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Game of April 29, 2011 at 00:01, 3 players
1. baggins23 -906
2. uapeda1 -928
3. nalaalex -930

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?efosst   H2    76    76   softies
 2. aabelnr   6H    63   139   inarable
 3. aeiknot   2B    42   181   intakes
 4. cdelmtu   O1    45   226   mulcted
 5. ahinrsz   G1    43   269   rez
 6. eeilnor   8A    77   346   eloiners
 7. aeisstu   E6    66   412   sinuates
 8. aegnrwy  12C    88   500   greenway
 9. ceinprv  H12    30   530   wive
10. adegioo   I3    25   555   aeon
11. ?ahnnow   2J    38   593   whanau
12. aeilqrt  10B    36   629   talaq
13. deiopuy   5H    30   659   toyed
14. acegioo   3G    24   683   zoaea
15. dhimnou   F6    29   712   hoe
16. bdioorv   D4    25   737   oribi
17. fgimopv  I10    21   758   goaf
18. deiimpu   C1    32   790   uniped
19. ijnoptv   4K    34   824   topic
20. gjmoruv  10I    27   851   gju
21. cdimnor   E4    31   882   insinuates
22. dgimorv  11I    31   913   oom
23. cdgirvx  15G    26   939   cervix

Remaining tiles: dg

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Filebaggins23   0  4:44  -906   33     1.  -  baggins23   0  4:44  -906   33 
  2.  -  Fileuapeda1     0  1:43  -928   11     2.  -  uapeda1     0  1:43  -928   11 
  3.  -  Filenalaalex    0  1:59  -930    9     3.  -  nalaalex    0  1:59  -930    9 

On 1st draw, SOFT(I)ES H2 76 --- SOFTIE a sentimental person [n] --- SOFTY a sentimental person [n]
Other tops: FOSS(A)TE H4 76, FOSTE(R)S H4 76, FO(R)ESTS H4 76, F(*)TS**S H4 76, OF(F)SETS H3 76, O(F)FSETS H2 76, SETOF(F)S H8 76, SETO(F)FS H7 76, SOFTES(T) H2 76, SOFTE(N)S H2 76, SOF(T)EST H2 76
Other moves: FOSS(A)TE H2 70, FOSS(A)TE H3 70, FOSS(A)TE H6 70, FOSS(A)TE H7 70, FOSTE(R)S H2 70

On 2nd draw, (I)NARABLE 6H 63 --- INARABLE arid or barren [adj]
Other moves: ARABLES 2B 22, BRANLES 2B 22, FABLER 4H 22, FABLE 4H 20, ANTBEAR 5F 18

On 3rd draw, INTAKES 2B 42 --- INTAKE the act of taking in [n]
Other tops: KEENO O4 42
Other moves: INTAKE O1 33, KETONE O1 33, INTAKE 5F 32, TAKEN 5H 32, TOKEN 5H 32

On 4th draw, MULCTED O1 45 --- MULCT to defraud [v]
Other moves: MOULTED 3G 35, TUMBLED M3 30, MULCTED 5D 29, EMULED O6 27, MELTED O5 27

On 5th draw, REZ G1 43 --- REZ a North American Indian reservation [n]
Other tops: SEZ G1 43
Other moves: HAZANS L3 38, KRANZ F2 38, HAZANS E1 36, HAZAN E1 34, HAZAN L3 34

On 6th draw, ELOINERS 8A 77 --- ELOINER one that eloins [n]
Other moves: LONELIER N6 63, LEONE I3 30, RETINOL 5F 24, NEREID 7J 21, OZONE 3F 21

On 7th draw, SINUATES E6 66 --- SINUATE to curve in and out [v]
Other moves: AZOTISES 3F 42, SAINE I3 30, SAINS I3 30, SAINT I3 30, SEANS I3 30

On 8th draw, GREENWAY 12C 88 --- GREENWAY corridor of undeveloped land in or near a city [n]
Other moves: GREENWAY 12B 82, GREENWAY A5 69, GREENWAY A6 66, WARBY M3 34, AWEARY L3 32

On 9th draw, WIVE H12 30 --- WIVE to marry a woman [v]
Other moves: COREIGN C7 28, WICE H12 27, WIPE H12 27, PRANCE L4 26, VRAIC L4 26

On 10th draw, AEON I3 25 --- AEON a vast age [n]
Other tops: GAZOO 3E 25
Other moves: AIDOI 13G 22, AIDE 13G 21, AREDING G7 21, ERODING G7 21, KADE F2 21

On 11th draw, WHAN(A)U 2J 38 --- WHANAU (Maori) a family, especially an extended one [n]
Other tops: WH(A)NAU 2J 38
Other moves: HAE(T) F10 30, HAN(I)WA L1 30, HOE(R) F6 30, HOE(S) F6 30, NE(S)H F7 30

On 12th draw, TALAQ 10B 36 --- TALAQ a form of divorce [n]
Other moves: QATS 6B 33, NIQAB M2 32, TRAILER K5 28, ZOAEA 3G 24, ILEAL 3K 22

On 13th draw, TOYED 5H 30 --- TOY to amuse oneself as if with a toy (a child's plaything) [v]
Other moves: TOPED 5H 27, Y*D 13G 27, HYPER K2 26, YAUP L1 26, PUDSY 6B 25

On 14th draw, ZOAEA 3G 24 --- ZOAEA a larval stage of crabs, pl ZOAEAE or ZOAEAS [n]
Other moves: AGOOD 7K 23, GEOID 7K 23, GAID 7L 19, GOAD 7L 19, GOOD 7L 19

On 15th draw, HOE F6 29 --- HOE to use a hoe (a gardening tool) [v]
Other moves: DUOMI D4 22, MODISH 6A 22, ODIC 4L 22, DUNSH 6B 21, HOI 7C 21

On 16th draw, ORIBI D4 25 --- ORIBI an African antelope [n]
Other moves: ODIC 4L 22, BOVID 14F 21, BROAD I9 18, VIVO 14F 18, VIVO 14H 18
DRIVE 15D 11 uapeda1

On 17th draw, GOAF I10 21 --- GOAF a rick in a barn [n]
Other tops: G*Y*M J10 21
Other moves: GIMPY J8 19, IMPISH 6A 19, OAF I11 19, GIMP C12 18, GYMP J11 18
MOVE A5 9 baggins23

On 18th draw, UNIPED C1 32 --- UNIPED a one-footed person or animal [n]
Other moves: MAE L1 23, PUMY J9 22, DAE L1 21, PIES 13B 20, DEID 7L 19
BIDE M6 9 baggins23
GUIDE 10I 9 nalaalex

On 19th draw, TOPIC 4K 34 --- TOPIC a subject of discourse [n]
Other moves: INSINUATES E4 31, TONIC 4K 30, PTUI 1A 26, OTIC 4L 20, PIONY J8 19

On 20th draw, GJU 10I 27 --- GJU an old Shetland viol [n]
Other moves: OMOV 11I 25, JURY J9 23, GJU C12 22, UMU 1A 19, GAJO E1 17
ROGUE 15D 7 baggins23

On 21th draw, INSINUATES E4 31 --- INSINUATE [v]
Other tops: OOM 11I 31
Other moves: OON 11I 23, OOR 11I 23, ANGICO C10 18, MUID 1B 18, MOU 1A 17

On 22th draw, OOM 11I 31 --- OOM uncle [n]
Other moves: OOR 11I 23, MUID 1B 18, OVUM K8 18, MOU 1A 17, GUID 1B 16

On 23th draw, CERVIX 15G 26 --- CERVIX a necklike opening, especially the lower part of the uterus [n]
Other moves: XI B1 18, XU 1B 18, GUID 1B 16, AGGRI C10 14, CERVID 15G 14
RIDGE 15D 8 baggins23

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