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Game of April 29, 2011 at 02:32, 2 players
1. eichie11 -755
2. angel666 -756

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeqrstt   H8    26    26   qats
 2. aeeempr  11B    74   100   permease
 3. deoortt   B8    24   124   torpedo
 4. aaellns   8A    21   145   stella
 5. dhiikor   C3    41   186   hikoied
 6. aelnosv   A1    86   272   ovalness
 7. ??cfpxz   I7    51   323   pixie
 8. bdenstu  10F    29   352   betid
 9. fginorz   9G    51   403   zax
10. deeilry  12A    41   444   redeye
11. acorrty   E3    24   468   actorly
12. inrsttu   3E    60   528   antirust
13. aehiiot  13A    30   558   edh
14. abefiiu   4E    26   584   cuif
15. aaailuv   L1    24   608   vital
16. einnnot   1J    27   635   invent
17. egginow   N1    28   663   newing
18. aacfmru   H1    27   690   cuif
19. aggimor   5I    20   710   marling
20. aginooo   O3    38   748   oogonia
21. abfgjuw   7E    20   768   raj

Remaining tiles: bfguw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Fileeichie11    0  2:35  -755   13     1.  -  eichie11    0  2:35  -755   13 
  2.  -  Fileangel666    0  1:54  -756   12     2.  -  angel666    0  1:54  -756   12 

On 1st draw, QATS H8 26 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other tops: QATS H5 26, QATS H6 26, QATS H7 26
Other moves: QAT H6 24, QAT H7 24, QAT H8 24, ARETTS H3 14, ARETTS H4 14
RATES H8 12 angel666

On 2nd draw, PERMEASE 11B 74 --- PERMEASE a catalyzing agent [n]
Other moves: PERMEATE 10B 70, AMPERES 11B 22, EMPARES 11B 22, METEPA 10F 22, REMAPS 11C 20

On 3rd draw, TORPEDO B8 24 --- TORPEDO to damage or sink with an underwater missile [v]
Other tops: DETORT 10F 24
Other moves: DEPORT B9 22, OPTED B10 20, OPTER B10 18, OTTERED C8 18, REDROOT D8 18

On 4th draw, STELLA 8A 21 --- STELLA a former coin of the United States [n]
Other moves: ELANS C11 20, ATLAS 8A 18, ELAN C11 18, ENES C11 18, ETNAS 8A 18

On 5th draw, HIKOIED C3 41 --- HIKOI (Maori) to take part in a protest march, HIKOIS, HIKOIING, HIKOIED [v]
Other moves: OKEH C6 29, HOIKED C4 26, HIKED C5 25, HOKED C5 25, DHAK 9F 24

On 6th draw, OVALNESS A1 86 --- OVALNESS the state of being oval [n]
Other moves: VALONEAS F2 71, VALONEAS 9G 67, OVALNESS A2 66, VELE 12A 28, KNAVES 5C 26

On 7th draw, P(I)X(I)E I7 51 --- PIXIE a small fairy [n]
Other moves: PR(E)F(I)X D10 48, Z(E)A G9 43, Z(E)A(L) G9 43, Z(E)A(S) G9 43, R(E)F(I)X D11 42

On 8th draw, BET(I)D 10F 29 --- BETIDE to befall [v]
Other moves: BEDE 12A 27, BENE 12A 24, BETE 12A 24, BRUTED D10 22, DEBUDS 13B 22

On 9th draw, ZAX 9G 51 --- ZAX a tool for cutting roof slates [n]
Other tops: ZEA G9 51
Other moves: FEAZING G9 42, DOZING 13B 38, FEARING G9 33, FRIZ D10 32, ZOA F6 32

On 10th draw, REDEYE 12A 41 --- REDEYE a railroad danger signal [n]
Other moves: YEDE 12A 31, DIRELY 13B 28, DEEDILY 13B 26, KEYED 5C 26, REDLY D11 26
REED D11 10 eichie11

On 11th draw, ACTORLY E3 24 --- ACTOR a theatrical performer [adj] --- ACTORLY in the manner of an actor [adv]
Other moves: KAYO 5C 22, KYAR 5C 22, KYAT 5C 22, COALY E5 20, KAY 5C 20
OAR 1A 3 eichie11

On 12th draw, ANTIRUST 3E 60 --- ANTIRUST something that prevents rust [n]
Other moves: REDEYES 12A 24, ZEAS G9 24, INCRUST 4C 20, INCURS 4C 18, RINS A12 17

On 13th draw, EDH 13A 30 --- EDH an Old English letter [n]
Other moves: HOTTIE L1 26, RATH A12 26, OHIA H1 24, THIO H1 24, HATE L1 22

On 14th draw, CUIF 4E 26 --- CUIF a dolt [n]
Other moves: REIF A12 23, FATE L1 22, FETA L1 22, BATE L1 18, BETA L1 18

On 15th draw, VITAL L1 24 --- VITAL necessary to life [adj]
Other moves: VATU L1 22, VITA L1 22, ALIF H1 21, SALIVA K3 18, SALVIA K3 18

On 16th draw, INVENT 1J 27 --- INVENT to devise originally [v]
Other moves: OVINE 1K 24, NEIF H1 21, VEIN 1L 21, VENT 1L 21, VETO 1L 21

On 17th draw, NEWING N1 28 --- NEW to renew [v]
Other moves: GOWLING 5I 24, NEIF H1 21, NOGGIN N1 20, OWLING 5J 20, REGO A12 18

On 18th draw, CUIF H1 27 --- CUIF a dolt [n]
Other moves: FURAL 5H 25, FURLANA 5I 20, SMA K3 18, MURLAN 5I 16, FARL 5I 14

On 19th draw, MARLING 5I 20 --- MARLING a rope used on a ship [n]
Other tops: MORLING 5I 20
Other moves: ARGLING 5I 18, GAOLING 5I 18, GOALING 5I 18, REGO A12 18, SMA K3 18

On 20th draw, OOGONIA O3 38 --- OOGONIUM a female sexual organ in certain algae and fungi [n]
Other moves: GOING O5 24, GIGA O5 21, GING O5 21, GOGO O5 21, GONG O5 21

On 21th draw, RAJ 7E 20 --- RAJ dominion; sovereignly [n]
Other moves: AWA J5 18, FUJI 8L 18, ABA J5 15, JAFA 9L 15, AJUGA 9K 14

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