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Game sheet of OR2011 (file), Game of April 30, 2011 at 00:26

Word find
Word played
1 OPRSTWY             SPORTY H7 30 30  
2 ADGINOT             TOADYING 12D 76 106  
3 ?EGIIII             GEIT(S) 11E 22 128  
4 AEHLTTU             TUTELAR 10B 24 152  
5 CEFGINU             ICON 9F 24 176  
6 AADEMNO             ADENOMAS 7A 63 239  
7 AGHMRSU             HARAMS A4 45 284  
8 ELOOTVX             SEX 9A 37 321  
9 AEEHOQW             HEEHAW 4A 30 351  
10 EFORTUY             AFTER 5A 32 383  
11 ?BEFILR             BRIEFED B1 34 417  
12 ?CGILVZ             N(A)ZI J12 32 449  
13 ALNOSUW WAILS 15H 27 -6 27 1/1 ABLOW 1A 33 482 1/1
14 EINORTY ORIENT 15H 21 -7 48 1/1 ZONER 14J 28 510 1/1
15 AJLSSUV             JAWS F2 39 549 1/1
16 ADILNRV VAIN 15H 23 -13 71 1/1 INVALID 15E 36 585 1/1
17 EFLOSUY FUSE M11 14 -16 85 1/1 IFS 3B 30 615 1/1
18 BCGLNOU CLONE M10 14 -12 99 1/2 BOUCLE M9 26 641 1/2
19 DEITUVY TOY 10L 14 -12 113 1/1 JIVEY 2F 26 667 1/2
20 INOPQTU             QUOTING K6 34 701 1/2
21 EEGIOPR             REQUOTING K4 38 739 1/2
22 DEGIKOU             KIORE 4H 28 767 1/2

Total: 113/767 or -654 for 14.73%
Rank: 6250

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