I7    31   707   weir
17. aaegino  M11    27   734   xenia
18. aepstuy  15C    25   759   upstage
19. acegjnt   L2    26   785   ganja
20. ehioqrt   2J    36   821   hogtie
21. acnoqrt   O1    30   851   react

Remaining tiles: noqy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  FileKlonimous   0  8:00  -752   99     1.  -  Klonimous   0  8:00  -752   99 
  2.  -  FileSHH         0  1:34  -827   24     2.  -  SHH         0  1:34  -827   24 
  3.  -  Filefattymatty  0  1:31  -837   14     3.  -  fattymatty  0  1:31  -837   14 

On 1st draw, (S)POOF H8 26 --- SPOOF to ridicule in fun [v]
Other tops: P(R)OOF H8 26
Other moves: P**Fs H4 24, P**Fy H4 24, P(R)OOF H4 24, A(L)OOF H8 22, FANO(N) H4 22
P**F(S) H4 24 SHH

On 2nd draw, OVERFIT 12D 26 --- OVERFIT too fit, the opposite of underfit [adj]
Other moves: FROWIE 12H 24, FIVER 12H 22, VOWER 11G 22, TOWIER 11G 18, VROW 10F 18
WIVE(S) 8D 14 Klonimous

On 3rd draw, BRIGADED F6 71 --- BRIGADE to group together [v]
Other moves: ABRIDGED F6 69, GRAVID E9 22, BRAVI E9 20, BRIGADE F6 19, ABRI I9 18
BADGER F8 14 Klonimous

On 4th draw, HOVER E10 36 --- HOVER to hang suspended in the air [v]
Other tops: HIVER E10 36
Other moves: HIVE E10 34, HOVE E10 34, EVOHE E11 31, EVER E11 23, EVOE E11 23
PHEW 9H 16 Klonimous

On 5th draw, (S)EMOLINA 8H 80 --- SEMOLINA a granular product of wheat used for pasta [n]
Other moves: MONILIA(S) 8A 30, AMOLE D10 25, LEAMED 13A 22, LOAMED 13A 22, ALONE D10 21
(S)ALMON 8H 8 Klonimous

On 6th draw, AMULETI(C) O8 80 --- AMULETIC of amulets [adj]
Other moves: TUM(P)LINE N2 72, UNTIMEL(Y) N7 72, MULLITE(S) L5 68, MULLITE(S) L6 68, MULTI(P)LE L2 68
MUTILA(T)E O3 10 Klonimous

On 7th draw, SOWFED 13A 31 --- SOWF to whistle softly [v]
Other tops: FLAWED 13A 31, FLOWED 13A 31, WOLFED 13A 31
Other moves: PLOWED 13A 29, LOWPED 13A 28, PAWED 13B 27, FALLOWS L6 26, LOAFED 13A 25
FALLOWS L5 13 Klonimous

On 8th draw, TRENISES A8 131 --- TRENISE the fourth movement of a quadrille [n]
RESENTS A7 24 Klonimous

On 9th draw, BEMUD J6 20 --- BEMUD to spatter with mud [v]
Other moves: EMBRUTED J7 19, BETED J10 18, BREED I6 18, P**D 9H 18, BEER I7 17
DEER 7C 7 fattymatty

On 10th draw, LAZED L8 30 --- LAZE to pass time lazily [v]
Other moves: ADZE 12L 28, AZIDES M6 28, DAZE 12L 28, LAZES L8 28, QADI 14L 28
BEDS 6J 7 fattymatty

On 11th draw, EUSOL B10 26 --- EUSOL an antiseptic solution [n]
Other moves: SILO M7 20, ISO M8 18, SALES 15A 18, SAULS 15A 18, SEALS 15A 18

On 12th draw, NAY N8 31 --- NAY a negative vote [n]
Other moves: AYE I6 23, YES 7I 21, YE 7I 18, YE I7 18, *F*Y D12 16

On 13th draw, (S)POOFING H8 39 --- SPOOF to ridicule in fun [v] --- SPOOFING an act of spoofing [n]
Other moves: ENG 7J 23, GITANO K3 20, GANOF D9 19, GLAZED L7 17, INGATE I3 16

On 14th draw, VEX 11K 26 --- VEX to annoy [v]
Other tops: TAX J12 26, TEX J12 26
Other moves: EXO K6 23, REX 11K 20, CERO K5 18, OX 11H 18, XI 14N 18

On 15th draw, BLACK 6J 23 --- BLACK being of the darkest colour [adj] --- BLACK to make black [v]
Other tops: BLOCK 6J 23
Other moves: KOLO K5 22, BLEAK 6J 21, CLERK 7C 19, CALO K5 18, NOCAKE 14H 18

On 16th draw, WEIR I7 31 --- WEIR a fence placed in a stream to catch fish [n] --- WEIR to guard [v]
Other moves: INWORK N1 26, TWINK N2 24, TRONK N2 18, WE 7I 18, WE I7 18

On 17th draw, XENIA M11 27 --- XENIA the effect of pollen on certain plant structures [n]
Other tops: XOANA M11 27
Other moves: GANOF D9 19, AGONIC M1 18, AEONIC M1 16, GENIC M2 16, AGNAIL K1 14

On 18th draw, UPSTAGE 15C 25 --- UPSTAGE to outdo theatrically [v]
Other moves: SPEAK N2 22, STAGEY 15E 22, TUPEK N2 22, UPTAK N2 22, STAGY 15E 21

On 19th draw, GANJA L2 26 --- GANJA cannabis used for smoking [n]
Other tops: TAJ J12 26
Other moves: JAGA L3 24, CATENA L1 22, GANOF D9 19, JAI 8D 18, ENACT 14G 17

On 20th draw, HOGTIE 2J 36 --- HOGTIE to tie together the legs of [v]
Other moves: TEHR J12 26, QAT 3K 24, RIGHTO 2J 24, EIGHT 2J 22, RIGHT 2J 22

On 21th draw, REACT O1 30 --- REACT to respond to a stimulus [v]
Other moves: CENTO O1 24, RECON O1 24, RECTA O1 24, RECTO O1 24, CENT O1 21

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