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Game of April 30, 2011 at 03:43, 1 player
1. OR2011 -522

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adhilty   H4    30    30   haily
 2. ?aelptx   5C    82   112   plateaux
 3. deeeitt   6G    20   132   titi
 4. acgnost   J2    23   155   coaxing
 5. aemnotu   8J    36   191   gamone
 6. aegiinu   4D    30   221   anigh
 7. ehiooru   3I    24   245   houri
 8. bdegiot   M7    30   275   boogied
 9. deorsst  12H    72   347   oersteds
10. ?bdeekr   C5    67   414   prebaked
11. eilnpst  11A    72   486   plenties
12. adelnvw  D11    36   522   navew
13. einstuw  A10    45   567   upwent
14. aeffily  15D    54   621   waffly
15. adinorv   8A    30   651   roband
16. aeioruz   L1    46   697   zori
17. eimrrsv  14C    25   722   semie
18. aeeqrrv  F10    31   753   qi
19. aceiorv   1K    48   801   azoic
20. eejoruv  O12    33   834   sjoe

Remaining tiles: erruuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  FileOR2011      0 21:17  -522  312     1.  -  OR2011      0 21:17  -522  312 

On 1st draw, HAILY H4 30 --- HAILY with hail falling [adj]
Other tops: HAILY H8 30, LATHY H8 30
Other moves: DAILY H8 26, HALID H4 26, DAYLIT H4 24, LAITH H8 24, LAITY H8 24

On 2nd draw, PLATEA(U)X 5C 82 --- PLATEAU a level stretch of elevated land [n]
Other tops: PLATEA(U)X 5F 82
Other moves: (H)EXAPLA 5E 60, TAXA(B)LE 5E 52, EXTI(R)P 6E 36, HEXAPL(A) 4H 36, HEX(A)PLA 4H 36

On 3rd draw, TITI 6G 20 --- TITI an evergreen shrub or tree [n]
Other tops: DEEPIE C2 20, TEPID C3 20
Other moves: TILTED D3 18, DELETE D3 16, EXITED J4 16, TEPEE C3 16, TEXTED J3 16

On 4th draw, COAXING J2 23 --- COAX to cajole [v]
Other moves: CAPONS C3 22, CAPOTS C3 22, CLANGS D4 22, COAPTS C2 22, ALONGST D4 20

On 5th draw, GAMONE 8J 36 --- GAMONE a secretion which attracts another gamete [n]
Other moves: GNOMAE 8J 30, MANTLE D1 22, MOPANE C3 22, MOUTAN 3I 22, MOUTON 3I 22

On 6th draw, ANIGH 4D 30 --- ANIGH nigh [adv]
Other moves: IMAGINE L7 20, UNPEG C3 20, AILING D3 18, CANGUE 2J 18, CUEING 2J 18
AGUE 4J 10 OR2011

On 7th draw, HOURI 3I 24 --- HOURI a beautiful maiden in Muslim belief [n]
Other moves: COHEIR 2J 22, CHIRO 2J 20, CHIRU 2J 20, CHOIR 2J 20, CHORE 2J 20
CHORE 2J 20 OR2011

On 8th draw, BOOGIED M7 30 --- BOOGIE to dance to rock music [v]
Other moves: COEDIT 2J 25, BORIDE L1 24, AGED 4J 22, BORDE L1 22, BORED L1 22
BIRD L1 20 OR2011

On 9th draw, OERSTEDS 12H 72 --- OERSTED a unit of magnetic intensity [n]
Other moves: DOSSERET 12G 70, ASSORTED K8 68, STEROIDS 11H 68, DOSSERET O4 61, DOSSERET O2 60
HOURIS 3I 9 OR2011

On 10th draw, PREB(A)KED C5 67 --- PREBAKE to bake beforehand [v]
Other moves: BROKED H10 39, BOKED H11 36, BROK(E)D H10 36, B(A)SKED O10 36, B(O)OKED H10 36
R(I)SKED O10 30 OR2011

On 11th draw, PLENTIES 11A 72 --- PLENTY a sufficient or abundant amount [n]
Other moves: PESTLING 10F 69, PELTINGS 10G 65, PENLITES O2 61, PLENTIES O2 61, PENNI N6 26
SLIP O12 18 OR2011

On 12th draw, NAVEW D11 36 --- NAVEW a wild Swedish turnip [n]
Other tops: DEWLAP A6 36, PAVED A11 36, PAWED A11 36
Other moves: WANED D9 34, PAVEN A11 33, WANE D9 30, WESAND O10 30, DEWAN D7 28
SOLVE H11 24 OR2011

On 13th draw, UPWENT A10 45 --- UPGO to go up [v]
Other moves: INSWEPT A6 39, UNSWEPT A6 39, UNWEPT A7 36, INDEWS N10 34, PEWIT A11 33
STEW 15A 21 OR2011

On 14th draw, WAFFLY 15D 54 --- WAFFLY in an wordy manner [adj]
Other moves: WAFFIE 15D 45, WAFFLE 15D 45, WIFELY 15D 45, WIFEY 15D 42, FABLE 8A 33
WAFFLE 15D 45 OR2011

On 15th draw, ROBAND 8A 30 --- ROBAND a piece of yarn used to fasten a sail [n]
Other tops: RIBAND 8A 30, VISARD O10 30
Other moves: DOBRA 8A 27, RABID 8A 27, VIRANDO N4 27, ROBIN 8A 24, DANIO N6 23
DOB 8A 18 OR2011

On 16th draw, ZORI L1 46 --- ZORI a type of sandal [n]
Other tops: ZERO L1 46
Other moves: AZINE N5 40, SIZE O12 39, ZINE N6 39, ZONE N6 39, AZON N5 37
SIZE O12 39 OR2011

On 17th draw, SEMIE 14C 25 --- SEMIE only a part of [n]
Other tops: VERISM 13D 25
Other moves: MISERS O10 24, VINE N6 21, VINS N6 21, RIVEN N4 20, VIMEN N4 20

On 18th draw, QI F10 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: VAREC 2F 23, SAVE O12 21, VANE N6 21, ERVEN N4 20, RAVEN N4 20
VAN N6 18 OR2011

On 19th draw, AZOIC 1K 48 --- AZOIC pertaining to geologic time before the appearance of life [adj]
Other moves: ZOIC 1L 45, ZERO 1L 39, ZOEA 1L 39, ZORI 1L 39, VESICA O10 33
SAVE O12 21 OR2011

On 20th draw, SJOE O12 33 --- SJOE wow (S Africa) [interj]
Other moves: REJON N4 32, JUROR J10 30, GJU 10M 27, JURE J10 27, JOR J10 26
DOVE N12 19 OR2011

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